
Chapter 8: The Great Unknown

~Buggy POV~

Arriving back to my ship I managed to see Moria and Krieg were there as I gave them the heads up like a normal captain should do, "Wat sup my homies guess whose back!!"

Sorry did I say normal?

I meant charismatic and modern my mistake.

Moria seeing me smile as he smirks at me by responding accordingly with his shadow, "Kishishishi…. Hello captain I see you made it back alive and with a devil fruit!"

Grinning like a look I held it up for them to see my great booty.

Not my actual booty the fruit although even I admit my ass is the greatest treasure of all, "Hell yeah I did first mate Moria this right here is the [Rokku Rokku no Mi] the Lock Fruit and a magic compass!"

As I got on board the ship Krieg looks at the fruit in my hands and the compass but before anything I put the fruit away in my [Bara Dimension] for safekeeping as I told them what to do next, "Alright my crew our next destination is heading towards Sixis Island from there is where will find our next treasure."

Moria looks at me amused as he replies to me as he asked the obvious, "Sure thing captain but where exactly are we going to find Sixis Island sir?"

Grinning at this I showed them the compass as it began to point to another direction according to the paper allows it to find the desire of what the user wanted.

Krieg looking at me weirdly just replies to me with some doubt as he says to me, "Uh… captain Buggy sir are you sure this compass is reliable for us to follow?"


I had a non-believer in my crew!

Blasphemy I say!

With that, I began to explain the story of what happened as God's Mountain as I went into details of the cave and entrance as well as fighting for my life against three weird sea creatures that activated the treasure of this island.

As I went on to explain Moria grew wide-eyed at me as he yells at me in disbelief, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU CREATED A TREMOR QUAKE!!! ARE YOU WHITEBEARD SON OR SOMETHING!!!!"

Well, that would be actually cool if that were true.

But sadly my memories aren't that great with the reality that I'm not his son.

Sigh, that is the shame of life but what can one do of one's birth or rather transmigrated.

Whatever, but that does sound like a great story.

As Moria was grabbing me I showed them a taste of my power creating the [Bara Quake] in my hands as they look in awe, "That's right first mate Moria this here is the same one like Whitebeard but better control. My fruit is the [Bara Bara no Mi] a section human and to create something with my power is all about control."

Grinning like a loon I demonstrated my power as I made sure to punch the air…



Causing a crack in the air as a medium as it transferred over the air causing the waves of the sea to cause small tsunami's in the area as the ship we were one started to move on its own from the force as well a large gust of air.

Man doing this is really addicting to me.

I think I'm drunk on power here but man can anyone tell me how great to replicate a Whitebeard attack is just scary on their own.

Moria recovering his shock and so is Krieg as he looked at me in fear seeing the destruction I have caused with just one punch he responded with a grin, "I made the right choice following you as my captain if one punch was all it took from you, sir!"

Moria recovered as he laughed at the scene with clear joy expressed on his face, "Kishishishi!! Damn it captain you are a Roger Pirate alright! Crazy fuckers but crazy strong as hell to do that surely you must have been a great powerhouse in the crew right Captain Buggy!!"

Awe you guys are making me blush here!

Enjoying myself as they stroke my ego, I talked to them as I gave them the down low what the rank I was with my former crew, "Nope I was the weakest in my crew with Shanks my lifelong rival stronger than me. Although there were plenty of crazy other members, we had that are just as strong or stronger than I am now."




Ok, these guys are definitely becoming the OG pirate's admiration with Buggy character from Impel Down prisoners…

I like it!

Grinning at this I spent most of my time explaining to them the adventures of the Roger Pirates with my own plot from the future shown in the past.

While telling them my tales of being with the Roger Pirates I felt at peace of sorts that someone knew of our tale through the Grand Line but at least it was fun.

Now though I should boaster my own crew soon they have to be strong but also flashy great at the same time.

With that everyone went on to their own devices as Krieg was busy creating different weapons Moria relaxing as his shadow does the work…

Actually, how does his shadow operate like that anyway?

I mean he had cut it off from his own power right and commands it naturally I wonder…

Looking at my shadow a thought occurred to as I actually haven't considered the idea of cutting off my shadow from me to use but then again devil fruit powers are bullshit in general never know what one could do.

Hell they brought a weapon object to life with a zoan fruit but hey I could be wrong.

Using my devil fruit power I cut off the feet from my shadow as I see my shadow was now apart from me as I see it move around?


Let's see I commanded it to do a small dance as I see it does so that is so cool, "Damn I can even use my own shadow to attack? Damn this fruit is getting more busted the second the limits of my abilities. Let's see I call this move using my shadow to attack should be [Bara Kage] something to relate to Moria devil fruit."

Yeah that sounds good for a name.

Inside my room I got to test out the limits of [Bara Kage] as I got out a knife from one of my pants.


Never got a chance to stab someone.

Oh, please I'm a pirate might as well be prepared now then…


As I tried to stab my own hand without using my power to split it I can see that the attack just slammed at my hand but no dagger on it anymore.

Looking at my side I see my shadow defended me by taking it away no fucking way…


My shadow just acted to defend me by itself without command now that is a very good ability to have.

I guess I should consider testing out the waters of my fruit power if I can chop time and my shadow from my body then what is the limit of my own power.

But for now, though the best I can do in my new life as Buggy D. Clown is become the best pirate I can be.

For now, though I should try to get strong and valuable crew members as soon as possible and learn to become a great King of the World.

For now though that is a distant pipe dream but I will make it a reality now it's time to journey into the unknown with flashy style.