

The Peace talk between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi fell apart because of Kinkaku and Ginkaku, and Second Raikage died, and the Second Hokage got seriously Injurt and had to flee with his team. The person Transmigratted Shimura Danzō's Body already knew about plot and realized that Senond Hokage is going to pick Konoha's next leader. On the battlefield, Senju Tobirama scanned the crowd and asked, "Who's brave enough to stay and hold off while we escape?" [SUPERCHOICE System lalallaalala... activated] [Choice 1: Pause briefly, give up the Hokage Position to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and let events unfold; reward: Master-level Wind Style skills] [Choice 2:Go for the Hokage position and block Sarutobi Hiruzen's path; reward: Access to the dormant Uzumaki clan] Shimura Danzō said, "Sensei! You and other's Go ! I'll hold them off even if it costs me my life!"

AR_LEGEND · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


Hope you enjoy this

if have seen many comment regarding length of Chapter's so from now on length of Chapter will depend on power stones for example if i got 10 stones-(500 words extra like that in each 10 power stone you guys will get 500 words extra).

TOMMOROW I WILL POST (2500 words so Enjoy)

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Konoha, fifteen years

 on June 5th, was draped in a heavy atmosphere. The sky was overcast with dark clouds, and a light rain drizzled down. It was a solemn day for everyone in the village as they gathered to bid farewell to one of their founding members.

All the villagers wore black attire, ninjas removed their forehead protectors, and civilians stood with folded hands in silence. Even the normally energetic people were Quiet, their eyes filled with sorrow.

The rule among ninjas, "A ninja must not shed tears at any time, and must not reveal his feelings," once emphasized by Senju Tobirama, seemed ineffective today. Every ninja and civilian showed visible signs of grief.

All eyes were fixed on the coffin placed at the center of Konoha Square, raindrops mingling with tears on their cheeks. Some clenched their fists, fighting back tears, while others let the rain wash over their faces, obscuring the line between tears and raindrops.

Stronger ninjas comforted their comrades silently, conveying support without words. The collective mourning enveloped the square, rendering it a somber place where no one dared to break the silence.

Even members of the Uchiha clan, despite their complex feelings towards Senju Tobirama, respected him for granting them a place in Konoha. They couldn't find any joy in his passing.

Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade senju cried openly, their grief palpable. Tsunade's cries grew so loud that she eventually collapsed from exhaustion, prompting Danzō to offer his support.

In the front row, Senju Tobirama's closest disciples and Konoha's high-ranking officials paid their respects. Finally, the entire village, ninjas, and civilians alike, offered silent prayers for Senju Tobirama.

As the coffin was closed, the mournful sound of flutes filled the air, echoing the collective grief of the village. Thunder rumbled overhead, and rain poured down heavily, marking the final farewell to Senju Tobirama.

 Danzō, the appointed heir of the Second Hokage, was the first to lay a white chrysanthemum at Tobirama's tombstone. After a moment of reflection, he stepped back, and others followed suit, each expressing their respects in their own way.

As the funeral concluded, many left the cemetery, their hearts heavy with sorrow. Yet, some remained, silently contemplating the legacy of Senju Tobirama.

In his twilight years, Senju Tobirama chose to pave the way for Konoha's future rather than seek personal glory. His sacrifice embodied the Will of Fire, igniting hope for generations to come.

As the legend of Senju Tobirama came to an end, a new heir to the Will of Fire emerged—Shimura Danzō. His selection signaled the continuation of Tobirama's legacy, ensuring that the fire of Konoha would never fade and i danzo will do and publish many books about will of fire which said strongest Hokage is danzo shimura(just kidding ok😂😂😂).


Konoha Village, Conference Hall.

The conference hall was packed with people, including Konoha's top brass and family heads. Third Hokage Shimura Danzō presided over the gathering, ensuring a sense of order.

"Friends, if I've made any missteps as your Hokage, so I ask for your patience," Danzō addressed the assembly with a sunny smile. Despite his amiable demeanor, no one dared to underestimate him. As the appointed Third Hokage by Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, Shimura Danzō's authority was unquestionable.

"lord Hokage, what should we do about the Cloud Shinobi?" Uchiha Kagami's question cut through the room. Senju Tobirama's demise, attributed to Cloud Shinobi's actions, had cast a shadow over Konoha, dampening morale.

" about the Cloud Shinobi. Their future Third Raikage will offer a personal apology," Shimura Danzō replied after a thoughtful pause.

"What? Hokage, you can't be serious. The Raikage coming to our village is preposterous!" The incredulous response from the attendees reflected their disbelief. Such a proposition seemed absurd given the strained relations between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi.

"I assure you, I'm not joking. Let's wait and see if my words hold true," Shimura Danzō maintained his composure, his seriousness evident.

After addressing various concerns and instructing departments to monitor foreign activity, the meeting concluded.

Danzō, back in his office, had little time to rest before being interrupted once more. Uchiha Kagami, Sarutobi Hiruzen, and four others entered, seeking an audience.

"Before we discuss further, lend me a hand with these administrative tasks," Shimura Danzō gestured towards the piles of paperwork, eliciting groans from his companions.

As the evening wore on, the workload dwindled, leaving Uchiha Kagami and the others exhausted. They hadn't anticipated the magnitude of the Hokage's daily responsibilities.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, however, appeared invigorated by the work. Shimura Danzō took note, recognizing his aptitude for leadership.

"Tell me, what's on your minds?" Shimura Danzō's inquiry prompted a serious discussion.

"Danzō, are you truly confident about dealing with the Cloud Shinobi?" Uchiha Kagami expressed concern. The group doubted Cloud Shinobi's willingness to negotiate, fearing the resumption of hostilities.

"Don't worry. I've already made arrangements with them upon my return," Shimura Danzō assured them. "Besides, I possess the golden and silver duo's Sis path Ninja weapon's. They'll have no choice but to do as i say."

Danzō's confidence left his companions stunned and impressed. Sarutobi Hiruzen's disbelief turned to apprehension, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"Wait, you have the Six Paths ninja weapon?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's shock was palpable. The reputation of these legendary artifacts was enough to sway because these ninja tools handed down from the legendary Sage of Six Paths.

The power is extremely dangerous, even the Kage-level powerhouses have to avoid the edge for the time being, not wanted to confront it.

"Well, when I took them back with senseiso i thouth taking these weapon in advance will give us some advantage." said danzo

which caused hiruzen mood down

"Well,No wonder you think Third Raikage will come in person, if it's a Six Paths ninja it's will be their top priority."Mitokado Homura nodded and said .

Shimura Danzō still had a faint smile on his face, but turned his attention to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Shimura Danzō's calm demeanor belied the weight of his revelation. As Sarutobi Hiruzen's mood darkened, Shimura Danzō subtly asserted his authority.

"Sarutobi, remember, I am the Hokage," Danzō reminded him,

"haaah, i always want to say this "thought Danzo