
CHAPTER 2- Back to school.

CHAPTER 2- Back to school.

After leaving the town, Kei and Zius hid in the forest, which is near the town.

"Please explain everything to me!"

"Listen, Kei ... I guess you figured it all out, right? This world is very different from yours."

"You mean the women? Yes, I spoke with some merchants and they explained to me what happens. The women of this world are very powerful and superior. Men are weak and inferior. In short, we only serve to have children ... Or so they told me."

"Exactly... Listen, I, together with Goddess Fravi, created this world."

Without hesitation in his words, Kei watched Zius with shining eyes.

"G-great! Incredible!"

"But there was a problem… I created men and she created women. Unlike other worlds, the men of this world are not lustful or conceited ... And women were the same ... We created a peaceful world, where women and men were equally important and strong ... But Fravi ruined everything ... She was my wife ... And she was very jealous ... She was sick. When I was watching this world, she would get mad at me because she thought I was watching women. I endured his jealousy for thousands of years ... Until I got tired and ended my relationship with her ... She got crazier after that ... She took over this world completely ... Men became weak and women became powerful ... She used her divine power to humiliate my creations ... And that made me angry ... I faced her and she defeated me ... It took away almost all of my divine power ... But I managed to escape and I did not die ... I have been in this world for 6,752 years, waiting for a worthy hero ... Fortunately, I didn't have to wait that long. You are my hero! You will save this world!"


"Listen, women torment men, and I hate that." I want this world to be the same as before. I want men and women to be equally important and powerful. I want you to defeat Fravi."

Those words shock Kei and he begins to shake.

"W-What...? W-What...? What?!!"

"It isn't impossible. I will give you my power"

"W-wait, wait, wait, wait! Can a God die ?! Do you think I can do it ?! Are you serious?"

"Yes, I am very serious."

"That information… is difficult to process…"

"I have very little divine power left ... You will be weaker than your fellow heroes, but you will have a great advantage. I will give you the ability to double points."

"Eh? I heard about the points ... With that my attributes go up, right?"

"Exactly. That will be your divine power ... But it won't show up on your status."


"If the queen of this country finds out about you, she will kill you. Fravi hates men ... And if she considers you a threat, she will order the queen to kill you."

"Shouldn't I stand out?"

"No, on the contrary, you must be famous ... But in another country, far from the queen and the Fravi church. The supreme God punished Fravi for interfering too much in this world, so you shouldn't worry too much."

"Is there even a supreme God ?! Great!"

"Fravi's followers, her believers, you must stay away from them. Fravi can see you through them, that is why you must go to another country, with another religion."

"Y-Yes... I think I already understood."

"And aside, I'll give you a unique ability. An ability that will allow you to get powerful companions. I will give you the ability to seduce women!"


Kei turns completely red.

"What?! Seduce women ?! what does that mean?"

"As you know, men are weak in this world. If you want to defeat the demons and Fravi, you must get powerful women. And since women are very snooty and arrogant, they will only help you if they fall in love with you."

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes. I'm serious. It's the one and only way."

"Wait... Zius ... Zeus... I knew it!

You are a lustful God!"

"I-I'm not a lusty God! I'm sorry, but it's true. Women will only help you if they fall in love with you ... You must get 20 wives."


"It's true. You are very shy… I think 10 or 15 are enough."

"Wait! 2 wives would be too much for me! It is impossible for me to get 10 or 15! I don't think I can."

"Kei, your corpse is not the same."


"When you died, the supreme god replaced your corpse with a very similar one. If you help me, you will return to your world."

"I'll be back?!"

"Yes. The Supreme God owed me a favor. Thanks to him, I can help you and give you power ... If you defeat Fravi, you will return to your world, you will tell the police that you were kidnapped and that you managed to escape. At this very moment, your world is stopped, time does not advance. If you defeat Fravi, you will return to your world. Your sister, your aunt and your friends will remain the same, they will not change."

"G-God... T-thank you…"

"You must train. "Double Points" and "Seduce Women" are unique and powerful abilities. You need to be careful when you use them."

"I suppose "Double Points" activates by itself ... Yes, I understand... I think I already know what I'll do ... I have a petition."

"Which one?"

"Well, several ... I want to reincarnate again."

"Yes, that was going to do ... You are very smart, boy."

"I want you to send me to another continent, to have another religion. I want to be born into a noble family that has a lot of money and power."

"Are you ambitious?"

"No. If my family has money, I can study in a school for the rich. If my intelligence increases, I will be able to fight better ... And I want to be handsome. If I am attractive, I will be able to use my ability better."

"Your appearance cannot change. But don't worry, before you died, you were very attractive."

… "Can't you really change my look?"


"Well … It's okay… By the way, I want my "Seduce Women" skill to only be used on women who are over 18 years old."

"The age of majority in this world is 15 years old."

"I don't care... Sorry, that was rude of me ... Sorry, I don't want my ability to get out of control. I don't want to seduce little girls by accident."

"Okay. Your ability will work in two ways. Romantic attraction and sexual attraction. Romantic attraction will work for women who are over 10 years old. And sexual attraction will work for women over the age of 18. Is that okay with you?"

Kei is a shy and chivalrous boy. You really don't want to do that, but you don't have a choice.

"Yes, it's fine... That's all... One last question. I asked a merchant about heroes. He told me that heroes can use all magic attributes. Is it true?"

"Yes, it's true."

"And I have them?"

"Yes, but you can't activate them. When your strength and life points increase, you will be able to use your magic power."

"I see. That's why I don't have magic power ... Is disabled... That's all... Thank you so much."

Zius strokes his head and smiles.

"Your new life will begin ... Good luck."

Kei disappears and Zius begins to disintegrate.

"I used all my divine power ... Kei, I believe in you ... Thank you."

Zius disappears completely.

12 years later.

"My first day of school!"

Jumping from the fourth floor of the "Molfer" mansion, Kei Molfer, the fifth son of "Sei Molfer", is really happy and excited.

"That idiot!"

He lands perfectly and begins to jump.

"I hope I have a lot of friends!"

Mei Molfer, his twin sister, pulls him by the ear. She has short black hair and her eyes are red.

"I told you not to do that, you could get hurt!"

"My strength and vitality are very high, nothing will happen to me, Mei."

Zius managed to get Kei to have the same name.

A maid approaches them.

"The carriage is ready."

"I don't need it."

He runs away from them.

"That idiot will do it again!"

"Fairy magic: wings!"

Two pairs of red wings emerge from its back and it flies away. His wings don't move at all, but those wings control Kei's weight and the wind around him, allowing Kei to fly.

"I will accuse you to our father !!"- Mei yelled.

She crosses her arms and pouts.

"I wanted to travel with him."

It's been 12 years since Kei reincarnated. Since he was little, he began to train and study. He is a prodigy and his father's favorite son.

His older brothers hate him, but his twin sister loves him very much.

He's still shy, but struggles to change.

In the parties that his father organizes, he uses fire magic to warm his body and feign fever, so as not to go to the party.

He avoided 4 arranged marriages, with the excuse that he is not noble. In part, it is true, since he has no right to take control of the Molfer family.

His wives would be the daughters of powerful families, but he didn't care.

He told his father: "I am not interested in being noble. I will be an adventurer. " His father accepted his decision.

His 3 older brothers are envious of him, as Kei is powerful and attractive. They are ugly and weak.

When they tried to hit Kei, he easily defeated them and humiliated them in front of everyone. Since then, his brothers are known as: "The losing trio".

Sei Molfer, his mother, loves him very much. Despite being a man, she offered to be the next leader of the Molfer family, but he turned her down as well.

Kei is not interested in being rich, he is only interested in being stronger. Besides, being the leader of a family is a lot of work, and he wants to avoid that.

His mother considers her children useless and stupid, except Mei and Kei, who considers them prodigies and true Molfer.

"What class will I be in ?! Will my companions be powerful ?!"

As he flew, he remembered his mission.

"It's true... Its my opportunity… Girls with powerful magic will attend school ... I must start with my mission ... 15 wives ... I just… I just… I do, You can, Kei ... You got this."

Chapitre suivant