
I'm the hero whom you ignored

Brian was the most handsome weakling in his entire school. The bully Billy always tortured him by punching and kicking him leaving wounds and bruises all over his body. He had a reason for doing that. Because the beautiful girl Meera, whom Billy had a crush on, liked Brian instead of him. However, as always Brian bore the pain. Until... One day Brian's sister was kidnapped by a vampire which made him turn into an entirely different person. The always weak boy suddenly turned into a hero who saved not only his sister, but the entire human world.

XOXO_LtlSunFlwr · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Meera's confession

A tight fist landed on my cheek causing me to gasp in pain. I gritted my teeth.

"Are you satisfied now? You as*holes!" I yelled at them.

One of them kicked me. He was Billy, my worst enemy!

"You useless son of a bi*ch! You have guts to curse us now?!"

He was about to give me another kick. I closed my eyes. I wasn't afraid of them. In fact, I wanted them to hit me to their hearts' content so that they could leave me alone.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? Leave him alone!" Meera rushed towards us and squatted beside me.

Yep, I was lying on the muddy ground. She must have thought that I was quite pitiful in that state.


Billy's face turned dark as he looked at her. "You... go back to your class." He commanded her like a general.

"No way I'm gonna leave him like this. You can go back or else I'll complain to the principal." She stubbornly said and even threatened him.

That dog had feelings for Meera. Because of that, he wouldn't do anything to her and even obeyed her. He clenched his fists angrily and glared at me as if he was ordering me to behave myself infront of his crush.

I wanted to roll my eyes at him. But I couldn't. The pain was too much. After they left, Meera started sobbing.

"You are injured. Let's go to the infirmary."

I tried to stand up. But all I could do was to sit on the ground. Even it made me feel like I was burning. I felt blood coming out of my wounds. It was too painful.

If Meera wasn't there, I would curse that bast*rds again and again. However I remained silent to protect my dignity infront of her. Meera wiped her eyes which were filled with tears.

"Don't move." She whispered.

Her heart must be aching for me. I sighed.

"Meera, I know you can't help me. Can you call Demien over so that he can help me to stand up."

I felt kinda ashamed when I said that. I'm a man after all. How can I show that I'm weak infront of a girl? Still, I had no choice other than that at the moment.

Meera shook her head.

"Don't worry, I can help you. Trust me, I'm stronger than you think. Besides, I'm afraid of leaving you alone here. That rascals might touch you again."

I chuckled mocking myself. A girl wanted to protect me? How pitiful I was! Only I had my... nevermind, I don't need them! I'll just live my life as I planned long time ago. Finally I nodded.


As we were walking, Meera talked to me in a soft voice.

"Why don't you fight back instead of allowing them to bully you again and again?"

My lips curved into a smile.

"That won't do."

If I fight back, I can't even imagine the results. Maybe they will completely disappear from this world! Meera sighed. Her delicate hands supported my back. I put my hand around her shoulder.

"Then you should stay away from them. Why are you provoking them again and again? This isn't the first time he laid his hand on you."

I looked at her meaningfully.

"Meera." I called out to her.


"They are picking on me because of... you."

I didn't want to blame her. Nonetheless, I just wanted to tell the truth. It's better not to hide it anymore.

"Because of me?"

Meera was shocked and she widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Yes, Billy likes you." I confirmed her doubts. Meera shook her head vigorously.

"Maybe... he likes me as you say. But, but... I don't like him! In fact..."

She glanced at me with a flushed face. "I like someone else."

I blinked my eyes. I knew what she meant. But I had no feelings for her. I only considered her as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Oh, that's good." I played dumb. Meera pouted her lips unhappily.

"Why don't you ask who it is?" I chuckled.

"I'm not a girl.Only girls love to hear gossips." Meera pinched me lightly.

"Hiss!" I hissed in pain.

"Sorry Brian. I didn't mean to hurt you." Meera's eyes turned red once again. I panicked.

"Don't worry. I know. Don't blame yourself, I'm fine." I babbled what came to my mind.

Meera clinged on to me. Gosh! This girl is really gonna hurt me this time.

"Brian, even Billy knows that. That's why he hates you. So the class first should also understand what I'm doing, right?"

She's correct. I'm the class first. It's not a big deal as I love studies and I have a good memory. But it's not the main point here!

"What are you trying to say?" I asked pretended to be annoyed. Meera stomped her feet in anger.

"Brian, I like you. I really, really do." She blurted out. My heart skipped a beat. All my pain vanished to the thin air. Was it because I was moved by her confession? Nope! It's because I knew that... I was doomed!

Guys, this is my new novel. I hope you'll enjoy it. Don't forget to give your precious comments!

XOXO_LtlSunFlwrcreators' thoughts