
I became esdeath's disciple (multiverse) .

THIS FANFIC HAS BEEN POSTED BY ME IN THE WRONG CATEGORY OF 'NOVELS'. THUS I AM POSTING IT AGAIN IN THE FANFIC CATEGORY SO ALL THE CURRENT READERS ARE REQUESTED TO VISIT MY PROFILE AND READ THE FANFIC POSTED THERE AS FUTURE UPDATES WILL BE COMING IN THAT ONE. a boy name senshi. reincarnated in the world of akame ga kill with a system of course but like other reincarnator's he has never watched an anime or manga therefore he do not know the stories of the world he goes at all. follow his journey on different anime world where he will change the plots and increase is harem. NOTE:- I m writing this as my first novel for the purpose of practice for my original novel for which I have two three ideas right now. starting maybe 5-10chapters may be short. english should not be a problem even though it is not my first language ,just bad at commas and stuff a little, bear with it for a while. FIRST WORLD-akame ga kill. SECOND WORLD - i m thinking attack on titan. third -??. that's it enjoy the story.

blabbermouth · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

08.Meeting other main characters.

When marcus saw his lackeys interrupted again he was about to burst in anger and destroy whoever was the one who interrupted them this time.

But as he saw ahead, his anger immediately vanished, followed by panic and he humbly asked.

"What brings you here cap--"

But he was cut in mid sentence by the woman.

"I don't think it's time for an idle chatter. So answer me what we're you doing here with this little boy. "

Contrary to the expectations ,marcus was not at all angry or annoyed at being interrupted but rather a little panicked at the question of the person ahead of him. But he calmed himself down and answered as nicely as possible.

"The boy was just lost in the city so we were helping him find the way to his home ,that's it. Haha".marcus said with a nervous laugh.

Hearing it the person became more angry.

" Do you take me for a fool marcus. Your three people are pointing knives at the kid, is this how you are going to show him the way. "

Marcus knew that he have to turn the situation a little or it will be problematic. He decided to get on his knees and ask for forgiveness.

"Sorry. It will never happen again as I was just influenced by my emotions and I only wanted to scare the kid for not knowing his place and my intentions were never to injure or hurt him". Marcus knew that as the kid was not currently hurt he will be safe.

" Shut the excuses and get lost from here, and if I ever see you again in this type of situation I will make sure to punish you. "

"Thank you. I will never do it again". Marcus knew he was saved so he quickly thanked the person and tried to get away but not before giving a hateful glare to the boy. He knew he could settle the scores with the boy in the future but as he was going away the person spoke again.

"And don't try anything funny with the boy. He is with me. "

Listening to it Marcus understood why the boy was not fearful facing him as he had a powerful person backing him so he immediately discarded any idea of teaching the guy a lesson and went away.

Senshi who was watching all this was still silent and thinking about what happend here.


Few moments ago when the voice interrupted the three people attacking him.

Seeing the faces the people were making Senshi was sure that the person behind the voice was a powerful person who at least had more authority than low class noble.

The voice was that of a girl same age as Esdeath but to his surprise it was not her and the next alert in his head by the system stunned him silly.

[Ding. Najenda, one of the main characters of akame ga kill detected. ]

Senshi could not belive his luck. He just went to tour the capital to get some idea of situations in the city but he would have never thought that he would meet two of the main characters here.

Now that he looked ,why are all the main characters who he met till now are beautiful girls. Is this a harem anime or what.

Now looking ahead he properly Saw the appearance of Najenda.

Najenda was a 15-16 year old girl with milky white skin, light purple eyes which were looking beautiful with her long silver hair that are tied in a ponytail.

She wore a tight black sleeveless top with zipper which were showing her curvaceous body even though she is young. She was wearing black wristbands on both hands with a black skirt barely reaching her lower thighs with a white belt.


Back to present.

As soon as Marcus and group ran away from the scene Senshi went to the fallen blonde girl Leone and asked.

"Are you alright? " His cute face plus the concern in his voice was too much for the girl so even though she was a bit shocked at all the events that happens today she still answered with a smile.

"Yes. I am alright thanks to you. " She said while ruffling his hair and tried to stand up slowly but sat again due to the pain.

Seeing it Senshi got an idea.

"Nee-san why don't you let me do it . I am very good at massage maybe I can help"

Leone was a little hesitant to let him touch it as it will hurt a lot but seeing his confidence and bright eyes she relented.

"Ok. But please do it a little slowly. "

"Don't worry " Senshi waved his hand and started Massaging her leg where her muscles are strained a little.

All this while Najenda was standing at the side and seeing what was happening in intrest.

After some time Senshi was finished with his massage and said.

"All done. Now try to stand up Nee-san. "

Leone who was enjoying his massage tried to stand up and unexpectedly she was able to stand and the pain in her legs were gone.

She looked at Senshi who had a smug smile and was puffing his chest as if proud and couldn't help but get on her knees and hug him tightly.

"Oh you are so cute!! "

On the other hand Senshi was experiencing heaven as his head was pressed against the not so well developed breats of leone. But his moment didn't last longer as a voice interrupted them at this moment.

"Can you tell me what happened here? "

Leone quickly let go of her hug to face Najenda who was questioning. Senshi was a little annoyed for a second for being interrupted but quickly came to his senses and also faced Najenda.

Leone quickly told all the things that happened including the bullying that they have to face from time to time. And thanked her.

"Thank you so much captain. If not for you things would have been bad today. " To which Najenda answered.

"No problem. In fact I will make sure situations like this don't happen again. " Najenda said knowing full well that this could not be stopped at all.

"Now if you could excuse us. I would like to talk to this kid and then I will send him to his home. "

"Yes, of course captain."

Just then Senshi Interwiened by saying.

"Wait nee-san. You never told your name, My name is Senshi . What's yours? "

"Oh yes ,well Senshi my name is Leone. " Leone answered with a smile.

"Leone nee-san where is your house, if you would allow me I would like to come to your house to play with you in the future. " Senshi asked with a hopeful expression.

Hearing it Leone also smiled.

"Of course you can come to my house. It is that house right around the corner . "

"Then I will see you in the future, bye bye nee-san."

"Bye bye" Saying that Leone went towards her house.

Now there were only the two of them present and Senshi quickly stated.

"Thank you for saving me nee-san. " Senshi said with a bright smile.

But Najenda on the other hand frowned and asked.

"Do you have any idea of the situation you were in. You would have gotten seriously injured if not for me. And not only you but even your family might face problems because of it. "

To which a sad smile formed on Senshi's face.

"I don't have a family."

"Then where do you live? And let's move from here" Najenda was a little taken aback but still asked and started to walk a little out of the slum area. Senshi followed her and said.

"I live with my master. What is your name nee-san? And what do you do.All those people seemed scared of you".

" My name is Najenda and I am a captain in the army of the empire ". Najenda said with a smile while inwardly she was a angry when Senshi said the word master as she thought that he was a slave of a noble.

" Wow nee-san, you are so amazing. "

"Senshi ,who is your master,do they treat you badly? Do you want me to free you from them?" Najenda asked as she wanted to free him from the disgusting nobles who keep slaves.

Senshi also realized that she has misunderstood and quickly tried to say something but was cut off from another voice.

"Senshi what are you doing here? "