
I'm The Son of a Demon Lord?!

What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery

dotturndot · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
169 Chs


"Quilin.. are you sure that was alright?"

"I believe that was for the best. Had I dismissed her otherwise, I fear she would become a catalyst to a whole slew of issues," as those words left Quilin's mouth, her eyes returned to its usual shine.

'Sequencee doesn't even trust that girl Reese so why..'

The readings in [Unique Skill: Colours of Favorability] were telling her that Sequencee felt irritated by her presence.. so why were they still so close?

"Have you seen the hero? She had been following us earlier hadn't she?" Quilin tried to find Risa's now gone presence.

"Perhaps she retired to her room?"

"Let's invite them to the lounge room. You are getting along fine with them I believe?"

Evelyn nodded.

Evelyn found it difficult to make sense of Quilin's logic. But she decided to trust her for now.


"Is it not better that you do that to Hero Shiro instead?" Schwii pouted.

"Though it's undeniable that I want his child, staying together is a different story.." Reese drawled.

"It was a mistake of me to think that demons were the worst when it came to relationships," Schwii pinched in between her eyes.

"I'm curious, how do demons view relationships in that case?" Reese tilted her head.

"Similarly, it varies with personality."

"Then is my personality not good?"

"Saying that your personality is inappropriate would be equivalent to saying that there is an absolute appropriation or conduct to follow when being oneself– that being nonexistent," Iona remarked.

"To the right person, someone who likes to dance on the edge of danger and passion, you would be the perfect match; to the wrong person however, you would be a big thorn in their side," Schwii added.

"Then do you think Sequencee is the right person?" Reese shifted her attention to the person in question.

"I think you should jump in a pit and bury yourself," Schwii spat.

"I think I would have to take Schwii's suggestion on this," Sequencee groaned.

"Wow, you two really don't hold back. I like it."

"Room booked. Let's go," Shiro called from the stairs.

The third tier of the cafeteria– they booked a private room.

"The food has already been ordered. Just decide on the drinks," Shiro said.

"Then I want the usual," Schwii told Sequencee.

"Got it."

"Coffee with lots of sugar again? Is diabetes a thing here?" Risa asked.

"What's diabetes?"

"You have a medical institution but don't know what diabetes is?" Risa's jaw dropped.

"What is that? A curse?" Reese followed up.

"It's not a curse. It's a disease caused by overconsumption of sugary foods!"

"There's such a thing?"

"There is such a thing of course."

"Mn.. it should be fine," Schwii thought it wasn't worth the trouble to give up on the sugar.

Iona on the other hand, having heard Risa's words, began to wonder if she could kill people through cooking without the use of poison.

The food arrived in turn, starting from the appetizer, moving into the main course. Dessert was served last. Schwii who had never seen most of these food items couldn't help but wonder just how vast the culinary world is. Reese struggled to pick up the fork out of unease.

"Sorry for the sudden invitation, but I want to get some things ascertained," Sequencee said mid way through the meal.

"I take it that you're referring to Reese," Risa pouted.


"W-What about me? Had I done wrong?" Reese, who was just about to shove another piece of tofu-sushi in her mouth, froze up.

"Here's the three agenda of this meeting," Schwii explained in Sequencee's stead, "First, to identify Reese's gift and determine the veracity of its application in various situations. Two, in sake of everyone's safety, should she force her way into our clique, the measures to restrain her actions. Three, create boundaries between each other in order to maintain a continued relationship."

"Oh, for the first agenda, we already have the answer to it," Risa said.


"Isn't it impolite to talk about this in front of the person in question?" Shiro asked.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Sequencee said.

"Desperate?" Shiro found it funny how Sequencee could crack such a joke at this sort of time.

Reese, listening to all this, could only blink like a mute. Iona fingers touching the black dagger hidden under her skirt as her eyes remained closed.

"Let's look at the benefits of this. Hero Shiro, Risa, I believe your concern is how Reese would affect your lives, correct?"

"More like.. she's.." Shiro struggled to come up with the words to answer.

"She's trying to act sweet and creepy, like a yandere. I don't like that," Risa quipped.

"Creepy? My actions are creepy..?" Reese was stunned by the revelation.

"Hence, it would make creating a secure friendship a difficult endeavor."

"I.. don't see that as an issue."

"Then what is your issue?"

"I want to have a child.."


".. I want to have the hero's child.." Reese raised her head to look at Shiro.

He twitched.

"That's agenda two. We'll resolve this schism between you and the hero so that you can grow closer. In exchange, Reese you must–"

"Hey! I didn't sign up for this!" Shiro exclaimed.

"No! No! No! I don't permit it!" Risa screamed. Schwii's words were cut short.

It was a messy discussion. But they eventually came to consensus that the heroes were Reese's vices.

"Agenda three, create boundaries between each other in order to maintain a continued relationship. We'll move into that next."

"Yeah but.."

"Since there's no way for you to get rid of her, I think it's best to learn how to deal with her. Additionally, I believe she would be a great addition to your party, something Sequencee had mentioned in the past," Schwii sighed.

"Seriously.." Risa was reluctant.

"Reese, would you ever use charm magic on Risa or Shiro?" Sequencee said.

"No, I would never!"

"Why is that?"

"That.. it would be a sin.."

"Yup, guessed as much, there you have it. As the cardinal of the Savior's religion, she looks upon the two of you like Gods. That's why you two are perfect to keep her in check," Sequencee folded his arm.

"Admittedly, we need you to shackle her," Schwii said with a bitter smile.

"Big brother."


"I think this is a yandere isekai," Risa hugged Shiro's arm tightly.

He groaned.

Schwii clapped her hands twice, all attention gathered.

"Now, with everyone's benefit in this, I hope to settle the matter diplomatically," she said. "So let's get back to agenda number one. Reese, regarding your gift."

"I feel like everyone is bullying me," she quipped.

A strategic meeting to reinforce boundaries. As much as Schwii hated their ever confusing intertwining of fate between her, Sequencee and the heroes', there was no better way to advance than to have some preventive measures set in place.


"That's what I have to report," Selena lowered her head.

"You may leave."


Evelyn stared down at her feet with a shadow on her face. Her ears rang to the sound of the door shutting.

"What are you doing Sequencee.. why do you try to avoid me.."

'A deeper reason to why he wishes to avoid getting into a relationship with you– he, a demon lord; I the princess of the empire.'

"What if that's a lie..? What if he never liked me to begin with.."

'If he never did like you, why would he still be here? He would've left long ago, right? If you believe in fate, why do you think fate allowed you to reunite?'

"What am I even thinking.."

'He already has Schwii, of course she wouldn't want anyone else to take him away..'

Evelyn hugged her pillow.

"Maybe Risa was right after all.. I should just stop trying to chase after him.."

Reese was without a doubt going to try something on them during tomorrow's luncheon. This Evelyn believed because of how Shiro and Risa went out for dinner without her. They were plotting something, just as Selena had reported.

"Maybe.. that's what I need to do after all.."

'Just like how he let go of his wish for revenge.. perhaps I too should..'


"Does this look alright?" Sequencee was fixing his clothes using the mirror as a reference.

His dark-brown hair combed, a silver emblem affixed near his collar to match his dark blue suit.

"It suits you well sir," Selena said.


"The luncheon will begin soon. I'll inform you when the preparations are done, so please wait inside your room for the time being."


When she left, Sequencee put his hands inside his pocket and took out a black tag. He tapped it twice.

A shadow stretched down Sequencee's clothes and onto the floor. Rising from within was Reese garbed in a slender red dress, the fabric practically sticking to the contours of her body. There were many complex platinum embellishments which helped balance the design where it would've looked otherwise bare.

"You look dashing. Hope you're ready to say no to the emperor," Reese teased.

"Yeah.. this is going to be a pain.." Sequencee sighed.

It was unlikely he would be able to get any help from Shiro and Risa. They had told him yEstherday night that they weren't informed of a luncheon taking place.

Reese, while acting in the shadows, would not be in direct involvement of the conversation happening during the meal. Unless Sequencee's position in safety was compromised, she was to remain hidden.

Sequence sat on the couch and stared upwards at the ivory ceiling.

"Feeling melancholic already?" Reese asked.

"More like, nervous. I don't know what to expect during the luncheon. All it takes is for me to say something insensitive and I might have to leave the empire."

"I don't think things would turn out so severe. Or would you like me to put you under my spell? I could make you a smooth talker in an instant."

"No thank you. Who knows when I'd suddenly begin to chant 'for the cardinal'."

"You have quite the imaginative mind don't you?" Reese giggled, her figure sank into shadow.

Sequence also felt a presence arriving.

"It's ready," Selena called out from behind the door.

"Alright," he got up from the sofa.

Led by the maid, Sequencee was brought to a garden built just behind the villa. A white framed arbor decorated with loose fabric and flowering plants, the seats under shade had been arranged to accommodate the royal family members and Sequencee as one of the guests.

Maids, butlers, royal knights and royal chefs stood on standby. Risa and Shiro were nowhere to be found however. It seemed that it was a meal dedicated solely for him. His tension was raised.

Sequencee was asked to sit at the decided seat, which just happened to be beside Evelyn.

Her appearance today was much more enunciated than usual. Light makeup had been worn for the occasion, her eyelashes made more pronounced. The dress she wore was that of a traditional elven garment, resembling a white lily, long and drapery.

Besides Evelyn, Wilson, Quilin and Carol were already seated around the table. The only ones left were His Majesty and his wives had yet to arrive.

'I'm not going to be executed am I..?'