
I'm Enrolled at Penderghast!?

In the bustling world of East View High School, Donny, a young student, struggles with social anxiety, finding solace in the world of a captivating visual novel called "The Elementalists." Frustrated by his Lack of a social life Donny's odd encounter with a mysterious pop-up offers him the chance to change the fate of the games world. In a moment of regretful impulsiveness he makes three wishes, unaware of the consequences.

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Chapter 4: The Exam

I awaken the following morning, feeling completely rejuvenated, as if the incident with the shadowy basketball 11 hours ago never happened. Suddenly, I realize I don't have any clothes to wear. "Well, this is quite the predicament," I muse. Then, it dawns on me that I literally have a mall inside me.

"System," I command.


𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚: 𝙏𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙮𝙚 𝙂𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙚 

нρ: 𝟏𝟎𝟎/𝟏𝟎𝟎 

𝐦𝐠𝐤: 𝟐𝟎𝟎/𝟐𝟎𝟎 

𝙎𝙏𝙍: 𝟏𝟏 

𝘼𝙂𝙇: 𝟏𝟑 

𝐄𝐍𝐃: 𝟏𝟓 

𝐈𝐍𝐓: 𝟐𝟐

𝗦𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗦: 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱, 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆, 𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸 


"I have an incredible system now. I should utilize it to the fullest," I think to myself. I select the shop option and a drop-down menu of tabs appears.

[Apparel & Accessories] [Skills & Bloodlines] [Electronics & Appliances] [Toys & Figurines] [Food & Drinks] [Auxilliary]

"Apparel & Accessories," I command. A panel with an assortment of clothes and accessories materializes in front of me. I sift through it, searching for a calm fit, when I realize that I don't have any System points to pay for the clothes.

Just then, I notice a yellow notification in the corner of my eye.

[REMINDER: Newbie gift pack 1x ]

"Oddly convenient. Open gift pack," I command.

[Received: 1000x SP, 1x Free C-rank skill voucher, interdimensional Laptop, Nintendo Switch] "Interdimensional laptop, what the hell is that?" I wonder aloud. I select the icon and a short description pops up

."The interdimensional laptop is a renewable energy-powered laptop that charges itself automatically and allows you to access any information you might need no matter what dimension you're in. (No internet is needed)

"Wow, that's incredibly cool," I think, making a mental note to explore it later. I start skimming through all the shop sections and discover that the skill tab isn't limited to magic. I can purchase all sorts of abilities from different worlds of fiction.

I see Mori Jins Renewal taekwondo, The Perfect body from Lookism, and Jutsu's from Naruto.But all these things compared to magic cost thousands of times more system points. I assume that it may have something to do with the laws and restrictions of this world. As I continue skimming through the tabs,

I remember I promised Shreya we would talk about it yesterday at breakfast. I glance at the clock and see there's exactly an hour until breakfast starts. I quickly make my way out of my room and head towards the bathroom. I'm about to open the door when I'm greeted by a fully nude Shreya, barely managing to contain her modesty with a towel.

"Oh, good morning, Mashye! I was just coming to wake you up. I thought we could hit up Penn Square together before breakfast to grab some last-minute accesories," she says, pouting slightly. "Sorry about that. I guess last night really took a lot out of me. I was shocked when I saw that I'd slept for 11 hours. I usually can't sleep past 8,"

I respond, feeling a bit sheepish about my extended slumber. "No worries. By the way, how's your ankle feeling? Is it still hurting?" Shreya asks, concern evident in her voice. "Nah, it's actually healed already. Seems like I'm a fast healer," I reply, somewhat surprised by my swift recovery. "Wait, already? I was just about to suggest you visit the nurse.

How does something that usually takes weeks to heal manage to fix itself in just 11 hours?" Shreya asks, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Yeah, I know, it's a bit odd, especially considering the usual healing process. But then again, in a world where people can transform into animals and fly with magic, anything's possible, right?" I respond, trying to steer the conversation away from my sudden healing. "True, true. But it's still strange, even with magic. It usually takes a couple of days for your body to adjust after being healed," she adds, her expression slightly quizzical.

"Speaking of odd things, I find it weird that we're having a conversation and you're naked," I say, hoping to change the subject. "Well, you're only half-naked. Why not join in on the fun?" Shreya teases, glancing down.

I quickly covered my crotch, feeling a bit flustered. "No, thanks. I just want to use the shower," I reply, recalling last night's interaction. I know she's just trying to get a reaction out of me. It's just like Shreya to be confident, dominant, and slightly unpredictable, just as she was in the game.

"Suit yourself, you're missing out. The nudist life is true freedom." "You're a nudist?" "No, I'm Patrick," she said with a sarcastic tone. "I believe the human body is a unique art piece that is meant to be shown off, not bound by the confines of mere fabrics," she spoke, raising her arms above her head in a showman-like manner, which in turn raised her towel enough for me to see a little bit more than intended.

"Uh.. sure," I said while walking into the bathroom, fed up with her antics. I undress myself and then realize that there is an assortment of beauty products all around the sink, and I don't know what I'm supposed to use. "Shreya, you still there?!" "Yeah, what is it?" "Uhh, which thing is the soap?" "Oh right, I forgot... tuneless."

I hear her as she walks back to the bathroom wearing a bra and thong. I remember I'm still nude. Ah, fuck it, I can't be bothered. As soon as she walks in, her eyes lock on my member. "Oh wow, is that for me?" she said with a wide mouth."Just show me which thing is the soap, Shreya."

She points to three sections. "The first section is the finest selection of natural soaps made with only the best quality money can buy. The next one is cleansers and moisturizers. And this section is 'Shreya's Beauty Products,' meaning don't touch these or you will wake up with a vagina instead of a dick.


"Noted," I enter the shower and notice Shreya hasn't left yet. "Uhh... why are you still here?" "I can't enjoy the show? And I'm fixing up my makeup. Not everything is about you, Mashye." she spoke with a playful tone

"For someone who just met me less than 24 hours ago, you're extremely comfortable with me."

"Yep, but it's just part of the Mistry charm. What can I say? I could tell when I first saw you that you've never had much experience with women. When I looked into your eyes, your face started getting flushed," she said with a coy smile.

"It did?!" I'm shocked. I'm sure I kept my cool, I thought."No, dumbass, you're too black to blush. I knew because you don't speak with any confidence in yourself. I knew I could do whatever I wanted to you if I wanted to, just like yesterday night." "Is that racist? I've never felt so disrespected before in my life," I spoke, feeling like her words pierced through my heart.

"Yes, it is racist. My father is Jamaican, and my mother is Dominican before you say anything."I didn't respond and just turned the shower on and began cleaning myself dejectedly. Shreya leaves soon after. I finished showering and opened the system shop and bought baggy jet black jeans, a jacket to match with two silver tennis chains, a Van Cleef Clover bracelet, and Military black retro Jordan 4s.

[+4 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚖 ]

I leave the bathroom to see Shreya in a tight-fitting black dress with a white denim jacket top and some white heels with an odd design. I'm assuming they are from a magickal designer brand because... it's Shreya."I see you're dressed to impress," I said sarcastically.

"I'm always dressed to impress, love. I see you've got a pinch of know-how when it comes to fashion—just a pinch though," she said with a slight look of disgust."It's not even that bad, is it?" I said, feeling wronged. "Let's just get to breakfast," she said, ignoring my question.


We navigated our way through the bustling cafeteria, Shreya confidently guiding me through the throng of students. My eyes darted around, taking in the peculiar sight of trays filled with what could only be described as...food? I even spotted a plate on a nearby table suddenly levitate and vanish into thin air.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this place," I admitted, chuckling at the absurdity of it all. Lagging a bit behind, I quickened my pace to catch up with Shreya. She was standing behind a man with pink skin and tiny horns jutting out from his forehead. "So... how are you feeling after..."

"Discovering I've been transported from another world and apparently, I'm a wizard!?" I blurted out, my voice louder than I intended. The horned man in front of Shreya spun around, a confused expression on his face. Shreya met his gaze head-on and retorted, "What? Never heard a couple role-play before?" The man's face turned a shade of violet, and he hurriedly collected his food."

Maybe use your inside voice next time?" Shreya suggested a hint of amusement in her voice.I rubbed the back of my head, sheepishly apologizing, "My bad, got a little carried away."

"As long as you know... and you're an Attuned actually." "Yeah yeah, whatever," I dismissed, earning a sigh from Shreya. She then picked up a tray laden with four dishes and made her way to an open table."I'm so hungry I feel like I could eat a truck. Is that normal?" I asked, my stomach growling in agreement.

"You're so tuneless, it's adorable. Magick uses up a ton of energy, especially when you cast whatever crazy strong spell that was without proper Magick Management," she explained, "And don't worry, I've already accounted for your appetite, big boy," she added with a giggle. "For some reason, I feel like that had multiple meanings," I mumbled, a heat creeping up my face. Ignoring my comment, she sat down at the table, "I've got three of my favorite dishes for you to try out.

Since you're a bit new to the attuned palate, I tried to get dishes most similar to Tuneless foods," she said, a proud smile on her face. As I sat down across from her, I noticed a bowl full of letter-shaped cereal floating in a murky cyan liquid, two sausage links with grill marks and golden juices flowing from them, and eyeballs shaped like sunny-side-up eggs.

"If these are the most similar, I'm not sure I want to know how different they CAN be," I said, eyeing the food warily. "Don't be such a sissy. Trust me, Pendergast is the most prestigious school for attuned in the world. All the food is extremely flavorful and nutritious. Just give them a try," she encouraged."Here we have Prophecy O's, which are more like fortune cookies than an actual prophecy.

Dragon Links, the flavor is amazing, spicy but the surprise after eating one turns me off of having them too frequently. And Yorba Eggs, my absolute favorite. They scream after you eat them, but you get used to it, and its rich gooey insides make all the guilt worth it."I looked at the tray piled high with bright red sausage links, charred with a golden sear. It was the most familiar-looking thing on the tray."It all looks so interesting, but I think I'll skip out on the Yorbas and just try the links," I decided, stabbing my fork into one. "Wait, seriously Mashye, maybe you should slow-" Shreya started, but I cut her off.

"No way! I grew up eating hot sauce on everything. I can take a little spice, Shreya," I boasted, taking a big bite of the sausage. Immediately, my mouth was on fire, steam pouring out of my nostrils. I let out a pained roar, a breath of fire soaring out the back of my throat.

"aaaannd That's why they're called Dragon links," Shreya giggled, clearly amused at my ignorance."I stand corrected. I should've taken your advice.

But it's not that bad once you've burned off the top layer of your tongue," I admitted, my mouth still tingling. As we finished our breakfast, Zeph slid into the seat across from me, "Tumashye! So we meet again. You look like you're settling in well." "I'm trying to, that's for sure," I replied. He turned to Shreya with an unabashed grin, "You must be one of the infamous Mistry sisters. I was expecting someone wearing expensive clothes, covered head-to-toe in diamonds. I'm Zeph, short for Zephyr."

"Nice to meet you, and sorry to disappoint. I left my diamond-encrusted onesie at home," Shreya retorted, a smirk on her face.I glanced around, making sure that there was no one else within earshot, "Since there's no one else around, about the attack..." Before I could finish, Shreya exasperatedly cut in, "Mashye! Do you really think we should be talking about this with..." She jerked her head in Zeph's direction.

He rolled his eyes."I can leave if you want..." Zeph offered, but I knew from the interactive novel that he was as trustworthy as they come."Listen, I know we don't know each other that well, but I'm great at keeping secrets," Zeph added, trying to reassure us."He might have some insight that could help us, Shreya. The more heads, the better, right?" I suggested, "Still, I'd feel more comfortable if we discussed it away from prying ears."

"Then let's head back up to our room, The exam's not due to start for about an hour, so we should be good for time," Shreya agreed.

With that, we all headed back to my room to discuss things in private.


I guided my friends into my room, halting at the doorway. An unexpected surge of anxiety hit me, making me realize that this was my life and my room at this moment ."Man, I don't think I'll ever get used to how fucking cool this stuff is," I confessed, my voice slightly echoing in the room. Shreya, assuming I was referring to the room, responded, "Well, it's not too bad, although the closet space could be better."

Zeph, running his fingers over the worn wooden desk on the other side of the room, suggested, "You could always use the desk for extra storage. I mean, What else would you use it for?" "Uh, studying, gaming, literally anything else besides storage," I retorted, raising an eyebrow. "Please, it's 2024. You're telling me you don't study in your bed?" Shreya shot back, with a smirk.

Ignoring Shreya's comment, I moved closer to the desk, examining the empty drawers and cubbies. Meanwhile, Zeph flopped onto my bed, propping himself up with his elbow."Okay, enough with the idle chatter. What's going on that's so secretive?" he asked, his tone serious. "Not much, I'm afraid," Shreya responded bluntly.

She turned to me, her brow furrowing as she bit her lip. "I spent half the night researching this creature that attacked you, but I couldn't find anything!" "Hold on, you were attacked? Are you okay? That must've been terrifying!" Zeph exclaimed, his voice laced with worry."

"I definitely handled it pretty well, all things considered. I kept my cool. Even though that thing was like a small, angry basketball made up of smoke," I explained, trying to lighten the mood."

"Hmm. It kind of sounds like a Follower. They're basically harmless little wisps of smoke sent to terrorize people as a prank," Zeph mused.

"Actually, I-" Shreya started, but then stopped herself, biting her lip. "Never mind, you're probably right." "I don't suppose you've made any enemies in the last, oh, twenty-four hours or so, Mashye?" Zeph asked, looking at me curiously."Not that-" I stopped myself, thinking for a moment. I knew in the original story the main character says Beckett. I already knew what it really was. Maybe I should stick with the normal responses in case I somehow change the plot.

"Yeah, just one." Well, there you have it. That's probably your prankster. But since that case is closed for now, onto a more important topic: our first day," Zeph declared, changing the subject. "Yeah, speaking of... do I need like an owl? Or a wand or something? I feel under-equipped," I half-joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm so embarrassed to be near you right now," Shreya facepalmed, blushing slightly. "Haha, you don't need anything today. You're going to take your attunement placement test and you'll get to go to your first class!" Zeph chuckled, shaking his head at my ignorance ."I personally can't wait to learn some transmutation spells! Mashye, why don't you hurry up and get changed so we can head down?" Shreya suggested, looking at me expectantly. Before I could respond, Zeph spoke up,

"I'm gonna head into the common room first, guys. One of my friends is calling me on Instatuned. I don't want to keep them waiting." He walked out, leaving Shreya and me alone. "Uhh... I am... dressed?" I said, looking down at my clothes. "Nope, No. Absolutely Not. I've held my tongue and let you go to breakfast like...That! But I just can't let you make a fool of yourself any longer!

Your outfit is... fine, I suppose, for the tuneless world. But you're at Penderghast now. You must allow me to style you. It's your first day, your societal debut if you want to get technical. I saw the perfect outfit at Maison D'Yew yesterday, and it's traditional black! It was the signature attuned color back in the day," Shreya explained, pulling the outfit out of her purse and handing it to me.

"Hurry up and put it on," she urged. "Geez, alright," I muttered, taking the clothes from her. I quickly changed, ignoring Shreya's unashamed ogling."I'm glad you value the importance of a first impression. Especially because I already bought the outfit. You can just pay me back later with money or... maybe you could give me a massage later," she suggested, a sly grin on her face.

"I think I'll just pay you back," I responded, not falling for her teases. "Awww... you're no fun anymore," she pouted. I finished putting the outfit on and asked, "So, how's the look?" "As I knew it would be. You're going to be the second most stylish freshman at Penderghast. After myself, of course," she declared, looking pleased. Suddenly, I heard a voice in my ear as clear as day,

"Freshman! Attention, Please! We're ready to start the Attunement placement tests. Come down to the foyer to be assigned your examiner!"

"What the f-, did you hear that?" I asked, startled."Just a little school-wide announcement, no reason to get your panties in a bunch," Shreya giggled."Well then, let's not keep them waiting," I said, walking towards the door to join Zeph in the common room. I felt Shreya put a hand on my shoulder. I turned towards her to see her making a serious face."Look, Mashye, I know you're worried about whatever that thing was that attacked you. So I'll tell you. I don't think it was a Follower. I did a ton of research last night and that was one of my potential options, but in the end, I had to rule it out. It just didn't fit what we saw last night." So that means..." I trailed off,

"Whatever attacked you is something obscure, something that's not easy to find," she finished for me."Hey! Are you guys coming or not?" Zeph yelled from the common room."Yeah, give us a couple more seconds," I called back. As I said that, Shreya patted my shoulder and said, "Don't worry, we'll figure it out. Whatever it is..."


As we head down to the foyer I see Dean goeffe standing on the stairs, overseeing the students below with a cold stare.

"Does she ever smile you'd think she hates her job or something"

"Uh, her job is keeping a bunch of post-adolescent magick-using hormone-driven youths alive. I am one, and I still don't want that job."

I look for my name on the papers tacked to the wall and see that my placement exam takes place in the greenhouse on the lawn. 

You got Kontos, too? Nice! And mine's right before yours. Walk over together?

"sure why not"

"I however have to trudge all the way across campus to the clock tower for mine. I'll catch up with you later, Mashye, Zephyr."

Shreya walks off, and me and Zeph head toward the door. On our way out we pass Griffin standing with a classmate in the hall and I wave hello.

"Good luck, Freshman!"

"Thanks, Dude, I have a feeling I'm really going to need it" I chuckled 

"Trust me if this was an exam that even I could pass, you're going to be just fine, Loving the outfit by the way, Looks like you're already fitting right in!"

"Gotta walk the walk, right?"

I wave goodbye and walk out the front with some much-needed confidence 


"Hey, about earlier... I apologize if it seemed like I was prying too much."

"Do not worry about it. Shreya was just being cautious, but I know you are trustworthy, and I believe she realizes that now too." "Still, I wish I could have been of more help. It seems like you are going through a lot right now." "Trust me, Zeph, you and Shreya have helped more than enough. Just having you both in my corner, I think I will be just fine."

"Shreya's something else, isn't she? She's sharp as a knife, has a great sense of humor, and a stellar fashion sense. She's just my kind of person."

"Your kind of person?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Zeph laughs. "Haha, you should have seen the look on your face. I can sense the chemistry you both have. But don't worry, it's not like that. I'm aro-ace, actually."I could feel my face start to burn a bit. "We're just friends, so you're aromantic and asexual?" I said, swiftly changing the subject. 

"Exactly! I'm just not really into people in a romantic or sexual way."

"Wow, thanks for telling me. I hope you didn't feel pressured to share it or anything just because I let you in on the whole situation."

"Not at all. It isn't a big secret or anything. I wanted to tell you. I'm done being afraid of showing people who I really am. That's so high school, Zeph. Besides, I wanted you to know this little factoid since it's clear we're going to be the best of friends."

"Well, I'm quite honored, Sir Zephyr," I said, jokingly adopting a British accent.

"As you should be," he chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. As we crossed the lawn, Zeph waved to a couple of people sitting on the edge of the lake. He high-fived another guy as he walked by.

"Dude, it's only day two. How are you already cool with so many people?"

"Just chalk it up to being one of my magical talents. I'm a total people person. Everyone wants a piece of the Zephster."

"Never call yourself the Zephster again," I said, a look of disgust crossing my face."Fair enough. But there are still a couple of things I've been wondering about you. For example, I heard you're the one who came through the lake yesterday. Why is that?"

I sighed, then took a deep breath and began to tell Zeph about how I'm from the Tuneless World and how I randomly got transported here...

"And then, out of the blue, I'm here, and it seems I'm not as Tuneless as I initially believed!"

"Whoa! But... how did you land here? Surely someone must realize there's been a mix-up or something, right?"

"That's the mystery I've been trying to unravel. I'm beginning to think that someone or... something intended for me to be here." "That's wild. It's hard to believe all that's unfolded in the last 24 hours." Being able to share this is a huge relief. Keeping this under wraps has been a real struggle. Shreya was way too casual; when I told her about this. It's refreshing to see a genuine reaction to this."

"Understandably so! Even in the magic world, that's a pretty bizarre origin story. But don't worry, I'll help you navigate through this." "Thanks. I'm going to need all the help I can get."We reached the greenhouse, and a student exited, signaling to Zeph that it was his turn. He rubbed his hands together and cracked his knuckles.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go find out I'm a Water-Att."A short while later, the greenhouse door swung open, and Zeph stepped out, a triumphant grin on his face."Well, surprise surprise, I passed with flying colors! Or should I say, I'm a Water-Att."

"Your turn, Mashye boy!" Zeph called out.

I sighed. "Thanks."

A knot of anxiety formed in my stomach as I approached the greenhouse. As I climbed the steps, I took a deep breath and stepped through the door.The inside of the greenhouse was warm and humid; every corner not occupied by worktables was filled with exotic plants I'd never seen before.

"Awesome," I muttered."

It most certainly is," a deep voice responded.

I jumped slightly and spun around.There was Professor Kontos, the satyr, seated behind a desk on the other side of the room. "Please sit. Don't worry; this test will come as naturally to you as magic itself."

"That's what I'm worried about," I thought to myself.

I took a seat across from him, and Professor Kontos leaned in a little closer. He tilted his head and peered intensely at me, his eyes narrowing. "Well, your presence is certainly strong. The strongest I've felt in quite a long while. Yes, your potential must be fairly high."He clapped his hands together, making me raise an eyebrow."Now, just relax."

"Trust me, I'm trying."

"He let out a laugh, a little goat-like vibrato slipping in, making me crack a small smile and unknowingly relax a bit."Pardon me. Ahem, I'm going to ask you a series of questions. Close your eyes and answer as honestly as you can. "I let my eyes drift closed and tried to focus on Professor Kontos's deep baritone voice, willing myself to relax as he began.

"You're working in a group. You..."

"I'm taking the lead. I want my group to rely on me and work off me."

"What do you value the most?"

"Passion. How could you live life with no passion?"

"If you could live anywhere, where would you live?"

"id live among the dragons."

"You're fighting a swarm of pixies. What's your strategy?"

"I'd analyze them to find a weakness and attack decisively."

"How do you make decisions?"

"I make decisions with great difficulty..."

I opened my eyes, and the room was filled with a bright light that was slowly starting to dim as I got my bearings. Professor Kontos rested his chin on his steepled fingers and stared off past my head thoughtfully. "Hmm, this is quite interesting. Very interesting indeed." "But if that's the case..."

"Uhh... sir?"

"Hm? Ah, yes. I just need a moment to..."

He stood abruptly and turned to dig through the shelves behind him, flipping through books and rummaging through drawers, pulling out a potion. "Aha!" "Give me a second to check..."He found a squat, golden book at the back of his shelves and slammed it open, running his fingers along the page.

When he whirled back around, his eyes were gleaming, and he had a wide grin."I have a suspicion about you, Tumashye, but I'll need one last test to be sure. Is that alright?"

"I guess so, Professor."

Professor Kontos turned to the shelves once more. He took down a glass jar with a coiling blue flame inside and put it into my hands. "Stand, please." I got to my feet awkwardly. The flame's white-hot center pulsed with life, and as I watched, the flame seemed to breathe. I felt an odd connection with it.

"Now, when I give you the signal, open it."

He backed to the edge of the room, moving a rolling chalkboard to act as a barrier between us. He gave me a nod, and I twisted off the lid, bracing myself. The flames burst to life, blasting the lid all the way off."What the f-"Though there was no heat to the flames, I suddenly felt warmed from the inside. They swirled around me like a tornado, licking at my hands, arms, and face. They rolled across the room in blistering waves, though nothing in the room was affected.

"As expected." He took a pan flute from his belt and played three high-pitched notes.

As fast as they had spread, the flames were vacuum-sucked back into the jar, and I snapped the lid back on."Perfect. Marvelous, actually. Absolutely astounding."I sat back down, feeling suddenly drained, as if I had an iron deficiency and a small headache incoming."What was that all about?" I asked, my voice sounding tired."It's just... well, you have no idea, do you?" "Aw man, you telling me?" I said sarcastically.

"You, my dear boy... are Sun-Attuned." "Ah, I see..." I replied, too tired to try and pretend to be surprised.

His bleating laugh emerged again."You seem to be excited, but that's not all. You are also attuned to Fire! It's truly astounding. Your potential is so high that it was difficult to get a clear reading. I wouldn't be surprised if later down the line you become attuned to a third element."

"What do you mean by my potential?"

"He gestured to a poster on the wall behind him, a diagram of teacups of various sizes."Imagine that inside of you is a teacup, and imagine that the tea inside is magic. Some have a small teacup—'lower capacity' is the official term—while those with a bigger capacity have a larger teacup."

"So, essentially, I have a pretty damn big teacup."

"that would indeed be the case." 

"Alright, but what does all this really mean?"

"It means, Mr. Grimthorne, that you might be one of the most powerful attuned persons to ever grace these halls."


bet you thought i dropped this story?


when I originally started this story I was writing on my school Chromebook in classes I wasn't interested in then randomly they just blocked webnovel so I was fucked and wasn't gonna write this shit on a phone, schools over and pretty much the only time I can write is on my brothers computer during the weekend so expect chapters every Sunday that are pretty lengthy

I intend for each chapter to at least take you 10-15 minutes to read see-ya next weekend

UgandanWebKnovelscreators' thoughts