
I’m the Owner of the Pokémon Day Care In the World of Pokémon

After a brief slumber, Yuga woke up to find himself in the world of Pokémon, inheriting a family daycare business. Note: 1. This book is a Pokémon fan fiction. 2. The story is heavily inspired by the animated series in terms of world-building and characters. 3. Early chapters may contain mature themes, reader discretion is advised. 4. The main storyline involving the day care may have a slower start, please be patient. 5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information. 6. This story does not feature a female lead. Let's Join : My Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/bearnard_bear My Patreon: https://shorturl.at/imCOS My Discord: https://discord.com/invite/EmMDmZmRaC

bearnard_bear97 · Anime & Comics
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Second Rounds

Following Mr. Alder's instructions, Yuga, Christine, and Sora left. According to Mr. Alder, there were League-appointed trainers guarding the entrance to the Underground World, and they would receive assistance upon arrival.

After exiting the Battle Company Building's entrance, Sora asked, "Should we move together or separately?"

Christine replied with a seemingly helpless expression, "Of course, we should stick together. Can you bear to let a weak woman like me go alone to such a dangerous place?"

Christine's tone and mannerisms made Yuga and Sora involuntarily shiver. Weak woman? Especially after losing to Christine in the competition, Sora couldn't help but roll his eyes.

However, in the end, they decided to go together because safety in numbers was essential in that environment.

Yuga, Sora, and Christine agreed to meet in front of the Pokémon Center in Castelia City the next day before departing for the Pinwheel Forest. Before that, each of them needed to make preparations, as they might be staying in the forest for several days.

They didn't consider this task simple; given the seven-day time frame, it indicated that the mission would require this much time. taking it lightly would only lead to one outcome: failure.

After Yuga and Sora parted ways, they saw Mayor Ishida and Liliana still waiting at the entrance. They seemed a bit anxious, possibly due to the extended wait.

When they saw Yuga emerge, Mayor Ishida and Liliana quickly approached.

"How did it go? What did Mr. Alder want with you?" Mayor Ishida asked Yuga anxiously, fearing something might have gone wrong.

When Yuga was informed that he would meet Mr. Alder, he had sent a message to Mayor Ishida in advance. That's why Mayor Ishida and Liliana were waiting here; otherwise, they would have gone in to look for him if he hadn't come out for so long.

With a smile, Yuga told Mayor Ishida, "It's not a bad thing. Let's talk while we walk."

Mayor Ishida said, "Sure, sure, let's talk while we walk."

Hearing Yuga say it wasn't a bad thing, Mayor Ishida finally felt relieved. Together with Yuga and Liliana, they headed back to their residence.

On the way, Yuga explained to them about the hidden benefits for the top three in the competition, but he didn't reveal the specifics of the test. Mayor Ishida and Liliana tactfully didn't ask for further details.

Mr. Alder had instructed Yuga, Christine, and Sora to keep the details about the Underground World confidential for the time being.

"That's wonderful news! Wonderful!" Mayor Ishida was overjoyed. In his view, the League's increased support for the Verdanturf Gym indirectly supported the development of the entire Verdanturf Town.

As for the test task that Yuga mentioned, Mayor Ishida couldn't care less. At this point, Yuga was seen as an all-capable figure in his heart. Whatever test task it was, it wasn't a problem. Having it or not made no difference.

Seeing Mayor Ishida's excited expression, Yuga shook his head helplessly. The Mayor had truly worked hard to ensure the development of Verdanturf Town.

Liliana also wore a delighted expression. The better Verdanturf Town developed, the greater her contribution would be. In the Jenny family, a large clan that valued achievements, individual status and position were determined by one's achievements.

The Jenny family, like the Joy family, shares a similar ethos. For example, Yuga once encountered Joyna, the Chief Prosecutor of the Sinnoh Prosecutor Bureau. Her position was earned through relentless effort and determination.

Speaking of which, the League has two special departments: the Prosecutor Bureau and the Investigation Bureau. These two departments are among the most dangerous and rewarding within the League.

The Prosecutor Bureau, where Joyna and Steven serve, wields considerable authority. It supervises all League departments, clearing out internal troublemakers while quietly maintaining League order.

For instance, during the recent chaos caused by Zapdos in Verdanturf Town, the role played by the Prosecutor Bureau cannot be underestimated.

They even extended an invitation to Yuga, which he declined. Such behind-the-scenes work wasn't suitable for someone like him, who runs a Pokémon Day Care.

If the Prosecutor Bureau deals with internal affairs of the League, then the Investigation Bureau deals with external matters, maintaining League order as its public face.

Handling external criminal cases and dealing with unlawful organizations are part of the Investigation Bureau's responsibilities. The most famous investigator of the Investigation Bureau is Kanto's Dragon-type Elite Four, Lance.

Currently, Lance not only serves as Kanto Dragon-type Elite Four but also holds the position of Chief Investigator in both Kanto and Johto regions. While his strength might fall slightly short compared to Joyna, the Chief Prosecutor of the Sinnoh Prosecutor Bureau, his accomplishments are unquestionable. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gained such fame at a young age.

Prosecutor Steven, who was currently enjoying his leisure and had no idea about these developments. (He's being called out again! ━Σ(Д|||)━)

However, compared to the Investigation Bureau, which continuously operates on the frontlines, the Prosecutor Bureau is indeed less likely to become famous.

The League may celebrate the capture of an international criminal by the Investigation Bureau, but it won't publicize when the Prosecutor Bureau deals with a League traitor. This is a realistic issue.

However, in terms of achievements, there's no difference between the two. The League remains fair in this regard.

Once Yuga and the others returned to their residence with Mayor Ishida and Liliana, Yuga discussed the upcoming itinerary with them.

Yuga needed to remain in the Unova region to continue with the forthcoming test task, while Mayor Ishida and Liliana didn't have much to do. They couldn't leave them waiting in Castelia City for two days. Verdanturf Town still had many government affairs and cases to handle.

So, Yuga suggested that Mayor Ishida and Liliana return to Verdanturf Town tomorrow, while he would return to Verdanturf Town after completing the test task.

Although they were concerned about Yuga, when they considered his abilities, Mayor Ishida and Liliana eventually accepted Yuga's suggestion and planned to depart for Verdanturf Town tomorrow.

After discussing with Mayor Ishida and Liliana, Yuga's next task was to prepare equipment for the journey to Pinwheel Forest. Whether it was food or water, he needed to prepare everything in advance. He couldn't rely solely on wild berrys and stream water for the next seven days in the forest.