
Chapter 2: There Is Still Hope

The moment that I saw what was on that screen, I was beyond shocked. I didn't know what to think. My mind just went blank all of a sudden and I couldn't think of anything for a good while.

When I came back to my senses and knew what this meant, I couldn't help but start crying. So I just cried and cried. The only difference this time from the other times that I have cried is that these tears were not tears of sadness or despair.

No, these were tears of pure happiness and hope. From what I have read in those novels were the protagonist reincarnates with a system, is that in almost every single one where the protagonist is OP is that they always have this method to bring people back to life.

I haven't checked on what the system can do. But if it can create planets and new races, then I am sure that it would be able to bring people back to life.

Though I don't know yet, I just needed to ask the system and hope it would give the answer that I wanted.

"System, am I able to bring these two souls back to life?" (Alex)

[Yes Alex, you can do so.]

"?!, t-thank you, system?" (Alex)

Though I was kind of expecting and hoping for this answer, it was still shocking to hear it nonetheless. Though I don't know how I would be able to do so, at least I had hope now, a reason to keep on living, a chance to be able to see them once again.


( A Couple Of Minutes Later)

After calming down from all of that and finding a reason to keep on living, I decided to fully understand the situation that I was in.

"System, why am I in this room? and what is this room?" (Alex)

[Responding, this room is your personal space that you can enter whenever you want, though it is not soul bounded to you yet, once it does, you will be able to customize it however you want and add whatever you want. You should also know that when the space is soul bounded, it will be affected by intense emotions and what you feel.]

"Huh, so that's it." (Alex)

[Does Host want to bind this space to the host's soul?]

"Not now system, and didn't I say not to call me host?" (Alex)

[Sorry host, I will be sure to fix this mistake.]

"You know, never mind." (Alex)

Well, even though binding this space and playing around with it would be fun, I still need to know some more things before I get started.

"System how do I access my status and the other functions?" (Alex)

[Host only needs to think about accessing them or saying it out loud.]

"Alright then, 'Status'" (Alex)


-Name: ????(Alex)

-Race: True God

-Age: N/A

-Lifespan: ∞

-Title: The One True God


-HP: ∞

-MP: ∞

-PA(Physical Attack Power): ∞

-MA(Magic Attack Power): ∞

-Strength: ∞

-Agility: ∞

-Endurance: ∞

-Intelligence: ∞

-Wisdom: ∞

-Charisma: ∞

-Skills: N/A


-Head: N/A

-Torso: N/A

-Arms: N/A

-Legs: N/A]

Well, I don't know what to say. I mean since from what I could guess, I knew that I was a god of some sort, but I didn't expect to find this.

Wait why is my name all question marks? I guess I have to choose a new name huh. Well, I'll do that later. But damn I'm OP. Though I will need to train hard to be able to control this strength so that I don't accidentally destroy a planet or something.

I can kind of understand the skills. I mean I haven't really done anything special or proactive in my past life. But why is my equipment like that? Does that mean that I am naked

Yep, I'm naked. Well at least I'm alone in this space, otherwise, I would be the first True God to die from embarrassment. Well, I can take care of this later but dang, I got a pretty big 'little brother' down there.

Well, at least I have some sort of information.

Oh yeah, I still haven't opened my beginner pack yet.

'Inventory' (Alex)


-Beginner Starter Pack

-Adult Female Soul

-Child Female Soul]

I stare for a couple of seconds to the two female souls until I decide to mentally select the Beginner Starter Pack.

[Does Host want to open the Beginner Starter Pack?]


'Yes' (Alex)

[Congratulations Host, you have received the following:

-Planet Format, Grade: Legendary

-Planet Format, Grade: Epic

-Race Format, Grade: Legendary

-Race Format, Grade: Epic

-Free Customizable Clothes (Head), Grade: God

-Free Customizable Clothes (Torso), Grade: God

-Free Customizable Clothes (Arms), Grade: God

-Free Customizable Clothes (Legs), Grade: God

-100,000 FP

-Muscle Training Skill Book, Grade: Epic

-Mana Training Skill Book, Grade: Epic]

"Wooow, that's a lot of stuff." (Alex)

"Hey System, can you show the description of all these items?" (Alex)

[Showing Description:

-Planet Format, Grade: Legendary-Rank 5: Lets you make a world with a Legendary grade.

-Planet Format, Grade: Epic-Rank 5: Lets you make a world with an Epic grade.

-Race Format, Grade: Legendary-Rank 5: Lets you make a Legendary grade race.

-Race Format, Grade: Epic-Rank 5: Lets you make an Epic grade race.

-Free Customizable Clothes (Head)( Torso)(Arms)(Legs), Grade: God-Rank 9: Lets you make God grade clothes with whatever design you want, but the design will be fixed permanently.

-100,000 FP: 100,000 Faith Points

-Muscle Training Skill Book, Grade: Epic-Rank 5: A skill book that will help you get familiar with your body and control it with great efficiency.

-Mana Training Skill Book, Grade: Epic-Rank 5: A skill book that will help you get familiar with mana, help you understand it and control it.]

Well, I think that I just hit the jackpot. It's kind of easy to understand what the Planet and Race Forums do as well as the Free Customizable Clothes. I guess that the faith points are the system's currency but how do you get them? And what is the main meaning of these grades?

"System what are Faith Points used for and how do you get them?" (Alex)

[Faith Points are the main currency of the God System and can be obtained by receiving faith from the races that you create and pray for you and by doing quest given to you.]

"Ok, now system what are the grades and what are there main meaning?" (Alex)

[The Grades are:

-Normal: This is for normal equipment that you will be able to find in regular foot soldiers.

-Rare: This is the type of equipment that would be carried by a Commander or General.

-Ultimate: This is the type of equipment that would be carried by a General of Royalty.

-Epic: This is the type of equipment that would normally be carried by high-rank military officials and Royalty.

-Legendary: This is the type of equipment that would normally be considered a national treasure.

-Mythical: This is the type of equipment that would normally be legendary and would be wielded by legendary heroes.

-God: This is the type of equipment that would normally be used by Gods.

All of the grades from Normal to Legendary are divided by 5 ranks, where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest.

Mythical and God Equipment is divided by 10 ranks, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.]

Well, it's good to know more information.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to take my first step into becoming a God worthy of the title 'The One True God'." (Alex)

"But first, I need some clothes." (Alex)

Hello guys hope you can rate, comment, and review.

Also, to the people that are reading this, I hope that you can give me some ideas of what I should make for my first planet and race. Hope you can give your ideas in the comments section and please make it as detailed as possible.

That's all I had to say.


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