
Necros people

Deanna Copeland was taken back by the surprise offer from princes Loren when he came to the library.

"Oh my good morning prince, I am happy to see you again and about what you ask are you sure."

Loren smiled before speaking.

"Yes it's fine as a matter of fact the reason I am asking is because I would like your knowledge on the book about my people along with having your nice company and please call me Loren."

The girl blushes shyling when hearing Loren say that.

"I don't know what about the library surely there will be someone in need of a book."

"My honest dear Deanna people are not interested in books like us and the few that do. They seek other things to fill themselves with wasting away in it."

"That was a little harsh to say about people, don't you think prince…. I mean Loren."

Loren smiled seeing that she was trying to get used to calling him by his first name.

"Yet it is true from what I have said."

'Yes it is, I do wish people will be more interested in books. There is so much to be learned about the world."

"Indeed there is, but for now, I would like for us to learn something more interesting now, so how about it let us go take a nice walk away from the kingdom."

Deanna agreed to spend a day away from the kingdom with Loren as the two of them made their way outside taking a nice walk together side by side.

Soon they found a nice stop with a tree around them as Deanna sat down against one of those trees while holding onto a book.

"It is nice to feel the fresh air once in a while, even better with someone." she said blushing.

"You are right about that." Loren said sitting across from her being now face to face with each other.

"I brought the book you requested about your people, I have said this book, I have read it 3 times and what I learn is amazing."

"Tell me is there a name of the person who has written this book." Loren asks.

She shakes her head once to ask that question.

"The weird thing is that there is no name, I have a check and no such thing."

"Interesting, I wonder why, but we'll leave that for another time as of right now, I would like you to tell me what you have learned from the book."

"Oh well from what I have learned your people were called Necros, I guess it is a short way of calling them necromancers. The thing they are even more interesting is that they use to be human."

Loren raised an eyebrow to what she just said.

"They used to be what you mean by that, Deanna."

"Well that's the thing the Necros people were human once as it said in the book by the person who wrote it. The ones who were no longer humans had grey skin like ash, eyes that were completely black like empty vold and pure white hair."

"So that would mean they were pure blooded people and the only thing that shows a smaller feature is the hair not even my mother has that she looks completely normal."

"That because she was born like that as it says in the book there are rare at times to happen and when such one is born in a way they do not share the same gift, sadly those are treated harshly as outcasts."

Loren wondered about that thinking if his mother had gone through. She never says much about it, only talks about what their people are and what they can do.

"What happens to the ones that are marked as these outcasts."

"It's sad they are treated so badly among their people that those born that way are killed most of the time or abandoned to die only the lucky few get to live a life, but one that is not pleasant."

"I can imagine, so that means my mother was born an outcast then what does that make me one as well."

"No actual, you would be known as a half-breed to them where it is written in the book because there were a few at the time. They wouldn't be treated badly, but not well at the sametime as long as those have the gift."

Loren takes in this interesting information thanks to Deanna's help from reading the book about the Necros people and wants to know.

"Any other information you give me." he asked.

"Yes there is so much more as you wouldn't believe." she said, excitedly.

Deanna conducted a conversation with Loren about the Necros giving more information about them to him.

While listening, he starts to understand something about Deanna, she is a person who has a deep and loving desire for knowledge.

A special person who would like to seek out interesting and new information on this world.

After a while she stops for a moment looking straight at Loren as he can see that there is something the girl wants to ask.

"Is there something you wish to ask of me Deanna."

"Well, I hope this doesn't feel too personal to ask of you, but I want to know what it is like to use the dark magic of Necromancy."

Loren takes a moment to himself after being asked that from her then speaks.

"Necromancy is a very powerful magic to learn, I was lucky to be born with this power as it was coming easy to me instead of those who had to work and give up alot to master. Yet still it has its problems for me as now and future, I fear one day, I might lose myself to the darkness of this power."

"Do you truly think that Loren to me, I don't see you as such a person to let yourself failed

"I thank you for those words, but I can't think of myself differently than others believing that power can not corrupt me is a foolish thing to blind one self with. No matter how long a person with power can hold back against it always leads the same person to fall or succeed in their life."

Loren looks at his hands and suddenly they start to shake Deanna notices and put her hands with his.

When she did that, he looked her in the face as Deanna was showing him a smile.

"I know that what you are doing is going to be tough, but don't let something like that ever happen to you ok promise."

"I promise." right Loren said that he kissed her.

Deanna was caught by surprise by this and quickly broke after a minute pass.

"Loren! What are you thinking ? That was the first kiss." She tells him getting shy and embarrassed.

"I was thinking why not kiss the cute, friendly and beautiful librarian girl in front of me."

She blush completely to what he just said to her.

Deanna has no idea what to say now as Loren looks at her smiling.

Out of nowhere he couldn't help, but let out a yawn.

"Have you tried Loren?" She asked

"Yes forgive me for not having slept well last night."

Loren tells her as he soon thinks about that night with the spirit with his great uncle.

"If you like, I can offer my lap for you to lay upon to rest." she said then realizes soon what she just did.

Loren smiled like that offer as he walked up to her and began laying down on Deanna laps.

She was surprised because this is something Deanna never has done with a boy making it a first.

Looking at Loren peacefully resting fast on her lap began to make the girl's heartbeat start to move faster.

"I can't believe this, I have prince Loren resetting on my lap. This is really happening, what am I supposed to do?" Deanna thought.

After a few minutes she starts brushing through his white hair staring at his face while he sleeps.


Sonya worked hard in the shop creating what Loren needed as fast as she could go.

Endiut Pathwarrior and Angelina were doing their job as told by Loren to protect Sonya while she works.

They even help take care of the bodies of dead thugs that Angelin had killed.

It was like that for a time until Sonya opened her mouth.

"So what are you two to Loren, his lovers or something." She asked.

This question was something the two didn't expect to be asked.

"Yup we are Loren lovers." Angelina answered so casually.

"Angelina! You didn't have to answer that as she doesn't need to know."

"Why it is not like care if you guys are doesn't matter to me how many lovers Loren has just asking to make some conversation instead of having you two stare at me all day."

Endiut Pathwarrior let out a sigh then spoke.

"Look it's complicated for us." she said a little annoyed about it.

"You mean because he engages with the king's daughter, I doubt that can make things complicated for you guys since it stops male high royalties from sleeping with other women."

"Loren is different that way, he loves us, but he can't go further with that love as he has to marry the princess here."

Listen to what Endiut Pathwarrior just said carefully had hit Sonya as she just took note of something and it even made her stop working.

"Your girls are virgins." she said out loud.

Endiut Pathwarrior was embarrassed about that, but Angelina didn't care about it as she knows that one day Loren and her will have sex.

"Sadly as much as I hate to ament it true we haven't taken it that far if Loren father picked him to marry this princess."

"I didn't see that coming, so Loren is not going to sleep with you girl."

"Only because we have to wait on that bitch princess if she will accept everything or not."

"What do you mean to accept everything?" Sonya asks now ``here interest is lighting up."

Angelina turned her attention to Enidut Pathwarrior, seeing her put a hand to her head shaking.

"Forget what she just said, nothing important." she tells Sonya hoping she will leave it alone.

"Yeah not going to happen, I would like to know what she means or I am going to stop working permanently and he can go find someone else."

"Really you're going to act like that now are we."

Sonya says not a word back and shows not a sigh of going back to work the two girls look at each other.

They can force her to get back to work, but that will lead to a fight and one of them might end up killing her as that is going to put a big problem on Loren 's plans.

There are only two opinions to leave it the way it is or to give in and get things back to moving.

"Fine, I'll tell you hopefully Loren won't be angry by this."


Loren opened his eyes looking up at the sky, seeing that the sun was coming down.

He remembers coming outside away from the kingdom with Deanna to have a private discussion about his mother the Necros people until the girl off her lap for him to rest on as Loren showed signs of tiredness.

Turning his head to the side to look at the girl as she was sleeping peaceful against the tree.

Loren would like to keep going like this all day, but he could not as this day, he begins what has been carefully planned.

Slowly he gets up from her lap which makes Deanna awake.

Once up she looked at her lap then at Loren blushing.

"Sorry for waking you, but it's better that we're up now before dark, oh I also want to thank you for allowing me to sleep on your lap. They were soft and lovely."

"Oh! It was no problem, I was just glad to help in any way for you."

"That's nice of you, I look forward to spending time like this more often."

Deanna was happy to hear him say that and at the sametime Loren remembered an important subject to ask her before they returned back to the kingdom.

"Deanna there something, I wish to ask of you as I know that a person such as yourself may have knowledge of."

"And what may that be Loren."

"Blood Magic is a way one to control blood and use it as a powerful weapon. I know such a power is a very rare thing to learn that is why, I want to know if there have been any who master such a skill."

Deanna takes a moment to think before answering Loren.

"That type of magic could only be learned by one race and that race no longer exists in this world."

"And what races could that be."

"Blood elves." she tells him

Loren was surprised to hear about such a type of elves there wasn't much about them in any books like the others.

"Blood elves, I haven't gained any knowledge about that type of elves."

"They're not like the Necros people, you can seek information about them, but it's hard to do so because no one wants to learn about the history of the blood elves, it 's very horrible, Loren."

Loren studies the girl's reaction to the talking subject matter and sees that this about the blood elves may have a truly dark history about them.

"I like to talk with you about this another time when there is a chance we get, so let's return before the sun completely goes down."


Back at the castle Nelson was called upon by his father to come pay a visit in the throne room.

Once arriving he opens the doors entering inside to see that only there was his father sitting down on his throne while holding onto a paper in hand.

"Father, you summon me. What is this about that is needed for the two of us to meet like this.

There was silence from his father as he spoke to him. Nelson started to wonder what could be going on.

King Garland began to move off his throne walking slowly toward his son.

When close, getting face to face with his own flesh and blood, the man looked him deep in the eyes.

"My son, I have an important matter that only I can trust discussing with you and no one else."

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