
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantaisie
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308 Chs

Accelerated Growth

As the sword appeared in Saber's palm, the surrounding temperature dropped, and a horrible feeling of fear crept into the hearts of the six figures in black clothes. A cold shiver ran through all living beings in the vicinity, as the female wondered with visible fear, what monster was she casually talking to.

"You people who are unable to appreciate the delicious taste of sweet and tender meat deserve only death!"

Saber said with wrath filled in his voice. Thereafter, and under the shocked gaze of all. Saber slashed horizontally from left to right as a black line escaped from his sword. It went on to streak across the expansive field and approach the bodies of the six members of the Demonic Cult.

With one slash, Saber's black line attack tore apart the bodies of the six dark-clothed pursuers. The casualness he displayed shocked the black-haired female behind him as she dropped to her knees since the previous attacks she sustained seemed to have caused her to spit a mouthful of blood.

The words Saber said then began ringing out in her head as her alarm bells tried to warn her of something horrible about to happen. She was unaware of what Saber meant, but she still felt an uneasy feeling gripping her chest whenever thinking about his previous words.

As if able to sense something amiss, the little infant also began crying out. Saber on the other hand was taken aback by the screams coming from the mouth of the baby. One must know that Saber was different even as he was just born, things such as crying were a subject he was oblivious about.

Seeing such an unsightly act, Saber clicked his tongue in annoyance. His sword disappeared as he shifted his attention toward the duo of adult and infant. Saber then leisurely began striding toward them with a relaxed smile on his face as he said.

"Luck must be shining down on me. To find such tender meat when I was filled with annoyance, such impeccable timing." Saber said. His voice caused cold sweat to appear on the female's forehead as she grabbed the infant from the ground and tried to turn around to escape.

Yet, just as she turned her body, she realized that standing in front of her with his hands on his waist was Saber with a demonic and crazed smile on his face. Greed and lust had filled his eyes as he looked at the body of the female.

Even though he did not feel an intense amount of hunger since his bloodline had passed 20% in awakening, he still was able to feel a thirst for flesh. And seeing a beautiful female in front of him, Saber's wild instincts flared.

Saber's hand then casually stretched out. His actions were casual, but the speed with which he did such an action was so fast that the female didn't have the time to even perceive his attack. Before she even realized it, she was in Saber's grip as the baby in her hand fell to the ground.


Saber floated up to a few meters in the air before throwing the female's body to the ground, knocking her unconscious in the process. He then descended onto the ground and grasped the female's right hand.

An instant later, Saber tore her arm off her shoulder as he brought it to his mouth. Sniffing it, his eyes lit up in delight as he opened his mouth. His canines expanded as he then went on to bite down and chomp on the tender meat of the female's arm.




(An Hour Later)

In an open field of grass, one can see the figure of Saber sitting in a lotus position as he was surrounded by a mysterious black aura that had hints of purple. He had just finished eating his meal, as the only thing that remained were a few pieces of clothing of the female and the infant.

"Use all of the Kill points to increase my bloodline awakening!" Saber ordered out loud. His voice was filled with expectation, excitement, and determination. It took a solid will to watch as more than a million Kill points disappear.


Soon after ordering his system, Saber was left stunned as a booming sound left his body. His shock didn't end there, as right after, his consciousness was dragged into his mind domain where he then appeared standing on top of his platform.

A platform that underwent slight changes from the last time. Previously, the black-colored platform had zero signs of any other color, but there were now some faint streaks of dark purple running across the thousand-meter platform.

These dark purple lines though began becoming more and more potent and plentiful as the seconds passed. Alon with this shocking scene, Saber watched on in a stupor, as immense amounts of Sage energy from the outside world were drawn into his mind domain and automatically infused into his platform.

This action was then followed up by the expansion of the platform. The current speed that the platform expanded is something that Saber never even dreamt of. He watched on in amazement as his platform passed the 2,000-meter mark and continued with no signs of ever stopping.

The body of black liquid under the platform also changed as it was seemingly slowly being corrupted by the dark purple that was also infusing itself with Saber's platform. A platform that had long passed 7,000 meters in length.

One must know, to become a mid-level Domain Lord one's platform must span 10,000 meters. It was because of this knowledge, that Saber was left in astonishment as he watched his platform pass 9,000 meters and rush on to 10,000 meters.


An explosion occurred in Saber's mind domain as Saber realized that his platform had surpassed the 10,000 meters. Instantly after, the speed at which the stream of dark purple that infused itself into the black increased.

Saber knew that once his consciousness descends into his physical body his domain would be 10 meters instead of one, but he also knew, with the current speed his platform increased its expansion, by the time he reenters the mortal world, his domain would be way bigger than just 10 meters.

Hell, he wasn't even sure what realm of power he would be in when his consciousness reenters the physical world!

He watched on in shock as he did not even need to do anything. His platform increased in its speed as a holographic screen made its appearance in front of Nascent Soul Saber, along with it was chibi Leviathan who appeared on Saber's Nascent Soul's shoulder.

A holographic screen that read...

[ Master Saber's Stats-

Title: Demonic Fiend

Race: Unregistered

Lifespan: 17/1,000,000 (Still Calculating)

Bloodline Awakening: 40%

Bloodline Aspects:

Evolution-Unknown rank

Regeneration-Unknown rank

Illusion-Unknown rank

Poison Physique-High rank

Shape Shifting-Mid rank

Luck Halo-Low rank

Physical Power: 173,586 (Still Calculating)

True Undying Body Art: Level 1 (Still Calculating)

Sage Cultivation: Mid-Level Domain Lord (Still Calculating)

Kill points: 763,209 ]

"Wow..." Saber said with a voice filled with disbelief. He expected his stats to rise immensely, but this was a little outside his expectation. He then went on to ask his servant.

"How is my physical power also increasing?" He asked in confusion. He was still unaware of how or why it was like that, so he asked the only person that he was 100% sure knew the answer.

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