
Mr. Pen? We need to talk.

After walking for some time, Peng Hu and Kai saw there were not visible damages in the surroundings. During their walking time, both of them were silent. They didn't know what to say to each other after remembering everything that just happened.

"So they only focused their attack on one part of the village. It is getting more probable that the attack happened because they were trying to divert our attention."

"If Uncle Biggs were the spy, he would not have the time to call for reinforcements since he didn't know that we were suspecting him."

"Well... what if he knew beforehand that we suspected him?"

"How would they do that Pen?"

"I don't know. You tell me. Is there any sort of magic that is good at discovering new gossip or something like that?"

Kai coughed internally. How could a magic that convenient exist? If it actually existed, everyone would search for gold and money! Although you may not know much about magic, it doesn't mean that any kind of magic is possible.

*Cough* *cough* "I don't believe there exist a magic like that."

"What about magic creatures? Any kind that is good at infiltration and scouting?"

Kai pondered over a while with the new suggestion of Kai. After giving it some thought, Kai moved his head sideways, indicating a no.

"I don't know. I have read in the books that there are magical creatures like that, but I haven't seen one of those in real life. I would love to see them!"

"But since you have read about them, there must have been some pics related to them no? Would not it be an easy task to identify them?"

Kai glared at Peng Hu in disbelief. He is feeling that if he were to go on a journey to become the best mage in the world, he needs to teach his slave, *cough*, his dear friend and apprentice the way the world worked.

"You can't trust the pics Pen. There is a good improvement on the way it is recorded the magical creatures, it is still very deficient. One day, you may find in a book a pic about a certain magical creature. The next day, another book may show the magical creature with another pic."

After hearing the small explanation from Kai, Peng Hu was astonished by the amount of things he could do in this world.

[Maybe I can really make a name for myself in this new world, and engrave my name in scholar's books? Hahaha! Starting out with the classification of magical creatures doesn't sound so bad after all.]

"In summary Pen, the amount of magical creatures that we may find in the wild is as wide as your imagination can go off to... until someone compiles all the information onto one book."

"Hehe. It seems to be a good side quest."

Kai and Peng Hu stopped in their tracks and looked up. They have finally arrived into Kai's house. The surroundings didn't seem to be damaged at all, indicating that the enemy didn't bother to swipe clean the house.

"Wait for me out here Pen. I will be back fast!"

"? Why? Can't I get into the house?"

"The keepsake has a sort of curse that my father put on it in case of curious bystander. Auntie Alis can dispel it. I don't know what sort of curse my father had put on it... so I want to request you to comply for your own safety..."

[What sort of father did you have who will put a curse on a keepsake for their son!? He deserves some face smacking if I were to get the chance to.]

"Okay. I got it Kai. Go ahead. I will secure the perimeter while you enjoy searching for it"

"Thanks Pen!"

Kai swiftly ran into the house. Looking at Kai's back, for a moment, Peng Hu didn't think that Kai was just a kid. With the way Kai handled most of the affairs today, Peng Hu could see that Kai matured way too early.

After looking around for some kind of stool or rock to sit on, Peng Hu found a nice tree with good shades. While going towards the tree, Peng Hu was stopped.

"... Mr. Pen? We need to talk."


Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts about the chapter if you have any :)

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