
I Am a Necromancer in A Cultivation World

Waking up suddenly in a new world Fang Yang finds himself lost a confused. After finding out about the truth of the world and cultivation, Fang Yang is excited to pursue the path of immortality. But after seeing the reality of his talent, Fang Yang knows that to obtain power, to obtain freedom, he must throw his morals and views to the side. He will scramble and fight for any chance he gets. He will step on the favoured sons of heaven. He will trap and target the so-called 'protagonists' of the world Even if it means abandoning something precious, even if it means becoming a demon, Fang Yang will see the road of power to the end!

NineSleepyDragons · Fantaisie
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135 Chs

02. Root Bones

Name: Fang Yang

Class: Necromancer

Level: 1

Mana: 1

Skills: Summon Skeleton - Mana cost: 1

Seeing the panel in front of him, Fang Yang couldn't help but blink twice to confirm what was in front of his eyes was not just a hallucination.

"This... Isn't this the game I was playing last night?"

"Is this the mysterious golden finger traversers often talk about?"

Looking at the system panel in front of him Fang Yang couldn't help but feel excited

From his memory, Fang Yang knew that his current body's aptitude was poor.

In this world, Aptitude was not just a vague concept but something that could accurately be measured by the quality of a person's root bones.

Root bones in this world were divided into many ranks based on their quality.

Poor-quality bones

Low-quality root bones

Medium-quality root bones

High-quality root bones

Peak-quality root bones also called heavenly root bones

The aptitude of poor quality root bones can be said to be a true waste, if one did not come from a great family or get a chance against the sky, they could very well struggle at the third level of Qi refining for the rest of their life and were destined to be the ants and grunts of the cultivation world.

Low-quality root bones were better off than poor-quality ones but still not by much. They are the middle-to-lower aptitude of the cultivation world and were the most common type of root bones found. With proper resources, they can cultivate to the ninth level of Qi refining and could possibly even glimpse at the foundation establishment if they were lucky enough.

Medium Quality root bones could be considered a watershed mark. Only from Medium Quality root bones and above could people start actually being called talented.

These people could account for nearly the top 10-20% of cultivators and are basically the back bones of any major family or sect and with proper training and resources could step foot into the foundation establishment realm.

High-quality root bones belong to the category of extremely rare cultivation geniuses. As long as they don't die halfway, they could step into the Purple Mansion realm. These would be the tightly protected true disciples of sects as once they grow up they would grow to become powerhouses that affect things on a large scale.

The last type of root bone was the peak quality root bone, but it also had another name, the Heavenly root bone.

A cultivator with this root bone could be considered the darling of the heavens, a true super genius in the way of cultivation.

It would not even be an exaggeration to say that the scenery and life at the top of the cultivation world were specifically designed for people with this kind of talent as only people with such levels of talent would be able to ascend to such heights in the first place.

If you hear of stories of ancestors ascending to higher planes of existence or a super genius that pushed against the world, dominating an era, 9 times out of 10 it was a person with Heavenly root bones

But such things were far beyond the current Fang Yang

With his poor-quality root bones he would struggle to break through to the mid-stage of Qi refinement and the struggle to the late stage of Qi refinement would be even more brutal. As for foundation establishment? He could just forget about it!

But all that could change, if the system in front really was a powerful golden finger then his fate in life could turn around!

With things as they were, Fang Yang couldn't wait any longer and quickly called out,

"Summon skeleton!"

As he spoke a cloud of black mist swirled at his feet as an arm made of nothing but bones suddenly shot up from the ground.

gradually the figure crawled out of the ground of swirling black mist revealing itself

An eerie 6 ft tall skeleton with bleached white bones and a large bone sabre in hand.

The skeleton stared back at Fang Yang with eye sockets that only contained a blazing green flame where its eyeballs once were and stood perfectly to attention as if it was awaiting Fang Yang's instructions.

Seeing the sight of the skeleton, Fang Yang couldn't help but nod in satisfaction. Although he hadn't seen the skeleton's strength yet, at least it looked intimidating enough.

Seeing this, Fang Yang gave the skeleton some simple instructions like walk and jump and the skeleton followed them perfectly. nodding in satisfaction Fang Yang gave the next instruction

"Attack that tree."

The skeleton didn't respond but it's flaming eyes flickered as it walked towards the tree.

Raising its bone sabre, it slashed down without hesitation.


A loud thud could be heard as the bone sabre cut deep into the tree slashing it completely in half.

Seeing this sight, Fang Yang's eyes jumped. In truth, he was quite impressed.

The skeleton seemed to have the strength that could rival mortal expert martial artists and even early stage Qi refinement cultivators

This was a strength that couldn't be looked down upon in Fang Yang's current situation.

Although these mortals couldnt cast spells or control flying weapons.

Low rank cultivators are still mortals and can even be killed by mortal warriors and martial artists in close combat, this was especially the case if they hadn't practised any sort of body refining technique.

This was impressive but the thing that made Fang Yang truly happy was that controlling the skeleton didn't seem to place any stress on his mental abilities.

During his stay in the Corpse Ghost Sect, Fang Yang had learnt that in this world controlling corpses and ghosts placed a stress on your soul and mental abilities, and the more powerful the corpse you controlled the more stress it would place. This is why the Corpse Ghost Sect usually only controlled a few powerful corpses at a time. But with this skeleton, it meant that theoretically,Fang Yang could control an endless amount of them!

One skeleton alone might not be terrifying but how about 10, 100 or even 1000?

Such a number would easily be able to decimate a small country!

Thinking like this, Fang Yang couldn't help but gulp nervously.

What is the mystical system and what caused it to appear?

Thinking about it carefully, it only appeared after Zheng Li died and a green light shot into his body. So what could be the key to strengthening the system? Dead Bodies? Souls?

Whatever it is, Fang Yang needed more time to experiment and find out and this definitely wasn't the place to try find out such a thing.

Thinking like this, Fang Yang moved to bury Zheng Li's body and leave the place when he suddenly froze.

His system wasn't as heaven defying as he had expected.

Mortal martial artists might be able to pose a threat to a low-rank cultivator up close but that was all it was.

A simple spell or move from a low rank cultivator could still blow a martial artist into pieces. When a martial artist faced a body refining cultivator, the outcome was even more tragic with them being directly slapped to death.

Fang Yang's talent was poor so with all things considered the strongest card in his arsenal should still be the half-finished Battle Saint Corpse Puppet left by his predecessor. and Fang Yang knew from his memories that the blood and corpse of a close relative was a powerful tonic when refining corpse puppets.

realsing things were like this Fang Yang could only sight at Zheng Li's fate.

It's clear that previous Fang Yang didn't deserve a brother as good as Zheng Li, even in death he doesn't forget to contribute to his brother's cultivation journey.

Picking up the space pouch at Zheng Li's waist and storing his body inside, Fang Yang quickly fled the scene.