
The rise of the Dark Knight

I was looking in his eyes, only to see fear. Not like when I took my revenge from what he did to me that, but true fear. The one when someone could see that he'll die soon. So Flass can feel fear hun? But now wasn't the time to make fun of him.

"Those past six weeks, even with everyone testimony, we still don't have a real description of that... We don't even know if it's a real monster or just a vigilante in a Halloween costume! But let be rational people and let's assume that he's the later. Because a monster calling himself the batman is pretty irrational. Even if we can't catch him now, with the aid of detective Sarah Essen, we manage to found certain patterns of timing and method. One thing is certain, he is very skilled and train..." I explained, but Flass cut me here with his nonsense "Not he. It!"

The way he talked about it was like a kid saying he saw a ghost. It was so funny to Flass like that, that couldn't help it and let a smirk in my face as I said "You've some clues you want to share with us detective Flass?"

I thought that with my mocking tone, he'll get the message, but apparently he wanted to make a fool of himself to the end. "I told you already! He's not human! What kind of human can disappear in a blink when was standing in front of you a second before?! It's a freaking monster!" disappear hun? Hehe such an imagination "Thank you detective Flass for that useful information. Now as I was saying earlier, while the Batman, did all he could to remain unpredictable, with his assaults on criminals, we noticed that he constantly appear between the hours of midnight and four a.m. So basically when normal citizens aren't out in the streets except for those youngsters and their Party. And there's another thing. If at start he was attacking some aggressive lonely junkies, he's now fighting more dangerous criminals. It's clear that he wanted to work at a street level crime first for training to upper echelons. I heard that he even attacked cops that might be helping those criminals" I said my last sentence while looking at the badly injured Flass "But, he not used yet to his new job that why he start to low level. like the man of steel, it's his first time doing that kind of thing, even with his insane level of skills and gadgets. Meaning that we can still catch him before it's too late. So now detective Flass, I heard that you meet up with the Batman? What can you tell about him except for what you already told us? Try not to EXAGGERATE" I said to him with a big smile clearly mocking him. And obviously he took the bait.

"It's like I said earlier lieutenant Gordon. I was in a process to single-handedly apprehend some men of Falcon for selling weapons. You now me, when I saw those kind of situation, I go into action before anything else, that why I didn't call for reinforcements first" He said with a righteous face. He acting skills were so good, that I wanted to gave him praises, and if he wasn't the rubbish man he was, I would have certainly did it. And when I saw the others cops faces looking at him, I knew that I wasn't the only one who thought like that.

"So I went directly to them, and while I had some difficulties, everything was going well, until I heard the sound of giant wings. After that, everything happened to fast. He suddenly appeared in front of us and five of Falcon's men were already down. We didn't have the time to lock on him, that he shoot his flying claws at us neutralising the rest. But I was still standing, but he was already gone, or so thought. When turn myself, he was just one meter or so behind me. Obviously at first I didn't fear him, I courageously shoot at him six time, but something happened.....the bullets.... They all passed through him like was a ghost! And when didn't have any bullets remaining, he start to laugh at me and... And... After that, nothing" immediately after he was finished, everyone start to talk amongst each other. "A ghost? What a joke, just say that you were just too scared to shoot properly" "Flying Claws.?...right...sigh" just let say that everyone didn't agree with his report. And here I thought I told him to not exaggerate.

When I come back home, Barbara was already in the middle of her dinner indirectly indicating that once again, I was late, but unlike the usual, she was in a good mood, she even kissed me for greeting. Something that she never did when I was late. Especially now that she was in her two last month of pregnancy.

"Barbara honey, what happened today that make so happy? Not that I don't like that kind of Barbara, but it's been a really long time since I saw you that happy" while saying that I hugged her carefully watching for the baby

"I hope she's in good mood because she wants to move to Metropolis" I thought, but as she could read my mind she replied "Well I still don't want to move to Metropolis, because I still think that that my husband can equal that guardian angel when it comes to protecting me. But today I made a knew friend!" She said excitedly as I thought "I'm not bulletproof like Superman you know?!" "Oh and that what made you so happy? That fiend must be very special then"

"You have no idea! You know the famous Tros' Pastry?" She ask with her eyes saying 'gess what?' "Yeah I know that, it's your favorite Pastry Brand no?" I played her game "Yeesss! You remember?! Well, I. Met. The director of the company today in a bus this afternoon!" She shout so excitedly that I thought for a moment she forget that she was pregnant, but then something caught my attention "Wait you said in a bus? That's impossible, why would a CEO from a famous company would take the bus?" she ignored me and continued her story "Well in fact that's what happened, I was next to the siege of her company when I took the bus, and she took it with me. At first I didn't notice her, I was just looking for a place to sit down. When someone noticed me and gave me his, but just when I was going to sit, someone took it in my place. That person was a junkie and he start to laugh at me because he took my place. While no body was defending me, Marisa Troswer intervened for me and threatened him to get him to the court if he didn't give the sit. And that how we met. Obviously the first question I asked is why she was in a bus, and gess what she said?"

I was going to answer some random things, but didn't even let me" She said that she wanted to go to the next stop, to eat and so didn't want to wast fuel just for that. You hear? She's an ecologist! Something I never would thought to happen for a CEO in Gotham!"

Well at least she's not this biased about this place and can tell that powerful people here are not good, well except that Marisa something.

"And after that, we start to talk more and more, and she invited me to eat with her, a chance I didn't let it slip away. And by discovering that we had almost the same taste in cooking, and a lot of other common point, we became friend" her sentence made me suspicious "In one afternoon? By eating you became friend with that CEO?" "We had a LOT in common. For example, did you know that the place you took in the GCPD was the former post her deceased husband? And like you, he didn't like injustice and was fighting hardly to clean this city you know?" That, took me off guard. They did say to me that the former partner of detective Essen was a remarkable cop, but I didn't think that it could be her husband.

"Well isn't that great? You now have a powerful friend to cover your back" I said jokingly "Oh speaking of which, she invited me and you to the party, the Mayor is organising in four days. And I said we will be there" she said the last part with a menacing tone with deadly eyes. Eyes that I avoided and took that, like a retreat signal. As I was going upstairs I said "You know honey, there's a possibility that I wouldn't...."

"I DEFYING YOU TO NOT COME JAMES GORDON! JUST DARE!" What could I say? That's my usual wife I know so well.


Wayne's Manor later

Alfred was still looking at the four metallic spheres, when he heard the sound of the front door opening. He stood and went directly donw stairs to greet his master.

"Alfred, everything goes well when I was away?" asked Bruce Wayne as he was taking his mask off.

"If had to be honest master Bruce this night was one the stranger I ever live" reply plainly Alfred enquiring the curiosity of Bruce "Oh? What happened?" The butler wait Bruce to take the stairs before explaining as he followed "First, the moment you went away, two members of the Wayne entreprise's Council call to inquire you about 'some matters' they said. One of them was Lucius Fox the most trustworthy of the company if I may say. The second one, was Dragoslav Milanic the one you suspected to be in collaboration with Maroni. He didn't say it, but I think that he wanted you and the company to resigned from the Arkham project" Hearing that, Bruce start to laugh "Let me guess, he want Maroni to possess the Arkham hospital? Like that, in addition to Arkham Asylum he will possess more territory than Falcon?"

"I think that the purpose master Bruce however, like I said, he didn't say it. Obviously I told him that you were already sleeping, but he insisted to talk to you. But after being faced with my constant rejection, he hung up. But strangely, few minutes later, the mayor called" Surprising Bruce he asked "Don't tell me that the mayor start to take a party between the different power in Gotham?"

"I wouldn't say that master Bruce, just that he don't concidere you like a real power because of how you act in public" That reply make Bruce smile "Well, that mean my acting skill serve his role. So what did he wanted? Same thing?" He entered in his office.

"Not exactly, he's conveying you to his party that will take place in three days. He didn't bother to ask for you, meaning that he knew that you were 'asleep'" "Haha obviously, he want to 'convince' me to give up m part in the Arkham project. What else Alfr..." He stopped when his eyes spotted four metallic sphere of one meter each. In one glance, he know that, he didn't recognise what sort of metal it was.

"Alfred, what is that?" He asked as he touch one them, sensing something weird at the contact. "The third strange thing that happened this night master Bruce" answer Alfred without emotion being detected in his voice.

"Where did you find those metals? I don't know what kind of metal it is, but it certainly worth some billion" "Well that's the thing master Bruce. It appears at the door step of our house like santa-claus forget to give us your gift the year before. But if I had to guess who give that to us, I would that the two little people who break into the mansion this night. And I have to say, they were pretty skilled considering that no alarm was triggered when they enter and exit"

"What? Someone actually succeed to pass the entrance without a sound? Who could do that kind of thing?" This time, Bruce was a little scared. If those people could enter like they wanted here, that mean his secret was in danger. "Did you discover who it was?" "Not yet master Bruce, but they were some fingerprints on the wrapping Paper. But apparently it wasn't theirs they because the fingerprints weren't recorded anywhere and they where from a kids. But, they did leave a letter for you"

At the mention of the word kid, Bruce suddenly remembered the kid who saved him that day, but immediately discarded the thought who crossed his mind 'It can't be him' he convinced himself and take the the letter.

"Let's see... A little gift for the Dark Knight of Gotham to help you achieve your true goal and stop playing vigilante with the little fish. With that gift, I hope I can trust you in being the legend this city need until I my appearance. And it's signed... The White Knight hun? Hum for a White Knight he is rather secretive and mysterious. But playing vigilante....." When Bruce read those words, he couldn't stop to think about Diggle because playing vigilante was exactly what he said to him when they meet that day. Now, Bruce had some suspicion about him "Alfred, do you remember what was the size of those intruders?" That question puzzle Alfed, but nonetheless he replied "I couldn't see well due to the night, but I would said approximately 1.35 meter tall each. Why is that master Bruce? Do you happen to know them?"

"I don't know.." He replied slowly, before asking again "Alfred, do you remember two months ago when I told you to make some research on the Troswer family? I was so busy that I didn't asked, but what did you find about them?" "Master Bruce I have to say you asked some strange questions today...sigh... Well if I remembered well, the family is composed with one mother and two children. The mother Marisa Troswer is the CEO of the Tros's Pastry company one of the richness company in the world of pastry in USA and in the world. The company was founded four years ago with a winner ticket on some emissions. Concerning the two kids, one is her true son, Diggle Troswer. This child is a prodigy and always have the maximum score in all his tests in school. The other children is Mallory Lillian Evans. Her mother was a friend of Marisa Troswer but her and his husband were killed in a feud between the Maroni's family and Falcon's family as they were returning home"

When Bruce heard that, he was irritated, because it wasn't what he was looking for "And what about Diggle's father?"

"Well, like in many families in Gotham, he was killed. Though this time it was an accident. But after looking a little, I discovered that the driver who caused his death, was the second of Don Maroni's son. Considering that Damien Troswer was as good as James Gordon as a policeman I can't help but believe that this accident wasn't that a coincidence" That's it! This is what he was looking for. "Now I can say with almost certitude that it was him!" Bruce thought while smiling. "Alfred? Look who will come in this party, and let prepare ourselves. I felt that this will be agitated somehow and not only because of the Batman"

Troswer's House, three hours later

"What?! The mayor give a party and we are invited?" Shout Diggle almost spitting out his cereals. "What? No wait, I don't have any recall of that event happening in the comic. Is this the famous butterfly effect taking action?" He thought furiously before asking "Why does he do a party mom?" "I think it's because he wants to thanks all companies who participate in the Arkham project. As I contributed a little, the mayor want us to come"

Hearing the answer, Diggle start to have cold sweats. This, was all except a good news. Her mother was new in the business so she couldn't possibly know when she innocently contributed, but Diggle knew what was the true secret behind the Arkham project. It was a war, a war between all mafioso and gangs in the city. The Arkham district was the one with the most criminals in Gotham. Meaning that those who control Arkham District, control à big part of the criminals in Gotham. So if someone like Diggle's mother possess a part of territory in Arkham, this wasn't a good thing because she had nothing behind her who could scare others she will become a target.

''Mallory, in the party, we will have to used our power. So prepare yourself, it's time to become a Hero'' Diggle whispered into Mallory's ears making her smile.


In Gordon office, the later was immersed in his paper when he finally sighed

"I thought at first that the Batman was Harvey Dent because he want to take down the Roman for years now and the only lead he had is Flass. But he have an alibi for every night! And if I'm honest with myself, his not that muscular and with his paid, I hardly believe that. He can afford for all those gadgets" Gordon complain while Sarah Essen was silently listening.

"Well if it's a question about money, Bruce Wayne do have that" She finally said. "Bruce Wayne ? Well he's after all at the head of a big company so that's not surprising, but why would he ever play vigilante? Like you said, he have all the money he wants, why would he cares about others?" Gordon asked surprise by the thought of her partner.

"Ah yeah, I forgot that you came here recently so you can't now that. Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered in the streets when he was a kid while he was watching the hole scene. That make the perfect motivation for him to clean the city. Furthermore, when he leaved the city, nobody knows where did he go all this time. And strangely, the moment he came back The Batman with his skills and gadgets appeared too. To much a coincidence don't you think?" That explication sound like a Saint answer in the ears of Gordon. "You know detective Essen. If I wasn't already married, I would have proposed to you right away. There's a party in three days organised by the Mayor. My wife was invited by Marisa Troswer, and according to her all the big head of the city will be there" following his thoughts, Essen smile and said "The big head of the city, meaning that even the Pingouin and the others will be there. Something that the Batman will obviously be attract. And Bruce Wayne too" "Hehe, and I don't know why, but I have the feeling that I keep looking at Bruce Wayne during the hole party. That's mean I will have to look for a smocking"

Three days later in the Mayor's Mansion

"Mallory, it's not that I'm not happy that you keep staying with me, but don't you want to go and play with the others kids?" asked curiously Marisa. Generally Mallory keep following Diggle, but this night, not knowing why, she kept following her instead. "Maybe the went into some arguments?" She thought.

"Don't worry auntie, I'm happy to keep you company. It's doesn't bothering me at all" replied Mallory with a big smile. When the face of Marisa turn away, that smiling face turn slowly in a serious and determinate face "Don't worry auntie, I will stop all the villains who would hurt you and not letting you unprotected like with my parents" she said internally.

Not that far away from were they where was standing two man in an Intense discussion

"Tch I just asked you one thing, convincing him, and you couldn't even do that? Wayne is the most idiot person in the head of company I ever met! One or two woman and he would have accepted, what did you say to make him refused Dragoslav?!" whisper furiously Salvatore Maroni the head of the Maroni Family.

"No...nothing Don Maroni I swear! But he kept saying that he don't want to because renovating the hospital and Arkham District was one his parents greatest wish" replied Dragoslav Milanic in fear before asking "Can't we just deal with him like we will do with Marisa Troswer?" But that wasn't something to say apparently because it make Sal Maroni more furious.

"Are you a fool? Even if do that, who do you think will inherit Wayne Entreprise? Lucius Fox ! And he ks much more clever than that fool Wayne. Do you think he will be easy to kill? And even then, he's to important to this city, we can't kill him! Now stop wasting my time and get everything prepared for the future big bloodbath"

In the toilet two men and one kid were washing their hand while conversing.

"Well Mister Wayne how do you found this party? Not so boring?" Said the lieutenant Gordon taking out a cigarette.

"Well it's true that I'm more use to party with more feminine company and dressed people, but this is not that bad too. Sometimes changing environment is good for health" replied Bruce with a slight smile. Causing Gordon to chuckle. "Changing environment hun? Like going out on the streets in the night to punish some bad guys?"

"Haha, I would never dare lieutenant Gordon, that your job, I prefer enjoying women company when the night come, but let's not talk about this in front of Mister Troswer, he's too young for that" said Bruce like he didn't understand the meaning and turn his face to Diggle who responded by a simple "I'm OK with that you know?"

"No mister Wayne is right, women are not for you yet kid!" warn him Gordon with frowning brow. "But, mister Bruce that wasn't what I was talking about, can I know what are you doing in midnight every day? Catching bad guys perhaps?" that Implied was so obvious that even with the fake personage he create, Bruce couldn't do like he didn't understand the meaning.

" Lieutenant, like I said what I did in those hours aren't for children to know. From I understand, you're saying that I'm PLAYING at being a vigilante at night? Why would I to do that?" when he said his two last sentence he start to look intensively at Diggle causing the later to goggled his eyes before resuming a calm face.

"Well mister Wayne, I have..." start to say Gordon, but was abruptly stopped by Diggle.

"Lieutenant Gordon, I think its time to join the others. They're still waiting Join for us" said Diggle before turning to Bruce and extand his hand "Mister Bruce Wayne, it's been a pleasure to meet you, but we have to go. But I'm not worried to not seeing you again" that sentence make Bruce almost burst laughter, but he managed to contain himself "I thinks too kid, I know that we will meet again" he replied as he shook his hand. But when he did so, his eyes narrowed slightly.

When the two went out of the room, Bruce started at his hand to see a crumpled paper. When he unfolded it, his eyes suddenly become sharper. They were just two simple sentences.

"suit up. It's time to become a real hero"

Okay, I know that normally the fight was supposed to be in this chapter, but I didn't have enough place after posing the plot so... Next chapter it is. Hope you enjoy reading it though ^^

Arikawanecreators' thoughts
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