

3000 years of peace after the great war known as "THE END WAR", something has changed the wheels of fate are turning the sky is turning gray and the eternal fire is diminishing. Unknown to what fate has in store for it Alan cries after some spanking. At his first cry, the mother laughed and the father is filled with joy, the entire village is spreading sweat, and everywhere is filled with happiness. From the skies, the GOD'S smiles and deep under the Satan laughs..... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- follow the journey of Alan Marvric as he uncovers the deep truth of magic and embarks on the journey to be called as "GENIUS MAGUS " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Abhi_Anshu_7109 · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

Chapter 28 (Trapped)

[Your tricks don't work on me anymore... You better behave and do as I say and speak whenever you are asked of ... now go]said Jason making the shadow clown disappear.

[Ha ha ha ] the clown laughed as it was disappearing in the mist.


[hmmm ... I don't think it would go according to plan ... he sure is useful when put under a little pressure.]said a fat-looking man while staring at a holographic projection of a young man and middle-aged man parting ways.

[Now since the Young Master is coming we should prepare a party...now get to your positions ... I want it to be done as quickly as possible and make it seem like he died of natural cause.] said the army Leader to the 7 soldiers standing in front of him.

These soldiers are his special assassin squad and one of the biggest reasons he has reached this position today.

[Yes sir !!] said 7 soldiers before running off towards their positions.

[You have lots to learn till now little master... this world is far cruel than you ever imagined, you can not be in this kind of world so let me free you from this world itself.] said the Army leader.


After a tick of endless fighting, Jason has already killed a dozen of Lesser fire demons and an endless number of Fire-lings. he had an exhausted look on her face and his breath was already getting heavy. He was about to slump on a burnt tree for a quick rest

He was about to slump on a burnt tree for a quick rest but suddenly with a woosh, a blade flew across a nail away from Jason's face and stabbed into the ground, he took a quick backstep to invade the blade, but at his second backstep, another blade was waiting for him. He again dodged that blade with a summersault and quickly jumped a distance of 10 feet and summoned a Fire phoenix.

[Who is there ... come out] shouted Jason while scanning all around.

He suddenly noticed quite a strange thing all the lesser Fire demons were gathered in this direction and there were hundreds if not thousands of Fire lings swarming this area... that was the reason he was running towards this area but now this whole area was suddenly a barren land ... not a single fire ling can be seen in a vicinity of 1000 feet vicinity.

Jason was alarmed and he knew he has fallen into a trap... the demons were gathered here for luring him here... he knew he fucked up...his breathing got even heavier and pearls of sweat were falling down his face...

[I know that fat ass must be behind all this... where are you ... face me like a man and let me rip you to shreds ... as you deserve ... to even think about killing me...]said Jason stopped to hear a response, but he got none.

[Do you really think this punny formation can stop my advancement then you are wrong ... let me show you my power.] there was still no reply and this made Jason literally flare up ... his surrounding temperature suddenly increased and one could see slight fire dancing around him,

In a rage, Jason ordered the phoenix to fly towards the edge of barren land. As the bird flew at full speed it looked like a burning spear that could destroy anything in its path but as soon as it reached the edge it collided with an invisible wall and vanished. Normally it would have returned in Pheonix form in a blink of an eye and continued its assault but for some reason, Pheonix didn't return from ashes.

Jason saw this and his rage kept on increasing and at the same time flame around him also intensified... the flame increased to such a level that the burning field that he was standing on looked a little cold in comparison.

With another quick chant, he started summoning the phoenix but this time summoned three phoenixes at the same time but after this, his face was full of sweet and his breath was getting very heavy his face looked very pale. His knees bent forward as he fell on the ground barely holding his consciousness.

All the phoenixes collided with the barrier and similarly to the first Phenix they also vanished in thin air... it was as if they were no longer the mighty phoenixes but just some tiny firebirds.

Seeing this Jason finally collapsed on the ground and closed his eyes out of exhaustion.

[Sir should we finish him off or should we directly let the fire-lings in and kill him] asked one of seven soldiers to another soldier.

[This barrier is what keeps that monster in check... you know our 5 members are just maintaining this barrier and our duty is to just protect them ... we just need to follow the order and finish this job flawlessly otherwise we would face the wrath of Army lead.]said the soldier.

[yes sir I would observe our target... our target... sir our target..] said the soldier pointing inside the barrier.

[What the hell are you blabbering about now]said another soldier looking towards the direction the man was pointing at... but what he saw made his face turn white as if he saw a ghost.

The man that was lying on the floor like a dead fish had suddenly disappeared from inside the barrier but the barrier was still fully erect without any damage.

[What the hell happened ... where did Jason went ... you had one job to always have an eye on Jason but you just go on blabbering on and on about some nonsense, now where is the search the whole barrier and find where he went or at least how he escaped ... go now an...]before he could give complete instruction there was a sudden scream.

it was a scream of one of the soldiers that were in charge of maintaining the barrier. As soon as the scream was heard both men who were discussing ran towards that direction only to find the sliced and burnt body of one of seven soldiers.

[The Firebird has escaped let others know now] the man turned to give order to his subordinate only to find there was no one behind him.

The soldier was alarmed he quickly cast a spell and formed a fire blade in his hand and started scanning all around. But the only thing he found or rather heard were 5 screams ... one after another with only a gap of an eye blink in between each scream.

Soon after the five screams, there was a deathly silence...

The man had an exhausted look on his face and his breath was getting heavier... pearls of seat flowed down on his face he was extremely terrified after listening to the screams of his comrades one after another only to wait for his chance to come...

[I know Jason you must be behind all this... where are you ... face me like a man and let me show you who is more powerful] shouted the man.

Suddenly the barrier shattered into millions of pieces followed by a flash.

With no one supplying it with mana, the barrier was not as strong as before the hordes of fire-lings broke easily through the barrier and swarmed the empty plot of land again.

From in between the horde of Fire-lings a man stood up... he had a fiery aura around him and all the Fire-lings instinctively avoided him like a plague.

[Ha ha Ha how the tables have turned don't you think... It... Is... So... IRONIC...]Said Jason with a smile on his face...


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