
10000 Evo!

Grim started concentrating his Qi to form the second crystal.

While he was busy concentrating on Qi, he noticed something. Black Qi from his first crystal also started pouring in.

A small crystal started to form. At first, it was the size of a fingernail, then it started growing slowly.

It stopped growing after it had reached the size of an adult fist. Contrary to his expectation, the crystal had light black color.

The next step was to imprint an element. He lacked a powerful attack.

He could not imprint thunder because it wasn't one of the basic elements.

He was troubled, "I should've planned."

"Now I can only place my hope on hunting and weekly ability refresh."

He flew to the East where the river was situated and reached within a few minutes.

He couldn't hunt in the previous area because the beasts were too weak. So, he flew upstream.

After a day of flying, he had reached a suitable place. Beasts were strong there, so he decided to hunt there.

He hunted for 5 days non-stop. However, ability drop was nowhere in sight.

Mountains of corpses were piled. The smell of blood was spreading, and it had managed to attract the attention of sea serpents.

There was a group of water serpents heading his way. The weakest of them was at the middle stage of mutation and the strongest one was at the peak of the mutation realm.

He had yet to test his limit. So, he decided to battle the group of water serpents.

Battle ensued. Water serpents used 'water blade' to attack him and he used 'storm'.

They were weak against thunder. So, it was easy to deal with the mid-stage water serpent. The peak stage however was a different story altogether.

Their battle lasted for hours, and both were evenly matched. However, his 'storm' came out with a clutch, and he managed to defeat it.

[The host has eliminated the leader of the water serpent]

"You have obtained 500 Evo"

"You have obtained 'water blade' from the corpse."


Now, he had a water-based attack, and he could imprint water element to his second crystal.

He dealt with the corpses and flew away. He stopped, he had made sure he was far enough.

Then, he decided to imprint water element on the crystal.

Once the imprint was done, a transformation started to take place on his body.

His resonance with water had improved.

He decided to check if there was any change in his abilities. "Status Open"

[Status: ]

Host Name: Grim

Species: Birds Of Prey (Aquila chrysaetos - Golden Eagle)

Cultivation: Mutation Realm level 4

Life Span: 39 Years

Special Abilities:

[Innate Ability: Breeze (can cruise up to a speed of 800 kmph for 10 minutes)]

Storm -major- (can be used as a ranged attack)

Slipstream -major- (allows you to track a target within an area of 5 km)

Poison Resistance -major- (develops resistance against milder poison)

Water Blade -minor-(launches a blade made up of water)

Dash – major – (triples your speed for 4 minutes)

Distort -major-(allows you to become completely invisible for 30 minutes)

Iron Scale -major- (hardens your skin to the extreme)

Ability from the previous Reincarnation:

Poisonous Attack -major- (can release poison with each attack)

Compact -growth- (can strengthen body up to 20 times)(growth)

Regeneration -Major- (can heal major injuries)

[Remaining Evo points: 12000 ]

[Second Reincarnation ]

"My lifespan has increased by another 10 years. But, most of my abilities are stuck at the same level." While he was busy checking mastery of his abilities, he had failed to detect minuscule changes happening to his affinity with elements.

"Congratulations to the host for accumulating, 10000 Evo."

"Achievement unlocked 'Keep it coming'."

"Host has been rewarded with 5000 Evo and 2 weekly ability refresh tickets."

"The rewards are generous. However, you need to work on your achievement naming ability system."


I made a blunder in this chapter. So, I contradicted my own statement of 'one can only imprint basic elements in the mutation realm' by adding 'thunder' in the previous version of the chapter. But, it has been fixed now.

I'm truly sorry for the blunder.

Chapitre suivant