
I am an author

10 power stone = 3 bonus chapters John Walker, a struggling author buried under debt and desperate for a breakthrough, finds himself at a crossroads. Faced with a suffocating contract from a corporate publisher, he stumbles upon a mysterious email offering membership in *The Storyteller's Guild,* an enigmatic collective of independent writers. The Guild promises him creative freedom and a share of the profits, but with one daunting requirement: a lifelong commitment to its secretive operations. Desperate to break free from the constraints of this oppressive system, John joins a secret writing force during a global lockdown that has changed the world forever. This novel delves into the hardships and struggles faced by authors, highlighting the challenges of creativity and survival in a society that stifles artistic expression. Through John's journey, the story explores the resilience and determination of those who write despite the odds stacked against them.

Drjeath · Romance
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3 Chs

The storyteller's guild

There was and encrypted file attachment. John hesitated for a moment before double-clicking it. The file was encrypted, requiring a password to open. A second email appeared in his inbox almost instantly.

**Subject: Your Key**

*Password: liberation123*

With a mix of anticipation and nerves, John entered the password. The file unlocked, revealing a document titled *"The Storyteller's Guild: Initiation Agreement."*

He began to read through the document, the words pulling him deeper into a world that felt both surreal and intriguing.


**Storyteller's Guild: Initiation Agreement**

*We, the undersigned, hereby offer John Walker membership within The Storyteller's Guild, a collective of independent authors committed to maintaining creative freedom and the integrity of storytelling. As a member, you will receive the following:*

1. **Creative Autonomy**: You retain full rights to your work, including all future novels, stories, and adaptations. The Guild does not claim ownership over your creations.

2. **Support Network**: Gain access to a network of writers, editors, and marketers who will assist you in producing and promoting your work without corporate interference. The Guild will ensure your stories reach a broad audience, free from the limitations of mainstream platforms.

3. **Revenue Sharing**: Instead of a fixed salary, you will receive a share of the profits generated from your work. The Guild operates on a cooperative model, where revenue is distributed fairly among all members based on the success of their projects.

4. **Contribution Requirement**: While the Guild values your independence, we also believe in collective contribution. As part of your membership, you will be required to contribute a minimum of one story per quarter to the Guild's collaborative anthology. This anthology is a shared project that showcases the diverse voices of our members and supports the Guild's operations.

5. **Confidentiality and Commitment**: Membership in The Storyteller's Guild is a lifelong commitment. As a member, you are bound to maintain the confidentiality of the Guild's operations and uphold the values of creative freedom. Failure to comply may result in termination of membership and revocation of benefits.

*If you agree to these terms, please sign below and prepare for a new chapter in your writing career.*


John's eyes widened as he absorbed the contents of the agreement. This was unlike any contract he had ever encountered. The terms were both liberating and daunting. On one hand, he would finally have the freedom to write what he wanted, how he wanted. On the other hand, the absence of a guaranteed income and the lifelong commitment made him uneasy.

He stared at the signature line, his mind swirling with possibilities. The Storyteller's Guild was offering him a lifeline, a chance to escape the clutches of corporations like NovelHub. But it was also a leap into the unknown, a commitment that could either make or break him.

As he sat there, torn between two worlds, memories of his past struggles flooded his mind. The rejections, the failed attempts, the crushing weight of financial stress—it all led him to this moment. This was his chance to break free, to reclaim his passion for writing without compromising his soul.

Taking a deep breath, John moved the cursor to the signature line. His hand trembled as he typed out his name: **John Walker**.

With a final click, he signed the document and submitted it.


The screen went blank for a few seconds before a new message appeared.

*Welcome to The Storyteller's Guild, John. Prepare for your initiation.*

Suddenly, the lights in his apartment flickered, and the computer screen distorted, displaying a series of rapid images and cryptic symbols. The air around him grew heavy, and a strange humming noise filled the room. John's heart raced as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

Then, as quickly as it started, the room fell silent. The screen returned to normal, displaying a simple message:

*Proceed to the coordinates below at 2:00 AM. Your initiation begins now.*

Below the message was a set of GPS coordinates. John's pulse quickened. The coordinates weren't far from his apartment, located in a part of the city that had long been abandoned after the lockdown. It was the kind of place where no one dared to go—dangerous, forgotten, and left to decay.

He looked at the time: 12:30 AM. He had an hour and a half to prepare.


John stood up, feeling a mix of anxiety and determination. His old life, with its suffocating debts and soul-crushing routines, was behind him. Ahead was a future filled with uncertainty, but also the promise of something more—freedom, creativity, and the chance to be part of something bigger than himself.

He quickly gathered what he needed: a backpack, a flashlight, and a few personal items. The weight of the decision he had just made hung over him, but it was too late to turn back now. He knew that by signing the contract with the Guild, he had chosen the path less traveled, a path that could lead to either greatness or ruin.

As he made his way through the darkened apartment, the reality of his situation hit him. This wasn't just a new job or a change in career—it was a life-altering decision that would define who he was from this moment forward.

He exited his apartment, stepping out into the cold night air. The streets were silent, devoid of life, as they had been for years. The city, once vibrant and full of energy, now felt like a deserted wasteland. The lockdown had turned everything into a shadow of its former self.

John walked through the empty streets, guided only by the GPS on his phone. The further he went, the more desolate the surroundings became. Buildings stood like hollow skeletons, their windows shattered, and their walls covered in graffiti. The only sounds were the occasional gust of wind and the distant hum of drones patrolling the city.

Finally, he arrived at the coordinates. The location was an old, dilapidated warehouse on the outskirts of the city. The structure was massive, its rusted metal doors hanging loosely on their hinges. John felt a shiver run down his spine as he approached the entrance.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed the doors open and stepped inside. The interior was dark, with only a few shafts of moonlight filtering through the broken windows. The air was thick with dust, and the silence was oppressive.

As he ventured deeper into the warehouse, he noticed a faint glow coming from the far end of the room. Cautiously, he moved toward it, his footsteps echoing in the vast, empty space.

The glow grew brighter as he approached, revealing a small circle of light on the ground. In the center of the circle stood a figure, cloaked in shadows.

"John Walker," the figure said in a deep, resonant voice. "Welcome to your initiation."

John froze, his heart pounding in his chest. The figure stepped forward, revealing a tall, imposing man with piercing eyes that seemed to see right through him.

"My name is Marcus," the man said, extending a hand. "I'm the head of The Storyteller's Guild. And tonight, you will prove your worth."

John hesitated for a moment before shaking Marcus's hand. The grip was firm, almost too strong, as if testing his resolve.

"Follow me," Marcus commanded, turning and walking toward a hidden doorway at the back of the warehouse.

John followed, his mind racing. The initiation had begun, and there was no turning back.


Marcus led John through a series of winding corridors, each one more labyrinthine than the last. The walls were lined with old bookshelves, filled with dusty tomes and forgotten manuscripts. The air was thick with the scent of old paper and ink, a stark contrast to the sterile digital world John was used to.

Finally, they reached a large, circular chamber. The room was dimly lit, with candles flickering around the perimeter. In the center of the chamber was a massive, ornate table, covered in manuscripts, quills, and ancient writing tools.

"Sit," Marcus commanded, gesturing to a chair at the table.

John obeyed, feeling a sense of unease. The atmosphere in the chamber was charged with energy, as if the very air was alive with the words of countless stories that had been written here over the centuries.

Marcus took a seat across from John, his eyes never leaving him. "This is the heart of The Storyteller's Guild," he said, his voice low and measured. "This is where stories are born, where legends are created, and where the future is written."

John swallowed, feeling the weight of the moment. He had always dreamed of being part of something like this, but now that he was here, the reality was overwhelming.

"You have been chosen, John," Marcus continued. "But before you can join us, you must pass the initiation. You must prove that you have the courage, the creativity, and the will to become a true storyteller."

John nodded, his mind racing. "What do I have to do?"

Marcus smiled, a cold, calculating smile. "You must write a story, right here, right now. But not just any story. It must be a story that speaks to the heart of the Guild, a story that captures the essence of what it means to be a storyteller."

John's heart pounded in his chest. This was it—the moment of truth. Everything he had ever worked for, every word he had ever written, had led him to this point.

Marcus leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "You have until dawn. If your story is worthy, you will be initiated into the Guild. If not..."

He didn't need to finish the sentence. The implication was clear.

John took a deep breath, his mind racing with ideas. He had to focus, to channel everything he had into this story.