
What is happening to me

John Smith POV

(IDK kind of the most average name I could think of, sorry if there are any Johns out there)

An average person, that is what people would say when they thought of me. And to be quite honest I could not refute it, my parents had given me an average name, I had average intellect, and girls often said that, when it came to looks, I was quite average. However, if there was one thing I excelled at... it was being a weeb and, hear me out for a second, I was happy with it as there was finally something that I was better than just average at. I was happy.


I was outside, I know how un-weeb of me, walking around thinking about my life. I had just finished an entire 'My Hero Academia' marathon in the span of a week. To be honest the anime is actually very good, but *some* of the fandom just ruins it, like I get that you want certain ships to fly but DEKU AIN'T GAY, even the creator of the show has said so. GODDAMN, the MHA community is toxic, but still solid show.

I was walking across the street when out of the corner of my eye I saw a truck speeding towards me, I jumped backwards and managed to dodge the truck, which didn't slow down and kept driving forward. I just shook my head and thought

'some people are in too much of a rush'

I then continued to walk home while using my phone to pirate the jujutsu kaisen movie. I was laughing on the inside while watching the exhilarating anime. I reached my apartment and used the elevator to get all the way up to my apartment. I noticed some strange noises so I made the elevator stop and decided to walk the rest of the way up, since after reading enough fanfics I know that it could lead to my reincarnation, and I don't want to die just yet.

[AN:who gunna tell him]

I reached my door and leaned on it while sighing, for some reason I am extremely tired, maybe because I haven't slept in almost 8 days... NAHH that can't be why. I opened the door and locked it after me, I then went to the fridge and made myself a BLT sandwich. I then got myself ready for bed and went to sleep.







Narrator POV


'Whose goddamn baby is that'

John was annoyed at the sudden noise and opened his eyes only to see nothing but blur, he tried to rub his eyes but found that his arms wouldn't follow his order, no matter how much he tried his arms were just flailing at his side. He then heard some people talk in a language that, as a weeb, he knew all too well.

'Why are there Japanese people in my bedroom'

He looked around and saw nothing but giants around him and instantly it clicked



As John was screaming curses that would shame a sailor in his head, his baby ears although not understanding more than some words of Japanese heard his new mother say his name

"($&%**&#@ Toji Fushiguro *&^(*&)&$)@("

[AN: Just a warning, there is more to this name then meets the eye, he is not just getting Toji's incredible body but something more, and it is..."

'Oh shit, OH SHIT, YESSSSSS. I can't believe it, god must love me or something, I am OP'

John was happy when all of sudden his mouth was opened by some foreign object and his mouth filled with some kind of liquid, he opened his eyes but saw nothing but a pile of blurred flesh in front of him. But that was all that John's teenage mind needed to figure out that

'OH...MY...GOD, I am sucking on this woman's nipples... great, just great. I just remembered that with reincarnation comes the biggest curse of all, BEING A BABY AGAIN. Oh god, D-Do I have to go through puberty again, because I was just about to finish that hellish journey in my past life and I am not ok with going through it again. '


Alright you horn dogs here comes your favourite part of any fanfic... Choosing the love interest

WOW SETTLE DOWN PEOPLE, I get that you are hyped but before you choose I am going to be putting some restrictions on you, please pick something uncommon, it is annoying only seeing Momo as the love interest. That is why, in this fanfic, she has been banned. Too bad, author (read god) has spoken. here are your choices

Mina Ashido

Setsuna Tokage

Tsuyu Asui

Kyoka Jiro

Ibara Shiozaki

Itsuka Kendo

Mei Hatsume

My personal top three would be

1. Mina

2. Jiro

3. Tokage

but this is up to you guys, so chose away while I am writing the next chapter, BTW I am aiming for a minimum of weekly uploads but I am down to write 2 if I feel like it and if the story does well so, vote away.

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