
Chapter 12


[Argh.....Mark turn off the alarm!] a groggy Mikaela said as right beside her Mark stirred awake. He look at the clock and saw it wasn't the one causing the Beeping, He then look at a screen with an Alarm and his eyes widened.

[Shit...Mika get up! we have an emergency!] Mark said as he stand up from the bed and press a bunch of keys on the screen. A figure of Athena appeared on the screen as he ask [What's the status Athena?]

Athena swipe her hand and a bunch of image of Metropolis appeared and it seems like it has been wreck [A huge energy surge happened in the area around Lexcorp and this appeared in one of the cctv footage before the power shut down.] an image of doomsday appeared in the screen and Mark couldn't help but pause at it, He just realized that it was the start of DCEU.

Mikaela comes in from behind him and watch the screen played out [What kind of abomination is that?] Mark who was just thinking, look at her and said [Wrong movie].

[Wait..What? Movi-Ooh! now I get it, It's a teenage mutant abomination Lord of the ring cave troll!] Mikaela said as Mark just chuckled at her antics and said to her [We should gear up, although that thing is an abomination rip off but from what I can see that thing is made from another world and a lot of lives are going to be lost if we let that thing run amok]


A new image appeared on their screen and Mikaela couldn't help but gasp, she said [Did they just nuke superman and the abomination rip off?]

[It seems like it and the proper name for that thing is ....zombie kryptonian but let's just call it Doomsday] Mark said and then Mikaela notice that Doomsday is reentering the earth.

[come on, it will be troublesome if that thing lands on a public area] Mark urge, he then turned to Athena and said [change the course of the quinjet to the estimated trajectory of doomsday] Athena nodded as she stirred the ship to metropolis.

[But how about superman?] Mikaela ask as she saw that the kryptonian isn't moving. Mark look at superman and said [He's fine]. He made a grabbing motion as his lightsaber flew towards him and grabbing it, he then said [Come on there's no time to waste]


[Sir do you read me?] Alfred ask as it seems like the feed from the batjet is going haywire. Batman watch as his eyes widened as the creature shot out a beam of energy towards him and he struggles to stir his Batjet towards a hill evading the energy beam, he then said [Alfred it's kryptonian origin, only kryptonite based weaponry are able to kill it]

[Yes in theory, it's possible but we don't have kryptonite left] Alfred responded as he watch Batman maneuver the Batjet away from the creature.

Batman swerve a little bit as he was almost hit but then he remembered [Alfred the spear, it's pure kryptonite it can kill it] he then turn the batjet to face the creature as he primed the guns in front of it [I need to bring it back to the city].

squeezing the trigger, he release a barrage of missiles and bullet to the creature but not one of them seems to be able to pierce its skin. Just as he was about to collide, he pulled up and proceeded to head towards the city dock.

Doomsday followed suit as it shoot beam after beam to the batjet, a few kilometers from the dock it finally got a hit. The Batjet screamed error as its tail end was shot as Batman struggled to land it atleast near the spear's location but it was for not because he smashed unto one of the empty buildings and made a crash at the other one.

Doomsday followed through and land near Batman, its head glowed as it release a very powerful beam of light intending to end Batman's life. Batman struggled to get out of the Jet as his seat belt was stuck, he could only raise his arms to his impending doom.

The beam rage fort fast, but before it could even reach its target a figure drop down from the sky and land in front of Batman taking the full blunt of the beam with her bracelets. The beam stop and Doomsday became confuse, Diana then smash her two gauntlet together creating an electric field that push Doomsday away.

The creature roared at the new arrival but before it could even attack a figure flew in and smash Doomsday to a powerplant creating a huge explosion in the process.

Diana look at Batman and ask [Why did you brought this creature to the city?] prompting Batman to reply as he cut himself loose from the seat belt [The docks abandoned and there's a weapon here that can kill it]

Superman land beside them as he then ask Batman [Did you find the spear?] Batman replied [I've been a little busy].

[This thing, This creature seems to feed on energy] Diana said, Superman follows up and said [This thing is from another world] he frowned a little bit as he saw doomsday without a scratch [My world].

Diana readies her sword and responded [I've killed things from other worlds]. Superman look at her and raise his eyebrow, he then look at Batman and ask [Is She with you?].

Batman loads up the remaining kryptonite gas to his launcher and said [I thought she was with you?]. The Trio prepared as Doomsday finish feeding on energy and crystals seems to formed on its back. The creature's body emitted a glow of radiation and with a roar a huge field of energy blew everything away in a 100 meter radius.

The heroes brace themselves and a war cry echoed up above them, a female clad in black gold armor drop down with her axe severing Doomsday right arm. The creature roared in anger as it hit the female towards the direction of other heroes but before she was just about to crash with Diana, something bizarre happened as she stop mid air and landed gently beside the others.

[And who are you?] Superman ask as Diana widened her eyes and replied [Why did a god such as yourself come here?]. Batman was a little bit shock at what Diana said and couldn't help but think of ways to get more information about this god things.

Before the female god can replay a ship appeared out of nowhere and land a few meters away from them, it's hatch open and an Imperial March Music from Star Wars soon played.

A black armored person with a cape came down from the hatch as the music kept playing, Superman's jaw drop as he said [D-Darth Vader!?]. The music stop and the figure face palmed as he said [Damn it Athena! I said the Imperial march would make me look like darth vader but no...you still insisted on playing the imperial march look what happen.] The figure then look at the female god and said [And You! what the h*ck were you thinking jumping off the ship with guns blazing!!].

The female god made an wry smile as she scratch the back of her head and said [Sorry, it's been too long since I've had a chance at battle so I kinda have to just jump in]. Batman interrupted the bickering of the two as he said [Sorry but who are you?].

The figure then look at Batman and said [I'm Lance and that's my wife Mikaela, I see you three seems to have a little bit of trouble with the teenage mutant abomination Lord of the rings cave troll or Doomsday whatever also Batman a big fan by the way]

The three heroes were taken aback at the figures demeanor as he act differently from the way he dress. Batman the most level headed one of the three recovered and said [Enough of this we still have to kill the monster].

[Oh yeah I forgot, here wait a minute] Mark then Use his force to restrain doomsday and got hold of the spear, he throw the spear with the force propelling it, as it created a sonic boom and pierce the heart of the monster. He then crush the monster and threw it away into space far away from Earth.

[There! So no one idiotic enough will take the body and do an experiment on it. What were we talking about?]

The three heroes jaw drop from the anticlimactic event as the three of them struggled to form words [Well enough of that here follow me to the ship, we have many things to discuss]

Mark turned around but he was stop by three [What was that?] Batman questioned with the famous bat glare, Superman nodded and Diana just shrugged as she initiated a conversation with Mikaela.

Mark sighed as he step by step explained what had happen and he also explained how his power works which ease the Bat as he made a note to rewatch the starwars again. Superman was different though he was acting a bit like a child when Mark said that he can control the force as he ask him questioned if he can truly communicate with animals. (didn't know superman was a fan of star wars)

[So that's the gist of my powers also Mikaela's my wife she's the last remaining member of the Aztec Pantheon] Mark explained how he meet his wife to the two and the both accepted it with Batman frowning a little bit about the god part.

[By the way come on now, I have something to discuss that is of great importance so come on] Mark said as he then move towards the ship followed by the other heroes.

Here's another Chapter for all of ya! also if you have any ideas for a superhero name for both Mika and Mark then just comment it and I'll see to it what fits.

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