
I am the first dragon in my world

DaoistFQfzzy · Fantaisie
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1 Chs


1 point of view

Hot...it's really hot here, but not burning hot, but relaxing hot, that makes you want to sleep...

I move to feel my arm that was probably numb from sleeping on him, I move the left arm... the right... The left leg... The right... the wings...

Hmm...but do I have wings? I move this strange but new part of my body a little more... I never had wings, it doesn't make sense biologically either... *I let out a sigh, very lazily I slowly open my eyes*

In my field of vision I find peculiar things, I see an endless lake of magma, making several bubbles that explode and several pillars of magma rising to the surface quickly but falling just as quickly.

Strangely, without being shaken in the slightest by such a sight, I lower my gaze and look at my hands, now more confidently calling them paws, It looks very much like a fusion of different reptiles, with huge claws and apparently incredible vitality and in the Palms, Looking behind my body, I see large wings with a clear ability to fly even with my apparently heavy body.

I stand up slowly and without much excitement or fear, I realize that for some reason, I have become one of those borrowed creatures, with absurd and magical capabilities to exist in the real world, I have become... a DRAGON!

Within moments of noticing my apparent body change, a blue screen with some characters appears in my vision:


Name: ???(not obtained)

Level 1

Race: Dragon (Pseudoleistes virescens)

Element/s: Not chosen*

Titles: The first*(NEW)

Status: open*


With interest in this strange stranger, I try to touch it, interestingly, my finger actually hides it, which unintentionally opens a new screen.

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The first

You had an incredible achievement of being the first creature to be born, you were born long before the first true creation of the planet, even before the awakening of the planet's consciousness!!!

Reward: immunity to all types of mental attacks of the same or equal level;

Everyone's status (+5);

acquired skill (hibernate).

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The first?hmm...so a variety of species will be born, given the amount of magma it is really at the beginning of a planet, but will you live until the birth of the planetary population?it will be good millions of years at least, complicated... in fact, I gained an ability to basically wait, right?

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It makes it impossible for you to die of old age, hunger and thirst with this ability active.


The number of years to hibernate can be chosen!

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Perfect! Since I don't have much to do, I'm going to sleep until the planet is already inhabited by many specimens! My biologist spirit is stronger and more anxious than ever!!

Hibernate activated!!! The years will be...

Tell me if the chapter is too short, I will also make an auxiliary chapter to include all the current information and status.

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