
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

nablethenoble · Anime et bandes dessinées
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27 Chs

ElysiaMagica Side Story 1: Amy

[At night. One month after transmigrated to another world.]Kyubey ate the 5th magic crystal, he split himself into two again.The 3rd Kyubey too went to 'walk around' without Fay being aware of it. This time it walks in a different direction looking for a potential candidate to be a magical girl....Amy is a commoner girl living in a town. She had short dark brown hair and eyes. She grew up in an abusive household.Her own father had violated her, her mother ignored her cries and please. Amy's heart is broken from the constant torture. She hates her life. She hates her parents. She doesn't know how many times she cried herself to sleep. She wanted to tell someone, she wanted to escape.She tried to run away once. But the local guard who she trusted, sent her back to her parents again. She was devastated and stopped running since then. *Flop*2 Kyubey's ears twitched as he stared at the girl who was laying naked on her bed, crying, after a man who's supposed to be her father had done with her.She tiredly looked at something sitting on her window. She rubbed her eyes, thinking she was only seeing things. It's still there. She looks more carefully. It isn't a bunny but it's cute."Hello".Huh?She stared at the creature. Did she hear things now?"I am Kyubey. Would you like to make a contract?".She is shocked. But Elysia is a world with Gods and Dragons, while it's rare it's still something not unheard of. She composed herself.'Contract?'."I can grant any wish your heart desires in exchange for a price".Is it a devil? She heard stories, how they would seduce men with promises in exchange for their soul.'What will be the cost? My soul? My life? Or my limbs?'.???Kyubey wondered what use her soul and limbs would do and why it's the first thing she thought.Regardless, he continued."You have to live your whole life fighting magical beasts and Wraiths. You would be the symbol of hope, that fights for the sake of the world".She understood magic beasts. But what is a Wraith?'What is a Wraith?'."It's a different kind of monster than a magical beast. If a magical girl is born from hope. Then Wraith is born purely from despair and negative energy. While a magical beast is born from negative energy and mana".But from Kyubey observation, perhaps there's no Wraith because all the negative energy gets distributed evenly into magic beasts based on their strength in the whole world. That's why the magical beasts are so... Violent.So, there shouldn't be any Wraith in this world, in theory. Perhaps it's a system the gods of this world implemented. Kyubey does make some notes. It's quite efficient in terms of balancing the positive and negative energy, but it's akin to giving every person on the planet some form of power or access to power for them to eliminate the curses of the world. But in terms of overcoming entropy, it didn't achieve that purpose. The system only maintains a balanced equal state, in equilibrium at least from his rough calculations.'But I don't have any abilities to fight magic beasts...'."You would gain power to use magic power once you made a contract. Becoming a magical girl, while having great power, also comes with great risks and responsibilities."'Can I wish for my parents to... Die?'."It's possible".'What happens if I refuse to kill magic beasts, and whatever Wraiths are?'."As a magical girl, you would need magic to sustain your own life. And each use of magic would consume a limited quantity of energy. You need magic crystals dropped from magic beasts to recharge the magic you spent. Even if you don't use any magic, you still spend some magic energy to maintain the minimum state of activity for your body".'I don't understand. I don't need, magic, to live as I am right now, right?'.Kyubey is silent for a few seconds. Because very few had asked far enough questions.'When you made a contract, a new body would be constructed for you. A stronger, tougher body that requires a minimum amount of magic to run. Because you would need to fight magic beasts.'"Then if I run out of magic, I die?".'Yes'. Kyubey answered straight."I see...". Amy thinks about it seriously. To fight magic beasts her whole life..."How many magic crystals are we talking about here?".'It depends on your magic expenditure, and how strong your magic is'.That didn't answer the question.But Amy had already made up her mind.…She took a deep breath, before saying her wish out loud.'I want my parents dead. Grant me my wish, Kyubey!'.Deep Purple light envelopes Amy as a purple soul gem formed."The contract is successfully formed. Congratulations, your wish is fulfilled and you have become a magical girl"."If you any more questions, do ask me"....Amy went out of her room, to see her parents lying dead, lifeless on the floor. She has no regret, no remorse over their death.She went to her mom's dead body on the floor and kneeled in front of it."You always let him do what he wants to me. You too, deserves this...".She cried over her mom body. She wished; she had a nice loving parent like everyone else. Of course, she's aware that a wish is also possible but ultimately, she doesn't want her parents to be changed by some devil magic. It won't be real. It would only be a fake illusion if she makes such a wish. It will never be real and sincere.Thus death, is what they deserve.She stood blankly at his dad body. This monster. She hates that she had to call him dad.But it's over. It's really over now.She opened the windows, letting fresh air in.She sees the people in the streets. She noticed something peculiar. She can see a type of energy in their body.'Kyubey. I see... Something, in the people'."As a magical girl who wished for death, you have some access to powers related to soul. Naturally, you can see others life force in their body, and have power to extinguish them".'Kyubey, I can see an old woman with a very tiny light'. (Like a candle light).'It probably means her life force is already weak, and her life would come to an end. It's possible for it to represent a creature's lifespan'. Of course, it's possible for someone to die while still having large amount of life force through accident or the like. It's basically the energy that naturally carried by your soul, to be able to maintain connection with your body and consciousness."So, I can guess people's lifespan now".She looked at the dead lifeless bodies in the floor. There's no light in them. They are truly dead.She let out a small laugh. Thinking how everything ended in an instant.After hours of recuperating in her room, she finally went out to see a guard, telling them her parents are dead. The guards check her house and carried their bodies. They questioned Amy as she is under suspicion of murder.After a few days, it is confirmed her parents' death are 'natural'. As if they had a heart attack at the same time and died naturally.The case is dismissed, although many had doubts. Regardless... Amy finally starts to register as an adventurer....In the forest, Amy summoned her purple soul gem. She can see... Her own life force in them. It's very bright. She knows what it meant. That her soul, is in the little thing called Soul Gem. Her body is simply a puppet of sort. She accepts it quite well.But she realised the implication. Her body is an undead.She asked Kyubey about it, and she understands and tried to accept it. She also learns from Kyubey she can isolate her consciousness into her soul gem and dull her body senses.Thus, her first mission to kill a few goblins is executed.She saw a goblin munching on some beast meat. It's a disgusting green creature with sharp fangs. It has a smaller light in him, indicating its short lifespan. Naturally, since the goblin has a corresponding fast reproductive ability.She's afraid as it's the first time fighting a monster.The goblin noticed and make strange noises.'Kyaaa. Hwuuuu. Kaaa'.It held a wooden club in its hand and dashed to Amy. It's small and agile body is fast. Amy quickly transformed.[Transformation scene]She wore a dark purple cloak, with skull like markings on her face. Her inverted triangle Soul Gem on her choker shimmered in purple glow. She summons her weapon - a large dark purple scythe.She roughly swung it. The goblin dodge and it only manages to scratch a tiny wound on the goblin upper arm.Instantly she sees the light in goblin body flickered and reduced to half. The goblin becomes slow and weakened instantly. As if some of its life force got destroyed from a mere scratch.The goblin weakly went to dash at her still. With its slower movement, she slashed the scythe directly at the goblin body, cutting the goblin into two pieces directly.Dead.The light extinguished instantly. She sees the goblin body in 2 pieces. The cut is clean. She's very strong. So strong. She realises how her power works. She can extinguish their life force, weakening them and shortening their lifespan. As for being able to cut the goblin into half, that's purely her physical strength and her scythe sharpness.She dug out the goblin magic crystal from its bloody body and keep it for herself. Then she cut the left ear as prove of subjugation.She puked a little, smelling the blood and flesh.More goblins tried to ambush her because the goblin makes noises before calling aids.She got hit by a wooden club on her side, but she only winced a little bit and simply punched the goblin away crushing its face.It doesn't feel that painful... She looks at her newfound power.After killing 6 goblins, she looked at her still somewhat bright soul gem. She used only a tenth of her magic power.She took one the goblin magic crystal, placed it on it. The soul gem purified instantly and the small magic crystal turned completely dull, showing it's already totally consumed.She has to say, at least she doesn't have to worry about overspending her magic and dying from it.She decides to destroy the entire goblin nest while she's already so strong. And mostly to vent her frustration and anger at how shitty her life is.'I killed them. Haha.. hahahaha... HAHAHAA!'.She keeps mincing and cutting the goblins that are beating her with clubs and one even bit her flesh. She laughs and keep punching, kicking and swinging her scythe like a madwoman.It's a walk in the park as flesh and organs scattered across the cave ground and walls.A hundred goblin fell by her hands on her first day as adventurer. Even managing to kill the Goblin King and Queen, and even killing a goblin shaman despite she got injured here and there. Due to her dulled pain senses, and she can heal her own body instantly, she has no problem whatsoever.In the process she learned how to shoot magic waves from her scythe carrying a powerful magic that extinguishes life force.She became a bronze rank in her first day, giving her the title of 'Goblin slayer'....