
Chapter 9

[Toneri's POV]


Challenge? Me?

Wait wait wait, is this guy serious right now? Goto Yuji challenged me? This guy... He's so bold! It's so clear that everyone else in here knows it. He'll try to assess my power and compare me to him

I mean... I am pretty confident about my abilities. Is it arrogance? No, a strength I honed through fighting monsters and everyday training is there to back up my claim. Am I getting a bit too full of myself? Perhaps. But as I said earlier, I have the strength to back me up.

And as for what's happening right now... I know this would happen but I didn't know it actually would. When I took the chance on saving Hae-in, I knew I replaced Jin-Woo's place back there. But what can I do? I reacted too fast— faster than him and saved her. And when Goto Ryuji saw how I stopped a berserk Atsushi, I know he took some kind of twisted interest in my powers

And so, it all comes down to one question. Will I accept the duel? Let me find the cons and pros first. For the pros, I would get to show off, get respect from other hunters, and get to fight Japan's strongest hunter. As for the cons, Ryuji would try his best to lure me out and expose some of my jutsu. Overall, I think it's not that bad.

But this guy... He's been showing off his aura for the last minute... He's already showing off even before the match eh? WELL! I'll have no choice but to respond to his provocation right?!

"I accept." (Toneri)


What the fuck was that?!

That was Japanese! How did I learn Japanese?! No, wait wait, when I first crossed over to this world, I could perfectly understand the Korean language, but I never did actually investigate how. And now, speaking to a Japanese person, the words I want to say got translated before exiting my mouth!

What is this? Is it perhaps one of Toneri's innate abilities? Or am I missing something crucial here? Think... Think... AGH! I'll think about this later!

Fight time!

[General POV]

Goto Ryuji, when he heard Toneri speak Japanese, wasn't actually surprised as the latter. He just assumed that Toneri once lived in Japan and can speak the language.

Regardless, even without the translator, he heard Toneri's answer.

But then...

"In one condition. We fight with all you've got. Deal?" (Toneri)

Of course, Toneri won't actually fight with all his have here. If he did, he's afraid that the earth would be sliced in half if he uses no more than 3 of his jutsu. Especially when he's in the Tenseigan Chakra mode which essentially just boosts all his abilities by 100 times. So what he will do is just try to restrain himself as much as possible. And that, well... That's the only thing he hadn't trained for.

When Ryuji heard Toneri's condition, at first he was shocked but that shock was quickly replaced by a slight anger

'Is this kid... Underestimating me?' (Ryuji)

As for the other hunters who heard, all of them exclaimed and wondered why Toneri would not only accept Ryuji's challenge but also fight him with his full power.

Ryuji scoffed a hit and looked at Shimizu at the spectator's corner

'Interesting... Since we have our S-Rank Healer, Shimizu, I guess I could wind up a little.' (Ryuji)

When Toneri saw Ryuji looking at their healer, he only had one thought.

'Is this guy serious right now?' (Toneri)

'I mean... He IS Japan's strongest hunter, but at least tone down that arrogance, will you? Or is it perhaps you're similar to me who has the strength to prove my claim? Oh well.' (Toneri)

"Fine by me. Shimizu, take care of everyone that will possibly get injured during our fight.' (Ryuji)

He then pointed at Toneri with a small grin on his face.

"Especially that one." (Ryuji)

'...' (Toneri)

- On the audience's side -

'Toneri and Ryuji... One is someone recognized as the strongest in their country and is halfway from reaching the National-level hunter rank. And the other is... A new Hunter whose full abilities are still not known except the black orbs he summoned... This fight could actually help me find out more about him...' (Jin-Woo)

"Who do you think will win?" (Chairman Go)

Chairman Go suddenly appeared beside Jin-Woo and asked him

"It's... Undetermined." (Jin-Woo)

Hearing his answer, Chairman Go had a slightly surprised reaction and asked him

"Hm? How do you think so?" (Chairman Go)

"Well, one would assume that Ryuji will win this match. Why? It is because he is recognized by many people. And people believe those who have high credibility. As for Toneri... He is an undetermined variable. He's hiding too much of his abilities. It is unknown what his full capabilities are." (Jin-Woo)

"Perhaps you're right. But did you know? During his assessment, he showed us something quite an interesting power." (Chairman Go)

Hearing the Chairman's reply, Jin-Woo can't help but get curious. What could be Toneri's real power?

"What is it?" (Jin-Woo)

The chairman chuckled a bit before returning to his calm composure with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you find out yourself? I think... It will be an interesting fight." (Chairman)

Jin-Woo didn't reply back and looked at the battle that was about to commence. He could hear the other rankers present discussing how foolish Toneri was. But he knew Toneri has something up his sleeve to win this fight. He's just waiting for him to show it.

Of course, there were some who were worried about Toneri.

"11th S-Rank Hunter, huh? I didn't manage to see his abilities when we fought earlier because I was occupied with Tanaka. Say, what did he do?" (Dongwook)

"If I remember... He summoned some black orbs out of nowhere and manipulated them for offense and defense." (Hae-in)

"Black orbs, huh? I thought he was a fighter? How could he summon and manipulate those orbs?" (Dongwook)

"I don't know too... Perhaps the Hunters Association mistook his class?" (Hae-in)

"No, it wasn't a mistake." (Yoon-Ho)

"I and Jong-in were present during his assessment. I saw what capabilities he had and what he can do with those orbs of his." (Yoon-Ho)

Yoon-Ho still has Toneri's ability fresh in his mind. He clearly remembered Toneri summoning the same black orb and grasping it before turning to a golden sword made out of... Some kind of Mana. He knows too well what those orbs could do.

"I speculate that Toneri is able to use mana like a mage and fight like a warrior." (Yoon-Ho)

"Regardless, I'm sure Toneri would win." (Yoo-Ho)

"Oh? For you to admit that without hesitation, I guess I would be able to witness a great fight today, huh?" (Dongwook)

- On the arena -

"Alright, let should star—" (Toneri)

But before the could continue, a palm suddenly appeared in front of him. But of course, he dodged it without even flinching as the hand slowed down before it could even get near 20 meters from him.

'Happened exactly like in the series -_-' (Toneri)


A massive amount of gusts of wind appeared where Toneri was previously in.

Seeing that Toneri was nowhere to be found, Ryuji was surprised

'Where is he?!' (Ryuji)

"Whew~ that's a strong attack~" (Toneri)

Hearing this Ryuji turned around to see Toneri smiling while making a hand gesture as if he was mocking him. And instead of ending the match and tapping his back, he just greeted him

'As expected... This guy is good." (Ryuji)

'Someone who is able to dodge my attack like that... More... Show me more of your abilities!' (Ryuji)

Mana started concentrating on Ryuji's hands as he lunges towards Toneri

'This guy... He's also holding... A bit?' (Toneri)

Toneri, as a sensory-type, naturally has a keen observation. He can sense other people's intentions and thus speculate their actions. The only exception that got past his observation was Yoshimoto Ryuu who appeared beside him without even him knowing.

'I should probably end this match sooner. Don't want to expose too much of my abilities.' (Toneri)

He then summoned the Truth-seeking orbs that started floating around him.

Seeing those orbs, Yoon-Ho, who was watching widened his eyes

'THERE THEY ARE! What is Toneri planning to do with those orbs?!' (Yoon-Ho)

He was scared that Toneri would actually use the same move he did back during his assessment. A single slash from the sword he created slashed through a room built and reinforced with the most greatest quality of magic stones designed for testing an S-Rank Hunter's abilities.

Thankfully, Toneri just used them to block some of Ryuji's attacks and sent a couple to attack him.

The audience side's reactions were different, however.

"Shouldn't we stop the match?" (Izawa)

"No... It seems like Goto-san is taking this match seriously." (Tanaka)

Right now, Ryuji is releasing more and more mana around his body. It's clear that he's no longer holding back and is planning on taking down Toneri or at least making him show some of his abilities.

"Man... Those are some fast attacks... I'm surprised Hunter Toneri could even keep up with them..." (Tae-gyu)

"But you have to admit, Hunter Toneri holding on his ground and seem to be playing around his opponent is both ridiculous and fascinating. From what it looks like, he seems to be the one not taking this match seriously." (Dongwook)

'Hunter Toneri... He's much stronger than I anticipated...' (Hae-in)

And on the entrance, the familiar red-haired person wearing glasses came back

"What the... Something interesting happened while I took a smoke..." (Jong-in)

Back to the fight.

'This...! This...! And this...! How could he dodge all of those attacks?!' (Ryuji)

Since the match started, Toneri had done nothing but send out his Truth-seeking orbs to attack Ryuji while he messes with him by dodging all of his attacks.

'Should I end this match with Silver Wheel Reincarnation Explosion? Nah, a bit of an overkill. I should just use a puppet-cursing technique. He should be able to withstand that, right? Yeah, he can... I hope...' (Toneri)

Toneri then leaped back and held up his hand. Chakra then condensed on his palm and formed a green-colored sphere. He threw them all in Ryuji's direction.

Unsurprisingly, Ryuji was able to withstand them all. But could he withstand more? Toneri made several more and sent them to Ryuji without stopping, barraging him with endless explosions.

Seeing this scene, the spectators all had a surprised expression.

Though, yes, they did get to see more abilities of Toneri, but that's not the main point. The main point is Ryuji who was standing with burnt marks all over his body and is releasing an intense bloodlust!

Seeing this chance, Toneri instantly moved behind Ryuji and tapped his back.

"I win." (Toneri)

Toneri announced while smiling.

"A-And the match is over!" (Yoon-Ho)

"Quick! Shimizu-san! Heal Goto-san!" (Tanaka)

"Sure, but you'll pay for the price of me healing him, okay~?" (Shimizu)

Hearing this, Tanaka jolted a hit and shouted at her

"Fine! Fine! Just heal him! We still need him as our leader for the raid!" (Tanak)

"Sure~" (Shimizu)

After that, she went to Ryuji who already claimed his bloodlust down and healed him. After the healing, she reported to everyone

"Well, good news. Nothing too serious of an injury. Just a second-degree burn, he should be fine by tomorrow." (Shimizu)

"Well, that's great to hear, at least." (Tanaka)

[Toneri's POV]

Damn that was a good fight~

I have to admit, Ryuji was quite fast. If any of those attacks hit me, I would have had a bruise. But fortunately, all of his 'fast' punches are slow in front of me.

He should be fine with all those burns, right? Yeah... The healer called Shimizu said that he will be fine tomorrow, I won't worry about it too much.

By the way, speaking of tomorrow, maybe I shoul—

But then, something grabbed my attention. I quickly turned around to see my shadow.


'Are you serious right now?'

Yeah, just as expected. A shadow soldier sneaked in my shadow. Seriously?! Dude! Come on! Give me a break!

At least don't put a shadow soldier on me so you can stalk us. And yes, it's not just me who got a shadow soldier, everyone else in this gym got one.

'Nope, you're not gonna stalk me.'

I then used my Chakra Absorption technique on my shadow. And yes, I found this out a few days ago. The chakra Absorption technique works just well in this world. And instead of absorbing chakra, it absorbs mana. The only side effect I got was when I first used this that caused an intense ache in my legs. But after that, no more side effects show up. And for some reason, the mana I absorbed after entering my body, gets converted to chakra... I guess it's my body turning it to the energy it needs? I dunno

Since the shadow soldier is made out of Jin-Woo's mana, when I absorb it, it won't return to Jin-Woo and report anything to him. At best, he'll just find out that one of his shadow soldiers is missing.

And with the shadow soldier out of the way, I guess all I have to do now is wait for the Jeju island raid.


- On the Jeju Island -

In the depths of the island, inside a dark cave, countless larvae are scattered around. Corpses of monster ants can be seen from here and there.

{We must throw away this island.}

And on the center, a giant ant is present. Overseeing her children.

{There is no longer any food available. Children are eating children.}

Ants eating another ant is a common sight here.

{There is no more food for our kingdom!}

But... On the pile of larvae...

{This cannot go on! I need stronger soldiers!}

A special pupa pulsating with blue and red mana is present. It is semi-transparent and the creature inside can be seen. A giant ant.


The queen monster ant then looked at the pupa with a cleaner of hope on her eyes.


And... Inside the pupa, the ant that is incubated... Thought in its head what its mother told it and repeated it over and over again.

[For the Kingdom...]

[We will make them fear us...]


A black exoskeleton arm then tore out of the pupa, releasing all the mana inside.


Slowly, more and more of its body is shown.



A loud screeching echoed throughout the whole island and intense mana was released as an ant came out of the pupa




Once again, thank you guys for supporting this ff! When I woke up this morning, I found out that this ff is now ranked 2nd in the popular ff rankings ✍😳

I got so joyful, I suddenly felt like making a new chapter! And I still have more excitement even though I already made one!

And uh... I'll temporarily forget about that 7+ unfinished homework in my notepad... I'll do those later 😅

Once again, thank you!

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