
At That Time, I, A God Ran For My Life.

Wuss ( SFX )

Back to The Home. -

Oh, There she is, lying on the sofa. Hmm, It does not look like she has any injury on her but I can't say the same about her mental state or an abnormal status. Maybe I should ask Diana (system) to should examine her body just to make sure.

" Diana " ( Aoi )

" Understood Master "

Since Diana can read my thoughts, I don't have to tell her every little thing.

" Master, These Clothes On Her"

Cloths? Ayushi's clothes are interfering?

" Can't you somehow do it with her clothes on? I cannot possibly. "


SYSTEM - ER------

She muted system in the middle of its phrase.

" Can't Do Master. These Clothes are interfering " ( Diana )

" *Sigh So, I have no other choice " ( Aoi )

Ayushi is not wearing her usual cloth of daily life, the clothes she is wearing right now. These cloths have some nasty effects, they are made to force its target to submit, they are similar to a slave collar. That Mid-Tier probably forced her to wear them. ( It's just like a towel wrapped around her )

undressing her, undressing mortal is nothing for me. She is just a mortal I don't feel embar...*Shivers

" Diana, are you sure you can't do anything? she is gonna call me a pervert again if she finds I undressed her without her permission " - Undressing her

" Master, You can do it. "

That Damn Diana. even though she has the power to destroy the whole world and shake heaven. she can't do anything about this stupid cloth.

" *sigh " she is enjoying it ain't she? I lost my title, position and authority over the system so now Diana can refuse my orders.

Well, It's not like she was forced to follow my orders, she had her own free will before too but now since I lost my position too. she doesn't have any reason to follow orders from me -Similar to a student who follows the teaching of a teacher even though he has his own free will

"Okay I Understand, This is for Ayushi's sake. Forgive me. " ( Aoi )

I closed my eyes when I removed that small cloth from her, but still. Anyway, I am done.

A few Hours Later -Early In Morning -2nd Floor, Bedroom

Ayushi regained her consciousness, it surely took her while. it's almost morning.

"A-Aoi -Sensei, Wha--What-- What are you doing in my hou... house? " ( Ayushi ) -And in my be..

" Huh? This is not my bedroom, Don't tell me..! you brought me somewhere suspicious! Did you kidnap me!? " (Ayushi)

woah, her imagination sure runs wild. (By the way, Ayushi is now wearing her usual school uniform ) well, I expected this much. it took me an hour to calm her down but it was a success

" So, Sensei you are telling me. I was attacked by a thief in my back and you were happened to be nearby, you heard my scream, rushed towards my location and found me lying there unconscious. " ( Ayushi )

" Yes, that's what happened. " ( Aoi )

My story is flawless as ever.

-Pheff ( Diana, Trying to control her laugh )

Eh? did i hear som..

" So, if what are you telling me is true then why I don't remember anything? why don't have any scars or wounds on me?" ( Ayushi )

Aha! I guess my story wasn't as flawless as I thought, Nice attack Ayushi, but!! I have counter-attack!

" It must be hard hit on your head that you forget everything. for your wounds, you know I am (ex) god. I fixed you up" (Aoi)

"....." ( Ayushi )

Aha, She is staring at me. well, even if you have doubts you cannot question me ( i am a god after all )

Morning -

In the end, Ayushi asked me a lot of question like why she is in my house instead of her own, for every question she asked. I made up a lie to answer that question since I cannot possibly tell her the truth.

Diana successfully removed all abnormal status from Ayushi and she is resting now in (My) her room -I told her to take it easy and do not come to school today. (-I locked the front door of the home as well as all the windows, just in case)

" Should we head to school now? " (Aoi -Asking himself)

But There is a slight problem, umm how I should I explain it.

She is pregnant

" HOW I SHOULD DEAL WITH THIS ?? " (Aoi Talking to himself while Walking to School )

I mean come on, of all the things! she gets pregnant? how i should tell her that she is pregnant? what i should say?

( You guys, trust me. i have not done anything to her! at all )

" Master, BEST OF LUCK ! " ( Diana )

" Shut it ! you could have removed her pregnancy status too but you didn't ! "

" Master, you know well. that i cannot do that " -That unborn child is your son after all.

".... " -Yes, that is my son.

I have no excuse for my incompetence.

there is no way this mortal girl would forgive me

A God, who's is the father of a child of a mortal. That's gonna be hard to believe

" Master, actually that does not sound strange at all. mortal do believe that they are all children's of god "

" Your jokes are terrible as ever, and just shut up, don't talk unless you have urgent matt.... I am already at the school " ----mortals aren't children of gods but a creation

Class 3-A

"Stand Up, Good Morning Aoi-Sensei. Sit " ( Seeya Haruto- Rep, )

" Good Morning Everyone, Ayushi will be absent today because of a fever. now let's start our class "

(Whispering, A student to another student ) "Eh? she never got a fever before. she been absent before because of her part-time job but... mayb.. ? "

( Whispering back, A student to another student ) " Maybe we should go and check on her. "

No no no no!!! don't do that, I will be caught if you do that!

I mean her home is demolished..! ( It was an apartment ) yea whatever, apartment or home.. it's all same

" Sumi, you don't need worry. I will... umm " - What I should say to them!!?

" Sensei heard us? " ( Sumi ) - but we were whispering

" There is no need for you to worry, she lives alone so principal asked me to check on her. I will be going to her home and you guys might disturb her rest " (Aoi)

there is no way in hell that it didn't sound strange!

" as you say sensei " ( Sumi )

( that was the moment when Sumi'si's suspicious about Ayushi's and Aoi's relationship started to develop )

STOP DOING THAT ALREADY! She might be pregnant but i ain't done anything to her!! it ain't my fault damn it!

{ Class Ended }

i have so many things to deal with,

I lost my position. ( A god )

i lost my reaming protection ( System's Protection )

Now i am not an only untitled god but a fallen god ( Can't be called a god anymore )

i endangered a mortal's life, now she is pregnant ( A God gonna become a father ? )

there is this kid Reo that i have to deal with ( ****** )

Am I Being Downgraded?

There are two kids in my class, they seems to be annoyed for some reasons. i believe one of them is relative of Ayushi, ( Cousin ) and other one is a friend of that relative. I know this because I checked on my student's background, to get to know them better, though it came to me as a surprise too. since Ayushi's cousin doesn't even talk to her, I never saw them talking to each other at all

In Hallway

" Hello Aoi-Sensei, Uhh you look. is there something bothering you? " ( Touma Sensei )

" Oh, Tou-Sensei " ( Aoi )

"Aoi Sensei, Don't call me that !! *Sigh* at first there was only the principal whom i had to deal with and now you came " ( touma Sensei )

Uh, How strange, Tou-sensei didn't get that angry ( Like before ) but instead

" I am sorry about that. it's just that kid, Reo. i don't know how should handle him " ( Aoi )

" Is that so ? well, don't be nervous Aoi-Sensei, just go for it " -That's all the advice i can give you. ( Touma Sensei )

" Oh-Uh-Umm, Thank you " -for nothing

This is guy, he is useless

Well, anyway I should head to Reo's house.

( Near a buddhist Temple, Takayama )

" Reo's house should be somewhere around here. Diana, can you tell me which one it is? "

This place is not far from my own house, if I knew how close his place was, i would've came here long ago but the principal didn't gave me his address before so, not my fault. from what I can tell, Reo's home is in front of a Inn somewhere here

Diana - Master, go straight and turn left, Reo's house is first in a row of left


{ In Front of a house, I had no idea if it is actually Reo's house }

i rang the door bell, I hope that no one comes out with a bat on their hand and starts swinging it towards me. i wouldn't be able to deal with it

( Master is completely serious -Master is now a powerless being who does not belong anywhere but the definition of powerless differs from his world and this world )

-Shut it, Diana. I am trying to concentrate here

-On what? Master.

- *Pheffff* ( Angry ) you sure enjoying this moment. just please don't disturb me for now

Someone opened the door

" Umm Hello? do you need somet... " ( A boy who came out of the house. )

" Oh Hello, is this Reo's Household ? "

That Boy suddenly ran back inside his home

" Ehhhh? did I do something we.. HOLY SHIT!! "

And Brought a back with him, he suddenly attacked me out of nowhere!

Eh? Eh? Why? Why? ( i am currently running on the street and that guy is behind my back, following me with his bat ! ) damn it ! I can clearly sense his killing intent towards me!!

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