
Chapter 9


Back to back unconscious. That was not a nice feeling but I could feel the gain myself so I had nothing to complain either.

This time I could feel a lot better. Like my body was free from some kind of restraints and became free. I did not know much but this feeling was really not bad.

One look at my stats and nothing seemed to have changed except that my chakra had increased a bit. One thing was there which was that my body was covered with some kind of nasty black stuff which smelt horrible.

Maybe these were the impurities from those chinese novels. I did not think much and rushed towards the bathroom. Ah.. my clothes were definitely ruined and I did not own that many in the first place. It's a good thing though that I removed my jounin vest before.


Now that I had taken a bath and changed into fresh clothes , I felt a lot better and could not wait to train right now. I could guess the truth behind the good feeling from before now. My stamina and vitality seemed to have increased by a lot compared to before. There must be some other benifits but they could not be confirmed right now.

I hurriedly wore my jounin vest and left the house straight towards the training ground 9. That place seemed to be abandoned because for some reason I did not meet anyone else there since I woke up in this world.

I had realised one matter which was that to improve rapidly , I really needed a sparring partner who at least had the same level of strength as me. At this point, Aoki's lack of communication with others really hurt me. He should have made at least one friend. Well I had no choice to slowly work on that now.

It's not like his relationship was bad with others either. Like the encounter with Azuma , Aoki had many acquaintances which was obvious because he had cooperated with many during different missions. His batchmates like Azuma and Might Gai were also not in bad relationship with him but he had no real friends either.

Oh.. Just as I was thinking about him , Might Gai appeared but in a weird way. He seemed to be running laps but his body was upside down. He noticed me..

Gai - Oh. If it isn't my youthful friend Aoki.

Me - Yo Gai.

When talking with him everyone could not help but become quieter because his voice was always too loud.

Gai - See you Aoki , I have to complete another 20 laps Hahaha..

Then he was already gone. I also continued my walk without much thought.

Aoki's interactions with Gai were also small like this. That guy was always busy with something but most of the time it was training or pestering Kakashi. One thing was clear that if I asked then Gai would serve as my sparring partner but I was the one who was not ready yet.

That guy must have a monstrous body which I could not match right now much less his forbidden eight gates technique. Maybe I would spar with him from time to time when I became stronger.

I checked at my own thoughts because just the day before I was worried about my future and now I was filled with confidence. This change in mindset is welcomed though.

Oh.. isn't that Anko? Look at her , she was as usual stuffing her mouth with sweet dango. I decided to approach her because I was in mood for a chat.

Me - Yo Anko.

She just glanced at me and returned to eating her dango. Maybe she did not recognize me? It was possible because Aoki really had a small presence in the first place. I sat next to her seat and just silently watched her chewing her food. Now that I looked , she looked really beautiful with her slight round face and beautiful eyes. Her busty figure was also great.

Anko - Tch.. what are you looking at huh? Who are you anyway?

My eye contact was broken when she snapped and threw a dango stick at my direction. Wow.. she was really ruthless. That stick would have punctured my right eye if I did not dodge in time. Well it was a speed which even a chunin could easily dodge though. I was not even angry with her because I knew she just had that kind of fierce personality.

Me - You are fierce as usual. So you really did not recognize me ? The name Aoki , does it ring a bell ?

Anko - Tsk.. Aoki.. Aoki..

Her eyes widened for a second and I could tell that she finaly recognized this face.Well according to the memories, Aoki did not meet her in almost a decade. So it was normal that she took time to recognize a guy whom she did not chat much with even in the academy.

Anko - You are that Aoki? It's been a long time and I could not even recognize your face.

Me - Haha.. it's normal. It's not like we met much at the academy either. So how are you doing anyway?

Anko - Well I'm good. I've joined the interrogation and intelligence department so I dont get bored there..

She said while licking her lips and I could tell that she enjoyed her job. I was not bothered by that though because ninja were already mad here and there inside their minds.

Me - Yea I have heard that. Looks like you have been through a lot since that person defected from the village.

Her face changed and she became angry but next second she was back to normal. Well she had good control on her emotions. That person which I talked about was naturaly Orichimaru. Anko was his student so she must have experienced scorn from many people to this day.

Me - Sorry if I offended you Anko. It's just that you can always find me for a chat when something is up. See ya..

I smiled at her and left the teahouse. She had a blank look at the end. I sympathized with her which was true but my main motive was to plant a seed in her mind. The impact of our short chat was good so she wont be forgetting me anytime soon.

I did not plan to do this before but changed my mind after taking a good look at her looks and figure. She always had a wild personality which attracted me. So I could not deny that I was not interested in her. I'm sure that she would recognize my intentions too but it would be great if she could become my girlfriend. Well everything depends on the point whether she would find me again or not.

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