
Now You Know Who I am!

On the way to the man's office, they encountered Director George Hao, who was on the way to Ann's office for a visit.

"Morning everyone!" George greeted with a broad smile showing on his face. "Where are you all headed? I was about to..." He did not get to finish his sentence. He was interrupted by Lea.

"Good morning to you too! Director Hao." We are on the way to his office. Pointing at the man they were following, then winked.

George understood the signal and stopped what he was about to say.

"It's good that you're here, Director Hao, how about coming with us to be a witness." The man motioned for him to follow along.

"Huh!" George was now curious as to what he needed to witness. "Follow the lead!" Smiling secretly to Ann, Lea and Mrs. Lim

Once they arrived, Ann realized that this man is the Vice President of Tan Corp. 'Interesting?' Ann thought.

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