
I am the prince of France

He was in France, had just entered the Palace of Versailles, and was still the Crown Prince. The only problem is that the current king is Louis XVI, and he will be defeated in two years... Since my father and ministers are unreliable, I must take matters into my own hands to rectify France! Let’s make some money first and solve the financial crisis that has plagued the country for hundreds of years. Then severely crack down on those nobles with evil intentions and plotting to seize power. Then they captured the church, which occupied a large amount of land, and gained it for nothing. Industry, technology, agriculture and commerce went hand in hand. I am the greatest crown prince of France! That year, Xiao Yingzi pestered the coalition forces to press the border, so I took his island directly. That year, I pointed my sword at the whole of Europe. I will definitely complete the great deeds that the emperor failed to complete back then!

LinkWolfso_Hdi · Histoire
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90 Chs

Chapter 8 Difficulties

Three days later.

Office of the Municipal Commissioner.

"My lord, do you know about the situation of the Dauphin's reorganization of the police force?" Froy stared at the city commissioner and asked worriedly, "The Duke of Orleans meant to embarrass the Dauphin, but now he has done it in a spectacular way, and the morale of the policemen is very low. Gao, I'm worried..."

Lewebel carefully selected in the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of wine: "Relax, Gale, someone will solve this problem."

"Someone can solve it? Who is it?"

Lewebel looked at the light and admired the purple liquid in the bottle, and said slowly: "I spread the news about the Crown Prince yesterday. I guess some people can't sit still."

As he was speaking, Police Chief Guizot knocked on the door, saluted him hastily, and said eagerly: "My lord, you must go and admonish His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"Oh?" The fat mayor took out the bottle opener and asked deliberately, "What should you advise him?"

Guizot rubbed his leather boots on the floor impatiently: "Didn't you hear? Your Highness has changed the police force beyond recognition, which will seriously affect the security of the Saint-Antoine District!"

He described the situation of Joseph's reorganization of the police force, and then said with a grimace: "To be honest, if anyone else dared to make such a mess, I would have fired him long ago, but this is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, you see... …"

Lewebel pulled out the cork forcefully, smelled the aroma of wine wafting from the bottle, shook his head and said: "Viscount Guizot, what the Crown Prince did is an internal matter of the police department, and it is difficult for me to comment on it.

"And I've been busy with funding recently. You know, the Chamber of Commerce only has so much funding, and the Crown Prince has added a large number of police officers. Nearly half of the police department's funding has to be allocated to the St. Anthony District."

"How can this be done?" Guizot was shocked and shouted, "He can't take up so much money! You must help me find a way!"

Lewebel pretended to be in a difficult situation and pondered for a long time, then poured a glass of wine and handed it to Guizot. A hidden smile flashed in the corner of his eyes: "It's not that there is no room for maneuver. For example, you can make the crown prince retreat when he sees difficulties. I will do it here. I'll try my best to cooperate with you."

Guizot looked at him deeply, took a sip of wine, nodded vigorously, and left with a dark face.

The office door closed, and Floy looked at the fat mayor in surprise: "Sir, how did you know that Viscount Guizot would come?"

Lewebel handed him another glass of wine and said with a smile: "Although the Crown Prince is somewhat capable, he is still a child after all. When doing things, he only sees what is in front of him, but ignores the impact it will bring."


Lewebel took a sip of wine and said: "In addition to the allocation from the Chamber of Commerce, the biggest income of the police force is the share of the sale of police posts. I spread the news that the Crown Prince promoted untouchables to police officers. Those who originally planned to buy police posts must I would guess that if you don't have to buy police posts in Paris in the future, who would be willing to pay for them at this time?"

"This is the biggest source of income for those in the police force." The fat mayor swung his wine glass proudly, "If I deduct some more of the allocation from the city hall to Guizot, they will definitely go crazy. What do you think they will do? "

Froy's eyes lit up: "I will try my best to stop the crown prince!"

"That's right."

The sun sets in the west.

Police Chief Guizot's carriage finally arrived at the St. Anthony District Police Station.

In Joseph's office, Guizot saluted respectfully and complimented with a forced smile: "Your Highness, you are really amazing. With this organization, the police force has completely taken on a new look!"

After blowing a rainbow fart for a while, he put on a sad look again: "It's just that the people from the civilian patrols you incorporated into the police force are not even good at using swords, and they have never touched a crossbow or a musket. They need at least three or four trainings. It only takes a few months, otherwise even the gangsters on the street will not be able to be dealt with.

"In the past few months of their training, no one has done the patrol work they were originally responsible for. You asked me to transfer more than 120 police officers from other districts, but the security pressure there is also very high. I have to go back soon..."

Joseph asked him to sit down and smiled: "It shouldn't take that long. I have a simple training method that can complete combat training in about ten days. It shouldn't be a problem to borrow police officers from other districts for more than ten days, right?"

"Of course you can." Guizot put on a serious expression, "But training is extremely important and must not be dealt with hastily."

"Thank you for the reminder." Joseph said, "Don't worry, I am sensible."

"Okay..." Guizot nodded reluctantly, still unwilling to give up, "Your Highness, there is one more thing. You have summoned more than 200 police officers at once, but the police department cannot provide them with so much equipment... "

"Don't worry about the equipment, I will take care of it myself."

Guizot did not expect the "problem" he had carefully prepared, and the crown prince did not take it seriously at all.

He pressed a few more "problems" about police reform, but still to no avail. In the end, he had no choice but to say goodbye and leave in anger. He was very confused along the way. It seemed that the Crown Prince was determined to disrupt the police station.

I'm afraid there won't be much funding left for the city hall in the future...

In fact, he was overthinking it. Joseph didn't even care about the three melons and two dates allocated by the police department. Moreover, the police funds were raised by private chambers of commerce, which itself was very abnormal. He has all kinds of technologies and advanced concepts from later generations, and he has a lot of ways to make money. He has to plug the hole in France's 2 billion foreign debt, and supporting a police system is just a piece of cake.

On the carriage, Guizot's eyes gradually turned cold. The crown prince must be kicked out of the police system as soon as possible to restore everything to its original state!

Not long after Guizot left, two exquisite carriages arrived at the Saint-Antoine police station.

Louis XVI's valet got out of the car, put on his gold-rimmed glasses, frowned and looked at the dilapidated police station, made sure it was the right place, and then quickly walked in with his servant.

After meeting Joseph, he first completed the entire procedure in accordance with court etiquette, and then respectfully handed over a letter: "Your Highness, this is a letter from His Majesty the King to you."

Then he motioned to the servant behind him to open the exquisite wooden box: "Her Majesty the Queen learned that you didn't even bring a royal cook, so she was afraid that you wouldn't be able to eat well, so she had these things made."

Joseph looked into the box, which was full of exquisitely made cakes, strawberry pies, puffs and all kinds of candies.

He held his forehead and smiled bitterly. He felt that he was caught at the first glance, but he knew that this was Queen Mary's sincere care.

He opened the wax paint on the envelope again, unfolded the letter paper, and saw the beautiful and smooth Italian calligraphy of Sixteen:

Dear Joseph:

I hope this letter can bring you my full thoughts and warmth! Here, as a father, I would like to express my deep concern and concern to you.

You know what, I finally finished "Salamander Spray"! I swear to God, it's the most awesome piece of art... (bah bah introducing his locks). When it was finished, the first thing I wanted to share with you was that I found out you went to work for City Hall. I'm sorry, I really stayed in the workshop for too long and didn't even know it. How are you living in Paris? Your mother is also serious. You are only thirteen years old, how can you be allowed to suffer this? This is what Brian and the others should do...

Oh, by the way, I heard you finished college! how did you do it? That's incredible, I'm so proud of you! Son, you are the pride of the entire royal family! I am sure that you will be able to bring France back to its glory as the Sun King in the future... (praising his son for a whole page)

Joseph, I heard that you are now reforming the police department and doing a good job. That's great! Just let go and do what you want. If anything goes wrong, I will take care of you. I will always support you... If you feel tired, go back to the Palace of Versailles quickly. Your mother is always worried that you can't eat well...

Finally, I want to tell you that no matter where you are, you will always be my dearest son. Kiss you a thousand times!

Although the letter was full of French disgusting words, Joseph still felt the strong fatherly love in it.

He took a deep breath. His parents in his previous life were in poor health and died of illness during his college years. He had not seen the warmth of family for a long time, and now he only felt that his heart was full of warmth, hoping that he could live a long and safe life with his family in this life.