
I am Overhaul in Jujutsu Kaisen World

After living an ordinary, unremarkable life, a young man suddenly wakes up in a completely different world—the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. Confused by this universe filled with sorcerers and curses, he quickly realizes he’s been reincarnated with an extraordinary power: Overhaul’s Quirk, the ability to break down and reconstruct any matter, including human beings. Armed with this terrifying power, he’s thrust into the ongoing battle between Jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits. But with great power comes great temptation—will he use his newfound gift for good, or will he fall into the darkness of a world plagued by curses?

Luel · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

An unexpected event

The light breeze gently caressed Ryosuke's face as he lay on the rooftop of his school, his eyes half-closed. He loved this place, far from the noise of classrooms, teachers, and the endless chatter of his classmates. Up here, everything felt calm, as if time itself was frozen. But today, something was different.

A strange sense of suffocation, like an invisible weight pressing down on his shoulders, bothered him. He sighed, letting his thoughts wander, and eventually dozed off.

"Ryo-kun, what are you doing up here?"

Ryosuke's eyes shot open, startled. A boy from his class stood next to him, looking concerned.

"We've been looking for you for hours, you know? Math class started twenty minutes ago."

Ryosuke sat up, yawning and feeling a bit embarrassed. "Sorry, I wasn't feeling too well... I needed to get away for a bit."

The boy shrugged. "You'd better catch up before tomorrow's test, or you're gonna fail again."

"I know, I know," Ryosuke replied with a weak smile.

As the boy walked back towards the rooftop door, Ryosuke turned his gaze to the horizon.

"I guess I'm the only one who can see this…"

A strange screen floated in front of him, like a hologram suspended in midair. Its letters glowed with a bright blue light.

When Ryosuke had dozed off earlier, he'd experienced the strangest dream — if you could even call it a dream. It felt more like living an entirely different life.

Even after waking up, that strange sensation hadn't left him. It was as if he'd just remembered his past life. Like in those novels he'd read — he had been reincarnated.

And as for why he was only recalling his previous life now, it probably had something to do with the screen floating before his eyes.

Ryosuke frowned in confusion.

The words written on the screen sent a chill down his spine: [Welcome, Host. You have been brought into this world.]

He blinked, disbelief washing over him. "Brought… into this world? What the hell?" he muttered, glancing around. No one was there.

Before he could really think about what it all meant, the text changed.

[Choose a card as your starter gift.]

Several cards appeared beneath the message, floating gently as if carried by the wind.

Ryosuke hesitated. This couldn't be real, could it? Yet curiosity outweighed fear. Slowly, he reached for one of the cards.

The card he chose shimmered faintly and flipped over.

"Overhaul" was written on it.

The name echoed in his mind. Overhaul… Wait… isn't that… from My Hero Academia? he thought, heart racing.

Overhaul, Kai Chisaki's quirk, able to break down and reconstruct anything with just a touch.

Suddenly, a surge of energy flooded through him. A torrent of information about the ability he had just acquired seemed to engrave itself into his very soul. It all flashed through his mind at an overwhelming speed.

He staggered slightly but managed to stay upright. The confusion gradually gave way to astonishing clarity. He now knew exactly what Overhaul was.

"Incredible..." he whispered, stunned.

But before he could fully process the shock, the screen changed again:

[Congratulations. You have chosen: Overhaul.]

At first, Ryosuke had dismissed all of this as a hallucination, but now he knew it was much more than that. He had actually been given a power — part of the classic reincarnation system.

But it wasn't just any power. It was one he knew well, from a work of fiction.

Yet that wasn't even the craziest part. As the power etched itself into his mind, Ryosuke realized that he hadn't just been reincarnated…

Before he could get lost in his thoughts, the message changed once more.

[Good luck. Perhaps you will become a great jujutsu sorcerer.]

And with that, the screen vanished.

Yes, he had been reincarnated into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen.

Jujutsu Kaisen. He knew this world.

Just like My Hero Academia, it was a manga. A terrifying world, filled with curses, deadly battles, and jujutsu sorcerers fighting for their lives and the survival of the world.

But now, it wasn't just a story to him — it was a harsh reality he had been living in for the past 15 years.

Ryosuke looked down at his trembling hands. He could feel an energy coursing through his veins, destabilizing yet intoxicating.

"So… this is cursed energy…"

His heart pounded as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.

"I have to stay calm. This world is dangerous, but with Overhaul… maybe I can be more than just a bystander or potential cannon fodder."

The sound of the rooftop door creaking open again startled him. The same boy from earlier appeared, visibly annoyed.

"Seriously, Ryosuke, are you planning to stay up here all day?"

Ryosuke glanced nervously at the spot where the screen had been floating. But… nothing. It was gone.

He shook his head, still confused. "Sorry, I'm coming."

The boy gave him a puzzled look. "You okay? You seem… off."

"Yeah, yeah… just a bit tired." Ryosuke forced a smile. "Let's go."


A/N :

Alright, here's the first chapter. I'm writing it exclusively here. Yes, I know it's a fan fiction, and fan fictions aren't monetized on WN. But I have another reason for doing this.

Audience. Yep, I need an audience because, believe it or not, I'm planning to launch an original novel very soon, and I hope this fan fiction will convince you to check it out when the time comes.

So, don't forget to interact and share your feedback, whether it's to improve this fan fiction or to help shape my upcoming novel. If there's enough interest, I might even continue writing this fan fiction after my original work is released.

I'll be posting daily, since there's a lot of competition here. I could publish one or two chapters a day. I'm very open to feedback, so don't hesitate to engage, and thanks again!

Well, that's it for me. BYE!

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