
I'm Lord Farquaad....Damn it!

"Some of you may die...but that's a sacrifice I'm not willing to make!" After somehow getting his soul trapped in the body of the infamous Lord Farquaad, Joseph must do whatever it takes to survive. See how he fights in this World that is a mixture of various Worlds with various Princesses from various Fairy Tales, while trying to prevent his horrible fate. "I will not accept dying for a Dragon! If I die, let me be laid in a bed and die peacefully!" Joseph declared with conviction in his voice.

PowerMan579 · Films
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33 Chs

Chapter 29: Diplomacy with Grimhilde I & Arresting a Wolf

3rd Pov

The news of the end of the War of the Duchies arrived like a fire in a pile of dry leaves, with the Kingdoms and other territories in the region having a mixed reaction, both surprise, and outrage that the Duchies had stopped disappearing, giving rise to the Grand Duchy of Teutonia.

The Principality of Razia, receiving the promised territories, has already recognized the Grand Duchy, with Prince Galius showing full support for the creation of Teutonia.

However, not everyone supported such a move, the small Kingdoms that border the south with the now Teutonia showed some discontent, even more so since one of the Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Erilux, is now giving political asylum to the former Grand Duchess Maria Di Aiello, who was freed after the King of Erilux paid for her release to give her asylum, since the King, Julian V, was her 2nd cousin.

Joseph knew that this could probably mean a future war in the future, so he would create plans to fortify the positions of the southern regions, while trying to engage in diplomacy with the Kingdom of Heart and the Kingdom of Arstiin, in addition to ensuring a continued alliance with the Principality of Razia, thus ensuring that if a war broke out, the Southern Kingdoms that stood against him would be doomed.

That is why he is now heading to the Kingdom of Heart; while he wanted to stay away from this place, he had to go in person because Queen Grimhilde would not negotiate with Teutonia if it was not a negotiation between her and Joseph, not accepting emissaries for this task.

'This woman might try to bewitch me if something goes wrong... that reminds me that I need to try to learn Magic if possible, if I do not have Magical capabilities, I may have to speak to the Fairy Godmother to order a potion that will allow me to use Magic' Joseph thinks seriously while sitting relaxed in his Imperialwagen.

When the Imperialwagen finally stopped, Joseph's carriage door was opened by one of his Personal Guards, who bowed to Joseph as he held the door open.

As Joseph stepped out of the carriage, he looked at the beautiful and imposing castle that resided with Queen Grimhilde and Princess Snow White, Joseph sighed before heading inside the castle, followed by 4 Personal Guards who were in white uniforms.

Joseph was guided by some servants who wore fancy clothes and led him to the Throne Room, where Queen Grimhilde sat, her face cold, but a certain rosy tint could be seen on her cheeks.

Grimhilde was laughing happily inside, she had only used that excuse to see Joseph once more, while she still couldn't suggest a political marriage between her and Joseph, after all our protagonist wasn't a King yet... even if he was close to that in the Noble Hierarchy, she could already make some advances and secure the heart of the man she believed was already in love with her.

"Your Royal Majesty, Queen Grimhilde of the Kingdom of Heart, it's a pleasure to see you again, may your reign last for many, many years" Joseph said respectfully as he bowed to Grimhilde, unaware of the marriage plans the Evil Queen had for him.

"Grand Duke Joseph-Maximus von Farquaad, it is good to see you again... I hope you are not bothered by my making such a demand to see you, but such matters are best discussed between Rulers... the actions you have taken have greatly angered the Nobility, not only from other Kingdoms, but also some of the Nobility of the Kingdom of Heart, who were related by blood to some Nobles from the ancient Duchies," Grimhilde said calmly, with her beautiful and seductive voice, which made several men fall to their knees, while she tried to give the air of a wise Ruler.

But everything she said was a lie, there was no noble who had any blood relation to anyone from the ancient Duchies and if anyone complained, she would just tell them to shut up and go back to their Fiefs or she would send them to the dungeons and put someone loyal to rule the Fiefs who only spoke when ordered and that was it, there would be no more headaches.

As much as she had beauty, she also had evil.

"I understand, Your Royal Majesty, that's why I came, to make deals that can benefit the Kingdom of Heart in exchange for recognizing the Grand Duchy," Joseph said seriously as he stood up, no longer bowing, but speaking in a respectful tone to Queen Grimhilde.

Henry, the Woodsman POV

Baron... I never thought I would receive such a title, but apparently, my actions during the War of the Duchies were the reason I received the documents that I was now Count of the former lands I lived in, Saltzburg.

But even though I received such lands, I knew nothing about governing. When I told this to my Superior Officer, he said that in the future, there would be Civil Servants who would help with the administration and that, in the meantime, I should just try to control things until then. Since I lived on the lands of the former Duloc, I would be one of the Nobles on the Priority List to receive Capable Administration who would help me govern my lands.

In the meantime, I kept doing my best until the Civil Administration who would come to help me came, in addition to continuing to hunt as a hobby, but then I received news from the Saltzburg Police Department that required my decision and immediate action.

A certain wolf that walked on two legs was making suspicious movements in a nearby forest, which was already a reason for the Police to keep an eye on him, which it seems they were doing at the behest of His Royal Highness, the now Grand Duke Joseph-Maximus von Farquaad.

But then came the important news from the Police Department that made me act. A little girl in a red hood disappeared while walking through the forest, right in the forest where that wolf was, apparently on her way to deliver candy to her grandmother. I wasted no time, I ordered the Police to search everywhere and put a hunt on that damned wolf, even telling the local hunters of Saltzburg that there would be a reward of 10 Goldmarks from my pocket if they captured the Wolf and 4 Goldmarks if they found the little girl. 

After hours of searching, we finally found the Wolf thanks to a friend of mine who was hunting nearby. He took me and 2 other elite police officers from the Department to the place where the Wolf was, which was a cabin that the Police had said belonged to the little girl's grandmother. That alone made me think the worst... and I was right. 

"For the love of the Grand Duke... what a disgrace this is?" I say quietly as I look out the window along with some police officers who are holding flintlocks in their hands. We saw through the window the damn Wolf sleeping, wearing the little girl's grandmother's clothes... and with a huge belly, meaning he had eaten both of them.

"Mi'lord, just give us the orders and we will kill that damn wolf." Said Beatrice, one of the police officers, as she glared angrily at the damn wolf who was snoring in his sleep.

"No, the little girl and her grandmother could possibly still be alive inside the stomach of that vile beast, Mi'lord. I suggest opening the stomach and trying to get them both out before arresting the Wolf... or killing him." Said William, another police officer, as he looked intently at the wolf through the window, without showing much emotion. He and Beatrice are a police duo, with William being the most pragmatic of the two.

"... I'll go in there, bring me the axe." I say seriously, while the two police officers next to me are surprised.

"M-Mi'lord, are you sure?!" William asked me, shocked.

"Yes, Julian, bring me the Axe!" I said to Julian, my friend who took us to the cabin, with him nodding and grabbing an axe that he threw at me, which I caught without any problems. I then went to the cabin door, with the Police Duo coming out of their surprise and taking their positions.

"Good luck, my friend...you'll need it," Julian said to me as he held his musket and also joined the police officers, getting into position in case they needed to help me.

I then opened the cabin door slowly, I then quietly entered the house, with Julian behind me providing cover, as well as Beatrice and William. I then walked slowly to the Wolf, who was still sleeping, while I prepared the Axe to cut his belly.

When everyone got into their positions to kill or stop the Wolf if he woke up, I quickly cut open the wolf's giant belly, to my surprise still being there the little girl in the red hood and an old woman, who clearly must be her grandmother.

"W-w-what?" The little girl asked in surprise, clearly not expecting help to come.

"Shhhh... we're here to help you, we're going to get you out of there" I said to the little girl, then I and Julian took the little girl out of the creature's stomach before taking out the old woman, who was shaking a lot.

"T-thank you, Sir" The old woman said in a low tone, while we heard the Wolf still snoring in the background, who for some reason didn't wake up with his belly cut open.

"No problem, now wait outside, we'll take care of this Wolf" I said in a low tone while the Old Woman and the Little Girl nodded, with them running out of the cabin.

".....Beatrice, William, arrest this wolf, let the Saltzburg Police Department and Minister of Police decide the fate of this Scum" I say seriously as I look at the two, who nodded before taking handcuffs and slowly placing them on the Wolf's "arms" and paws.

The wolf's huge belly was shrinking, but not only that, but it was also healing, which meant it was a Fairy Tale Creature... damn it, another Fairy Tale Being making a mess in the now Teutonia, why don't these pests stop making a mess?

Beatrice and William, seeing that the Wolf was healing, decided not to be so nice to the Wolf and quickly grabbed the ropes they had on their waists in case they didn't have handcuffs and used them to completely tie the Wolf up, when they finished the Wolf finally opened his eyes, only to see Beatrice, William and Julian pointing their firearms at this beast, while I pointed my axe at him.

".....What?" Asked this damn Wolf confused.