A guy reincarnated into the world of Naruto.
In a dark void, a soul ponders the questions of life and the afterlife. The soul has been floating in the endless space for what may seem like centuries. And at this point, it should have gone crazy.
The soul said to itself Have you ever wondered about the afterlife? Well, According to many religions, there is an afterlife waiting for us after we die. Currently, I am dead and I don't see any god up here.
Well, to be honest, I don't even remember how I died, or who even I am, I have been floating for what seems like centuries or something. And after centuries I may have an answer as to what happens to souls from my theory souls lose their memory and then they are sent into new bodies. And since I have been floating for centuries that means that I still have some things that I need to forget but what are those things?
As I was contemplating this I heard voices, there were several voices and I was happy to hear them. After centuries I may have someone I can talk to but I could find them anywhere. Then a voice of a woman came which sounded familiar to me "You can do it, the baby is almost out."
I heard a voice of a woman who was giving birth and the woman said "It's out, it's a boy!"
The mother then asked, "Why isn't he crying?"
The woman slapped the kid's butt, still, the child didn't respond then the woman started to do some procedure but it still didn't work and she said in a sad tone, "I... am sorry..."
And then the woman gave the boy to the mother and she cried. She held the boy into her arms and then I heard someone else enter as well and he didn't say anything but I could hear his silent wails.
I then heard the wails of the mother and father and was saddened and then I wondered "Huh... what is going on and why am I hearing this?" as I was thinking that I was yanked from the Abbys into the world and inside the little boy.
I then opened my eyes and saw something incredibly unbelievable I saw someone that shouldn't exist and I tried to say "Naruto?" but only cooing noise came I then immediately fell asleep.
They both looked at their son and cried tears of joy. Hinata said, "He is alive, our son is alive Naruto."
Naruto hugged Hinata and said, "Yes... he still lives."
(Naruto's Home)
A few months have passed
I am shocked at the fact that I am living in a world that was supposed to be a manga. And I am more depressed that I am Boruto. I have heard really bad stuff about this spin-off. They said they nerfed Sasuke and Naruto, Boruto is a brat and the pacing is weird but I am Boruto. I contemplated if it's too late to reroll the dice.
As I was thinking that Hinata came and said "Ah Boru-chan. It's time for you to eat." I didn't understand what she said but I deduced that she was going to feed me. She then proceeded to feed me. At first, I was a bit awkward but after a few days I said 'Scwred this I am a baby I need to do this.'
After eating Hinata went to do chores and I slept, most of my time as a baby is spent eating, sleeping and shiting. And another thing I don't understand is what any of these people are saying. I can get a feel as to what they mean but I don't understand what they mean.
And this world is a lot more different than usual. I mean Hinata stays 106 but right now it is more. And talking about this makes me uncomfortable. Another thing Naruto has hair like Minato and is currently on a reconnaissance mission.
After I woke up Hinata took me out to buy some groceries. I loved our trips outside I got to see more of Konoha. As we were walking down the street in the stroller we met with Sakura. She was out with Sarada.
She looked like she was asleep and the two talked and looked at us I looked at them and smiled they looked at me said that meant Cute and the rest was unintelligible to me.
After talking to them for some time we went to the supermarket called 8/12. Like seven eleven. We walked inside and we were met with many people like Karui and Temari. After grocery shopping was done. We then went to Ino's shop to buy some flowers.
Hinata then took me to the memorial ground and we visited the graves of my grandparents and uncle Neji.
I was then again tired and slept I mean how is it that I get tired so much. I woke up after a nap and had dinner that was milk again. But surprisingly Naruto came back from the mission and after he had his shower he played with me and I was more than willing to play.
After they had their dinner, we all slept but I slept in my room but sometime during the middle of the night I heard a clapping noise and it went on for several hours not able to take it any longer I used my most powerful Jutsu Crying Jutsu and soon as I cried Naruto came in he then lulled me back into the sleep.
I woke up the next day and it was a fun and relaxing day with Naruto, he took me to meet Kakashi, Tsunade at the Hokage's office I played with them. I then saw that dude from the Movie who throws Jutsu at Momoshiki. They were talking about something.
After we left the Hokage's office Konohamaru intercepted us and he took me off of Naruto and played with me we all then went to Ichiraku Ramen and this guy really stepped up his game mean it went from a small business to a franchise. I was impressed.
Ichiraku personally came out to make ramen for Naruto and he gave some milk and we all had our meal and then we went around the village. After it became dark we reached home.
Hinata was angry at Naruto for coming home soo late and was worried that I had nothing to eat. After hearing an earful from Hinata we all went to eat dinner. Hinata made Hamburger steak and I had milk.
We then sat around Tv and watched some programs. I watched something called Gohan-Kun. It was a show about a superhero who dresses up like a bowl of rising and has super friends like soy sauce-Kun and Natto man. They fought against diseases like cold and cavity and taught morals. And I decided that I will learn the language with the help of Gohan-Kun.
(Naruto's Pov)
After dinner was done I went to help Hinata in doing dishes. As I was doing dishes I looked at Boruto and said, "Hey Hinata is it me or is Boruto really interested in Gohan-Kun."
She smiled and said, "He watches that show every day and is very focused he also copies Gohan-Kun."
He smiled and said, "Our kid is very different from the rest of the kids, I mean he doesn't cry a lot, doesn't really throw temper tantrums and is all and all well behaved."
She smiled and said, "He must go after your father then."
He smiled and said "Yeah."
Hello readers,
I hope you liked the chapter, the next chapter will be a time skip chapter. You can ask any questions about love interests and plot points and anything else.