
I am me, when I am with you.

Eira an ambitious girl, who desires to be a fashion designer, has just begun her life of highschool. but this boy she met accidently is kind of..... let's join this journey of youth with Eira and her friends.

guondyo · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
3 Chs

The art room.

It's early in the morning.


Eira extends her arm to switch it off. while stretching her body to wake herself fully up she notices a note beside the lamp.

it reads–

"Baby mommy had urgent meetings to attend to :( . hope you have a great first day at high school. I'll see you at dinner. lots of love♡♡".

"first day of high school" eira murmurs while putting the note down.

"I wonder if it would be fun".



Everyone has assembled on the ground, and now principal's welcome speech starts–

" Good morning dear students , I welcome you all. I hope.....


someone whispers to eira.

"yes? Eira whispers back.

"your coat looks really good! which brand? where did you buy it from??

"oh...it's actually designed by me and my mom helped me a little bit with sewing and stuff".

Really?? that's so cool!! she says in an exciting tone.

"by the way "I am Arina".

"Nice to meet you" I am Eira. I really appreciate your compliment.

[both exchange smiles.]

"Time to sing the welcome song now"

announces the teacher.

[students start to sing together]

"we are like cherry blossom".

"we are like butterfly"

[a melodious voice starts to come]-

"and we are everything that holds beauty in it.

one day we'll fly".

Eira looks at Arina with a stunned face.

"she can sing so well", she says to herself.

[At classroom "B"] ( Eira's new class)

okay everyone. I am your homeroom teacher miss yuki.

[and with these words appears yuki , as flamboyant as ever , wearing a glittered slit bodycon dress in bright black colour.]

"not only your teacher yuki continues but I am also a very successful fashion designer,my shop is located downtown near the post office , and my family is very supportive, they let me explore my ambition and and( starts to sob) though sometimes they are pretty nosy ( sniffs sniffs) about my marriage (sniffs)

but.."Miss"? a student interrupts.

"my dear you must not interrupt someone while they are talking"yuki says with annoyance.

"but miss a teacher is there on the door"....

yuki looks in that direction and says" oh...yes how may I help you sir??

"it would be great for these students if you'd focus more on teaching than talking"

says the teacher with a straight face.

[hearing it yuki snaps]

trying not to show her anger with a smile she says" oh , but let me tell you sir people like you who talk rudely do no great help to the society either".

"I am sorry if came rather rude , I just started facts , anyway I am Alex and I am the basketball coach of this school , I have some business with leo Nixon. can I take him with me"?

"yes sure! you can take him and just leave!!

says yuki with a smile.

[Alex leaves with leo].

what trash of a man was he!!

first day of my job and people are already getting on my nerves . stated facts! stated facts! we'll both him and his facts can go to hell!!!!!

yuki mutters to herself while crumpling a paper. then turns around with a beaming smile and says " so let's start the roll call students".

[ she's definately with a split personality! thinks everyone.]



so this was it for today! I'll see you all tomorrow - oh I almost forgot every student is supposed to join a club..so you must write your name infront of the club you desire to choose.

because we don't have a class representative yet, last student to have the sheet can bring it to me, I'll be in the staff room.

yuki leaves.

it's now Eira's turn to choose the club but surprisingly she couldn't find the club she wanted to choose.

"is there no club for fashion or anything related to that"? Eira asks a classmate.

" I don't think so , maybe you should talk to miss yuki".

"Right! thanks!! says eira and stands to go find miss yuki.

[takes the sheet along as she was the last.]

"20 minutes has passed since I started walking , but I still couldn't find the staff room let alone miss yuki".

eira says in an exhausted voice.

"okay this door looks rather colourful this must be it." then she proceeds to slide open the door .

and all she could see there was a pale skinned boy with glasses, painting on a canvas.

so lost in his art that he didn't even notice her.

eira then knocks on the door twice and says "excuse me"??

the boy is still doesn't seem to be bothered.

Eira proceeds to slowly walk in sayin "sorry! I am not intending to disturb you but...

she suddenly trips over the small box of paint , that was in her way. imbalanced , subconsciously she grabs onto tie of the boy's uniform and ends up sitting on both of her knees.
