
* Two *

I awoke, but no light came through to my eyes. I tried to move my hands, but they were bound tightly together. I began to panic but I made no sound. I had no idea where I was, and it certainly wasn't wonderful that I was tied up and blindfolded. I could faintly hear two voices that weren't too distant from me, just quiet.

"Tabby, what the fuck? Not only is she not much older than 16, she's HUMAN. I don't want another human wife. In fact, I don't want any more wives! You just made my life a whole lot harder by exposing this girl to our realm," a deep growling voice harshly whispered.

"Kiev, you need a minimum of 4 wives to take the throne, I was HELPING you," Tabitha groused louder than him.

"Tab, you a dipshit of a sister, keep your voice down," Kiev snarled. I didn't know what this man looked like, but he already terrified me.

I heard thumping footsteps that approached my direction, and I couldn't help but whimper.

"Well, then. It seems she has awoken," I could hear Tabitha's wicked grin. I couldn't see, but I knew it was there.

I was hoisted upright by strong arms. Whoever it was, they grasped my arms too hard and it was for sure going to leave a bruise. I tried not to moan and show weakness. My blindfold was ripped off, pulling out some hairs. Ironically enough, the bruised arms weren't enough to make me yelp, but a couple hairs being removed from my scalp was.

I opened my eyes and saw Kiev. He was large, but also toned and slim. He was littered with tattoos all over his upper body, as he wasn't wearing a shirt. He had a specific piece that caught my eye. It wrapped around his bicep and travelled in spirals, ending on the back of his hand. He had cold, empty, dark blue eyes that seemed equally sad and aggressive. He may have been related to Tabitha, but they looked nothing alike. While Tabitha had creamy caramel skin, Kiev had a dark, chocolate brown tone. His hair was short, brown and mainly unremarkable besides the fact that it brought out his jawline more. His jawline was very sharp.

He scowled at me and I was honestly surprised. I don't think a boy had ever scowled at me, let alone a whole ass man like him.

"She's not even that pretty, Tabby." I gaped at him. Not pretty?? I don't think most people would agree with him.

"You know, you're not very nice. I probably should've figured considering you're my captor, but damn, way to take a hit to my self-esteem," I protested. Tabitha snorted and was about to say something but Kiev stopped her.

"I figured you should be taken down a few notches. So many girls think they're beautiful and they're really quite average. You're no different," He took Tabitha and left the room. I sat there, completely out of words. I had no thoughts.

I was in a cellar-esque room that had no windows and was very dirty. It looked like it was previously a guest room but had been neglected for so long, it simply became gruesome enough to function as a prison.

There were markings all over the room of snakes not dissimilar to Kiev's tattoo of the snake. There was a singular snake that wrapped around all the walls in a spiral as if it were squeezing the life out of a pole. The ceiling held drapery that framed the four walls like curtains on a window. I found it bizarre, but to each interior decorator their own.

I felt like maybe I should've been a bit more panicked than I was, but what did I have to go home to? A drunkard mother? A brand new school? They probably wouldn't even notice I was gone. I did wonder if maybe Jessica, Tony, and Drake were in on this kidnapping.

More importantly, I wondered who Kiev was and what he was supposed to become king of. It was then that I remembered what Tabitha and Kiev were talking about.

Wait... Wife? WIFE? WHAT IN THE FUCK? I may not have been panicking before, but I was now. I was 16 and now ready for marriage; especially not to some creepy ass, 20-something guy who kidnapped me and is keeping me in his guest room. God, this was a wattpad cliché, and I was living it.

The binding on my hands was taut and unmovable, but that didn't stop me from attempting to remove it. I'd be damned if I was going to go silently in the night. I had no idea their intentions for me (besides marriage perhaps), but I had no plan of allowing them to carry out.

My arms weren't hooked around anything, so technically I could get up and find something to cut the fabric, but there was nothing in the hollow, dirty guest room besides a bed.

"Great! I can suffer in comfort! How wonderfully nice of my captors to provide me a soft spot to lie in!" I yelled out. I collapsed on the bed, angrily shifting to try to feel more comfortable, but it just wasn't working.

"I hope you can hear me, assholes! You suck!!" I screamed out, curled in a ball I found semi-pleasant.

Thumping, loud footsteps came from outside the door. Wait. I never saw them lock the door. I could've walked out of this bitch at any point. Dammit.

Kiev burst through the door alone. He slammed it shut and I sat up, turning towards him. It was in this moment that I knew what true fear was.

"You, you pathetic being, are the very definition of a weak, damsel in distress. This was a test I was hoping you would pass. I left the room for 10 minutes to see if you would perhaps try to escape, making you an unfit wife. But, NO, you had to sit here and contemplate life making you THE PERFECT WIFE, so NOW, you have to marry me even though I truly despise every bit of you," he yelled as he pushed me up against the wall near the bed. His face was fewer than 4 inches from mine and his breath smelled like moldy bread.

"I don't really want to marry you either, buddy. This wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't KIDNAPPED me in the FIRST PLACE. Also, back the fuck up, your breath smells like mold and I'm very sensitive to the smell," I sarcastically remarked. He did noticeably back up a couple more inches, but I did seem to piss him off.

"I can't control my dumbass sister! Besides, you're the one who chose to walk the damn halls with the edgy teen girl. You seemed to have brought this upon yourself," he snorted.

"I don't discriminate between types of people! She seemed nice enough so I walked a damn hall with her! You don't expect people to just pin you up against walls and kidnap you at 7 in the morning when nobody is awake enough for that shit!" I would've crossed my arms if I had access, but I was still pushed up against the wall and bound by ropes. God, this was just a terrible situation all around.

"Fair point I suppose. God, you annoy me," He released me from his grasp and I slid down the wall.

"Since I obviously don't plan on running away, will you consider releasing my binding? It's kind of annoying."

Kiev stood and debated this for a second.

"That would be a firm no, darling," Tabitha walked into the room, grinning from ear to ear like Cheshire Cat. She seemed a lot less cute now that she had kidnapped me. Kiev rolled his eyes and looked over to his sister.

"Fuck, Tabby, a little warning?" Kiev requested in a sardonic tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't realized I had... Interrupted," she said with a voice soft as a kitten's meow. Kiev avoided all eye contact and I simply scoffed.

"With him? Pft, nah. He just spent this entire time insulting me," I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, kink-shame, but kink-same," She winked. I coughed and just about died when she said that. Kiev grabbed Tabitha's arm and abandoned the room.

"Hey, wait--," I could hear her protest as they left.

Great. I was alone again, still bound.

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