
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantaisie
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34 Chs

Descending for the first time

Throughout these events, Solarian observed from afar with amusement. Watching the unfolding drama, he mused, "Time to move to the next part of the plan,".

He then snap his fingers and disappear from the space.

Year 1623

The eastern human kingdom of Aurion had undergone significant changes over the past 26 years since the barbarian invasion. Under the rule of King Evhan, son of the late King Edwin, numerous laws were enacted to boost the population.

This initiative aimed to bolster the kingdom's military strength in anticipation of potential threats from other lands, now that the existence of different civilizations had been revealed.

The people of Aurion had started referring to the north as the "Land of Barbarians," a name inspired by the invaders' origin. Additionally, the discovery of other human civilizations through Tanru's ancient scrolls had broadened their worldview.

Tragically, King Evhan passed away in 1615, and his young son, Prince Evan, ascended to the throne. At just 10 years old, Evan's inexperience and youth rendered him vulnerable to manipulation by the kingdom's noble clans.

These powerful families had grown significantly in influence and virtually reduced the young king to a puppet, exerting control over kingdom affairs.

In the bustling city of Klsma, the capital of aurion kingdom, a figure began to materialize on a empty street. With long silver hair, skin as pale as snow, and piercing blood-red eyes, his Face was striking and otherworldly. He was Solarian.

As Solarian emerged from the secluded street, he found himself in the midst of a bustling market. It was a vibrant scene, with thousands of people engaged in buying and selling a variety of goods. The market was alive with the sounds and colors of commerce and daily life.

As he strolled through the market, Solarian couldn't help but notice the numerous gazes that followed him.

Many of them came from women, likely drawn to his almost divine appearance, with his unique hair, skin, and eye color making him stand out in the crowd.

Continuing his exploration, Solarian came across a massive statue situated at the heart of the city and the market.

It was an imposing structure, about 70 feet tall, crafted from stone. The statue depicted a man clad in armor, with short hair - a figure Solarian recognized all too well.

It was a statue of Hurion, the first king of the Aurion kingdom. Solarian remembered Hurion's reign quite vividly; he was an interesting and fun character to observe.

Born as the first prince of the Basui kingdom, basui kingdom was the first one to had united the east. However, over time, he morphed into a tyrant, exploiting his power to oppress the people simply because he could.

The king at that time, known for his wisdom and benevolence, chose to make his second son, Husi, the crown prince.

This decision didn't sit well with Hurion, who reacted in a shockingly psychopathic manner. He sought the support of his mother's powerful noble clan and launched a rebellion, eventually seizing control.

Once in power, Hurion executed his father and his half-brother Husi, displaying their heads on the walls of the capital city for an entire year. His reign was marked by extreme tyranny, possibly the worst the east had ever seen.

But as the saying goes '' Karma is a bitch'' , Hurion met his end at the hands of his own son, who, desperate to end his father's brutal reign, led a rebellion against him.

In a twist of poetic justice, Hurion's head ended up displayed on the capital's wall, just like those of his father and brother.

This tumultuous family drama had provided Solarian with some entertainment back in the day. However, things eventually settled down in the east, with life becoming more predictable and less chaotic.

This lack of excitement led Solarian to turn his attention to other regions back then, like the west and south, where events like the Elven Civil War were happening.

Some hours later

Solarian, having grown tired of his idle wandering, ''"Enough with the time pass, let's get started on the plan," Solarian muttered to himself. With a casual snap of his fingers, he vanished from the middle of the crowded street.

The sudden disappearance of such a striking figure in thin air might have caused a stir under normal circumstances, but, curiously, no one seemed to notice. And even if someone had caught a glimpse it, Solarian don't give a fuck.

In the opulent royal palace of the Aurion kingdom, a young man with black hair and blue eyes sat in a room, his expression one of deep frustration. He appeared to be around 21 years old, but his demeanor was marked by anger and irritation.

With a sudden, aggressive movement, he slammed his hand onto the table and kicked it away. "Those damn nobles," he cursed under his breath. "Do they really think they can turn me into their puppet? I'm the king of this kingdom!"

Just then, a voice echoed through the room, cutting through his rant. "Stupid brat, you became their puppet the moment you were crowned king," it said coolly.

Startled, the young king, Evan, snapped back, "Who the hell are you? Don't you value your life, you bastard?"

In response, a man materialized out of nowhere. He had silver hair and blood-red eyes, and his sudden, inexplicable appearance scared Evan to his core. The young king stumbled backward in fear, looking like he was about to lose piss himself out fear.

"I am what you mortals might call a god," said the newcomer, who was none other than Solarian. As he spoke, a golden throne appeared behind him, and he casually seated himself upon it.

"I-I don't believe you. You can't be a god," Evan stammered, still in disbelief.

Solarian was somewhat surprise aback by Evan's naivety or stupidity. Even after witnessing Solarian's miraculous arrival, Evan remained skeptical. Instead of calmly explaining his divinity, Solarian chose a more dramatic demonstration.

In an instant, Solarian was behind Evan. He grabbed the young king's hair and ,in just a moment, ripped his head off. Evan's screams filled the room, echoing his terror and pain.



But then, Evan realized he was still alive, despite his head being detached from his body. Solarian tossed the severed head into the air where it floated momentarily before reattaching itself to Evan's body.

"See this, brat?" Solarian said, returning to his throne. "Do you think a mere mortal could do something like this? I don't think so."

As Evan knelt on the ground, overwhelmed by fear and reverence, he begged for forgiveness from the divine being before him. "Oh, great god, oh supreme being, please forgive this incompetent mortal for not recognizing your greatness sooner," he implored, his voice trembling.

Solarian watched the scene with a hint of amusement. To him, humans were predictably simple creatures, always quick to grovel before those more powerful, while readily oppressing those weaker than themselves. It was a pattern he had observed countless times.

Stepping off his throne, Solarian approached the kneeling king. Evan flinched, fear gripping him once again as he braced for the possibility of another violent act like another ripping of his head off from his body. However, instead of inflicting pain, Solarian placed his hand on Evan's head, which began to glow with an otherworldly light.

Evan screamed in agony as an intense, indescribable pain engulfed his mind. It felt as though his very thoughts were being torn apart and reshaped. After several excruciating minutes, the pain abruptly ceased, leaving Evan with a flood of new knowledge in his mind—knowledge about something called 'Magic'.

Lifting his head, Evan found the room empty. The mysterious visitor and his golden throne had vanished, as if they had never been there. Yet, the profound information implanted in his mind was irrefutable evidence that he had indeed encountered the true god.

Far away, in the vast expanse of space, Solarian gazed down at the world and at Evan. With a sense of anticipation, he murmured, "Do your best to entertain me, my not-so-dear pawn.''