

After getting permission from the Duke, Kyle and Lilliana were sent to their rooms, with Kyle's room directly beside Sebastian's. Sebastian took them to their rooms and now, only Duke, Duchess, and Evangeline remained in the room.

Duke turned towards Evangeline with a helpless expression on his face.

"Was that enough?"

Duke asked helplessly, 'Why do I have to behave like this...'

Evangeline nodded.

"Evangeline, I found that little boy, Kyle, he observed everything quite calmly, something you wouldn't expect from someone of his lineage, and not only that, he handled the situation quite wonderfully.....so was this the reason for you to be interested in him?"

Duchess interjected. She observed everything that happened before, from start to finish, even the fact that Kyle showed clumsy dinner etiquettes on purpose was observed by her.

Evangeline shook her head and replied, "Lady Duchess really deserves to be the one who mastered the Art of War to the top, but it was not the reason. I have my own to observe that boy and I am only going to do it for three years after which, I would need to return as the Time that was promised by Lord Duke's Great-Grandfather will come to an end."

Duke and Duchess nodded. They decided to stay silent about her personal reason as everyone had their own secrets that they don't want others to be exposed to.

"I see, but can't you stay for a longer time...and I am not going to lie, but we will be needing your help. We are helpless about that..."

Duke pleaded with a desperate expression on his face.

Guilt and Anguish washed over Duchess's heart. She had tears forming in her eyes, her heartfelt being torn by the guilt.

Evangeline sighed.

"Lord Duke, even if I want to help you, with the condition I am in right now, I can't do anything at all. But if I could heal then I would be able to solve that." Evangeline replied but her eyes showed helplessness too.

She had her own problems too, which made her unable to help the husband and wife in front of her.

Duke hung his head down in frustration and anger, anger at himself.

'I can't even give my wife a happy life, give my daughter a good childhood...what the point of even living...'

His thoughts started to turn dark and negative. He had always overworked himself to the limit. Taking care of the territory, managing the Dungeon, looking through the supplies, and taking care of his family with the little time he could make, and then to venture the dungeon to make himself remain physically active. That was his daily life, but nowadays, it had become worse as he need to take care of the outbreak that happened in the Dungeon a month ago and the villages that got destroyed due to that. He needed to manage those people, provide a place for them to live, and at the same time, visit the place that monsters resided to kill them with the [Dungeon Squad].

His life was completely hectic since he took over the position of the Duke. The only time he relaxed was with his family but the thoughts still kept creeping in his mind.

As though she felt the emotions of the Duke, Duchess stood from her seat with some tears at the corner of her eyes and come forward and hugged the Duke.

Duke lifted his head and looked at his wife with a surprised expression but felt even more emotionally torn apart when he saw tear marks on her face and tears in corner of her eyes.

"Don't worry, I am here for you..."

Duchess slowly muttered, in a soothing tone to make the Duke calm.

Duke nodded and placed his hand on the back of his wife, with his eyes burning with newfound determination.

'No, I need to be strong! I can't fall here.'

Evangeline showed a small smile with a reminiscing expression on her face.

After a while, Duchess separated herself from Duke and walked back toward her seat but Evangeline interrupted her.

"Lady Duchess, time is over. You need to go back to your room before the things worsened."

Evangeline kindly reminded. Duchess nodded and walked towards Evangeline but not before giving Duke a kiss on his cheeks.

After that, Duchess left with the red-haired maid and Duke left alone in the room leaned on the sofa with his eyes closed and massaged his temples with a frown on his face.

He stayed like that for 5 minutes before the door of the room opened making him look at that.

Sebastian calmly walked back into the room with a stoic expression. Duke looked at him with a thoughtful look before he nodded.

"Sebastian, I need you to investigate everything about the boy, from his birth to what he did in the slums. Dig every information you could find."

Duke ordered calmly. How could he let someone completely unknown stay beside his daughter, even if he agreed to Evangeline, he still need to know more about the unknown black-haired boy.

"Yes, Lord Duke. I will do it tonight. And, you need to work on the documents, and the letter from the Royal Family too."

Sebastian nodded and bowed his head in agreement while also reminding Duke of his leftover work.

A troubled smile appeared on Duke's face as he nodded and stood up. Duke then started walking toward his study while Sebastian started walking out of the Mansion, to inquire about some information kindly.


I looked at the room that was given to me, directly beside Sebastian's. There was nothing special in the room- a bed, a study table with a chair, and an almirah to store the clothes.

Pretty decent for a servant or maybe for someone who worked especially for the family members directly.

I walked towards the bed and made myself comfortable on it, with my back leaning on the back of the bed.

Today was tiring and full of ups and downs for me. I found out that I reincarnated in a game I loved playing, and if that was not enough, I become the most loved male character.

I met the Villainess that was destined to only suffer bad endings, a cold woman who was cruel to everyone if it benefitted her and her family. But right now, that woman was just a sweet little girl with parental issues along with insecurity about herself.

I potentially met one of the strongest villains who seemed like a completely normal maid except being shocked about my name.

I met with the Duke and Duchess. The Duke was known for his bravery and how he won several wars while being way too young but later on, he was forced to take over his father as he was ill making Willian D. Avarice, the Duke of Avarice Dukedom, and his wife, who died due to a mysterious illness in three years.

And then comes my Sweet Little Lady, a little ball of adorableness filled with insecurity about everything around her. Someone who endured everything that happened to her.

A good girl, but I think she should seriously start to strike back at those who were behaving like that in front of her.

I will teach her that.

And I need to become strong too. There were two ways to become strong in this world.

First one, clear the dungeon floor and gain blessings from there. Those blessings were from the Gods that monitored the Dungeon, this was told in the wiki as through the whole game, there was not a single dialogue between the character and the game.

Through those blessings, you could gain skills, knowledge on a technique, or new magic, or even an increase in strength and magic power. A method used by the majority to become strong.

The second one is, Do some specific actions. Those actions will grant you something like Exp which was not possible to be seen in the real world but the more you do the action, the more proficient you would become in that.

Like, a mage that had practiced in Fire Spear his whole life, and then there was another mage who trained in all types of Fire Magic, who would have stronger Fire Spear? The first one.

The same thing that happened in every world. The more you train in a single thing the more proficient you become in that. But, in this world, it was faster. This means you gain more Exp than other worlds.

Both methods were good. There were 20 or 30 or even more dungeons all over the world, so you could become strong using the first method easily.

But, if there was a different method? Different from this two.

A method that was not even from this world. A method that was completely unknown to this world.

Chapitre suivant