
I am a pill container in the mage world

Struck by lighting, Rachel gets reincarnated in the mage world. But unlike everyone else, she ended up as a pill container! Is she the protagonist or the legendary 'granpa' every protagonist has?

DaoistKY9MH3 · Fantaisie
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405 Chs


As always, Alex III reached the gate and attracted everyone's attention. His clothes stood out too much; they were so unique that nearly nobody had seen anything like it. 

The guards might not have been as surprised if he were buck-naked. 

The chief of the guards, a noble from the Foxhunter family named Ted, looked at the man in shining white cloth with an umbrella.

"What the hell?" he exclaimed, watching the man approach the noble's gates. The gates of commoners and nobles were, of course, different.

"Wait," Ted said. 

Alex III nodded to himself as he saw this. He didn't want to admit it, but deep down, he liked to see others' reactions to his looks.

"Open the gate," Alex III said. 

Looking at the white silk clothes, Ted asked, "Do you have a noble identification badge, mister?" 

Nobles all had identification cards issued by the royal palace. 

The identification cards were very complicated and challenging to fake; it was extremely rare for someone to try.

Alex III nodded and said, "I do!" 

He took out an identification card he had stolen a few hundred years ago. He had killed thousands of nobles, and at that time, he picked one up when he was leaving.

Ted took a look at it and frowned. It was Marquis Westsea's identification card. 

"Is your honor Marquis Westsea?" he asked cautiously.

"Yeah," Alex responded, stroking his beard. 

Ted bowed. 

The identification card was real, and he didn't think the man in front of him could steal the identification card. 

In any case, with the card, he must let him in. The Foxhunter Barron family is tiny, with five villagers, so he doesn't want to risk offending a marquis. In any case, what could one person do?

"Please enter, your honor!" Ted said. 

Alex frowned; he expected them to suspect him and throw him in prison.

"Okay!" he entered the city peacefully. 

Looking around, he noticed many differences compared to before. But only the surface changed; the underlying city was the same. 

Moving toward the royal palace, anyone who encountered him looked doubtfully at his clothes. A man with a beard more than a meter long with an umbrella and white, shining clothes—it was too conspicuous.

Alex III began to doubt himself. 

"Why do I enjoy the attention I am getting?" He felt very strange. 

He never cared about commoners, but he was enjoying seeing others' attention to himself just now.

"Why do I like these ants looking at me?" he wondered. 

He considered destroying the city for a moment to make this feeling disappear, but he decided against it.

This city may have many vampire candidates, so destroying it like this would be a waste. 

People gathered around him, talking amongst themselves.

"Why is he wearing those ridiculous clothes?" one asked.

"Silent! He may be a noble lord!" another close to him warned. 

Insulting nobles is a capital crime. The Blue Blood country was founded on the belief that nobles have blue blood; equality between people is non-existent.

Alex III smiled and continued his way. Soon, he reached the palace.

The palace had three-meter-long walls, with guards dressed in green clothes protecting them. Occasionally, some eunuchs walked in and out.

"They still have eunuchs!" Alex III nodded. 

He also had many eunuchs in his harem. 

"Maybe I should set up a harem again!" he thought. 

Even though he is a vampire, his sexual drive is still there and is even more active. Up to now, he has evaded the issue because he is asleep most of the time. But now, he is beginning to have some thoughts.

Shaking his head, he noticed a problem. When he woke up this time, his thoughts were not under control at all—enjoying being stared at? His thoughts diverging all over the place? 

"Maybe I should find a prostitute!" he thought. 

As a vampire ancestor with unlimited power, he must be meticulous when in action. Fortunately for whoever he finds, his control over his strength is precise, so they would probably survive. 

Of course, Alex III won't be bothered even if she dies.

"Call the king," Alex III ordered. 

The guard looked confused.

"Go," Alex III urged.

"Who are you?" the guard asked in confusion.

"Alex III! Now, go and call the king!" he said.

"What's going on?" another man, wearing much more luxurious clothes, came out.

"Call the king! I want to talk to her," Alex III said. 

Looking at Alex III up and down, the man began recalling historical books. 

"A man in bright white clothes?" the man thought. 

"Wait, don't tell me!?" The man began trembling. 

The supernatural being who installed Mark I was dressed like this! 

Noticing this, he bowed and said, "Please follow me!" 

The chief guard was the son of Duke Carter Johnson, so he knew much more than others. 

Naturally, Alex III's clothes were mentioned in those historical books, as they were very attention-grabbing. 

Alex III nodded. 

Technically speaking, what the chief guard, Sam Carter Johnson, was doing—bringing a suspected supernatural being with a history of killing kings directly to the king—is ridiculous. 

The guards must keep Alex away at any cost.

But Sam knows that resistance is futile, so at the moment, he is just trying to keep the situation calm.


The palace was big. 

The gate was only the first checkpoint. 

In the palace, there were many other soldiers and checkpoints. 

There were also two other layers of internal walls. Aside from all of those, the actual building was also very sturdy. 

Assassins penetrating this massive building is next to impossible.

Elizabeth was reading a letter from her husband, Mike. 

In the letter, he wrote that the children are having fun on the Johnson family land and will return after a few weeks. 

Smiling, she carefully closed the letter and put it in a safe place. 

Surprisingly, the husband they chose for her, Mike, was perfect. Their lives were good, and their thoughts were complementary. 

Elizabeth had a few hundred male concubines, but she wasn't interested. 

Still, she felt a slight pity for them. They were well-fed but prohibited from having any relationship with any other woman. 

She cannot fulfill them, so it has been torture for all of those poor men. 

It is a law that the king cannot divorce concubines. Anyone selected for the king would be prohibited from being with anyone else. 

Usually, male kings would be with all of their concubines at least once. Now, she has never been with any of them; it makes her feel guilty. 

Still, she hasn't found any solution for it. She absolutely cannot let them start having relationships with other women.

Would male kings allow their women to have relationships with other men? The answer is hell no! 

As a result, even if Elizabeth is okay with it, she will allow it so as not to lose out to her predecessors and successors. 

Calling a eunuch guard, she said, "Increase pay for the concubines by 30%! Make sure their needs are met!" she said. 

The guard said, "Yes, your majesty!" 

This way, a bit of the guilt went away. At least, they won't be lacking in other areas. 

As for sexual needs, they have to take care of themselves.


Alex III looked at the interior of the palace. 

It was beautiful, better than he had expected. 

"The king has good taste!" Alex III smiled. 

Sam, who was sweating, nodded with a smile that was barely there. 

After reaching the main room, he knocked. 

The door opened, and a eunuch guard opened the door. 

He was huge, more than 2 meters tall, with muscles. 

He didn't look like a eunuch at all. 

It's because he was eunuched at the age of 19, when he had already grown big. 

His pay was one of the highest, even higher than some ministers. 

He was a master swordsman and the last layer of defense before the king's office. Even if all of the guards failed, he could delay the enemies long enough for the king to run away from the secret passage. 

Of course, Sam had no idea a secret passage existed. Only a few trusted people know of it.

"Sam?" the eunuch guard, Don, asked in surprise. 

It was rare for the chief gate master to come to the main room. 

Then, Don looked at Sam's complexion. He was sweating, pale, and barely smiling. 

Don's face became serious as he looked at Alex III. 

"This man is taking Sam hostage," Don already concluded. 

With a deep smile, he invited them into the room. 

"Let's go," said Sam. 

But, after Alex III stepped in, he saw a sword slowly slashing toward his neck. 

Of course, it was slow for him. The truth is, the muscular man was the peak of what a human can be. 

No average human could survive this strike. 

But, for Alex III, he didn't bother looking at it. 

He snapped his fingers. 


Don exploded into a mist of blood. 

For someone who dared to attack him, he wouldn't hold back. 

Don, a genius swordsman who was castrated in a swordfight, the chief eunuch of the palace, died like this! 

Looking at Don, now a bloodstain with no trace left, Sam moved forward. It's already praiseworthy he didn't run away with maximum speed.

"What was that, Don?" Elizabeth I, who heard the 'bam' noise, came out. 

Stroking his beard, Alex smiled at Elizabeth. 

Elizabeth had long golden hair, black eyes, and white but not pale skin. 

Thinking about the issue at hand, Alex III thought of a solution! 

"How about I let her satisfy my needs!" he thought. 

Honestly, the increased sexual needs that he gained after becoming a vampire annoyed him greatly. But he has no way to get rid of it. 

So, the best solution is to keep a female vampire as a wife so he won't have to look for it every once in a while. 

Elizabeth, looking at Alex while thinking of some books, had no idea Alex III already considered her to be his wife.

"You! You are him!" she fainted directly. 

She had barely forgotten the experience a few days ago, and another appeared. It was beyond her tolerance. 

Looking at Sam, Alex III asked, "Why did she faint?"

Swallowing hard, he said, "S-She h-h-h-h-h-a-a-a-a-s-s-s-ss not—"

"Stop it!" Alex III said in annoyance. 

He kept all of his bloodlust in, and these people still fear him like this. 

"Wake her up!" Alex III ordered. 

Sam wanted to move but felt the world was spinning! He also fainted and dropped to the ground! 

"Am I that scary?" Alex II went in front of a big mirror in the room, looking at himself in doubt. 

"As handsome as ever," he thought, smiling and stroking his beard.