
I'm Buggy the Pirate

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s) A weeb that lost his name with his memories of his previous life has been transmigrated into none other than Buggy the Clown from One Piece. Already stuck with the Bara Bara no Mi how does his MC stand against the Emperors, Navy, Pirates, Revolutionaries, and Im. "By getting flashy dangerous!"

Jovami6729 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Ocean Navel

~Buggy POV~


It takes way too long to travel by sea note to self-make a better and faster ship.

As we finally arrive at Ocean Navel Moria was left in charge to deal with keeping the ship safe since we are only a two-member crew at the moment.


I should really increase that number soon though who would be crazy and bold enough to join my flashy pirate crew.


For now, as I searched through the town of Ocean Navel, I can see it pretty Mundey like practically normal boring kind.

However, I did overhear some interesting subjects about this island at the very least and their so-called mountain of God.

God huh?

These people really don't know how fucked up the world really is but whatever the case I will persevere no matter how eldritch fucking things go.

Now then as I overhear everything within my Bara Field using my atoms to observe where exactly, I'm going I heard an interesting topic about a young man working on making a ship using the spare parts from the graveyard?


As I was interested in the subject of who this person may be I decided to take a quick and flashy detour to the ship graveyard.

When I finally arrived at the area I managed to see it's certainly a ship graveyard alright with ships broken here from the far eye can see.

However, I take a better interest in seeing a ship being well made…



Almost made well done as I go towards to see the young man in question as he yells out some of the profanities, "You stupid mother fucking ship! I made sure that you bitch didn't fall apart god fucking damn it! The damn wood is so poor that making a ship is god damn impossible fucking graveyard ship this was."

Observing the young man I can clearly see the purple hair with no sideburns but easily recognizable from the East Blue saga.

Don Kreig.

Now he's someone worth investing into my crew.

He was able to build a fleet of pirates and uses his mind in a strategist manner as well as someone who invents new toys to be made to destroy.

But before I jump the gun here I approached him as I asked while he was pissed off, "Say young man what are you doing?"

Krieg looks towards me and scoffed me off but replied to me, "*Scoff* Great just a brat, listen brat you better go away can you see I'm building a ship here!"

I just acted cute as I decided to offer him the spot, "Say are you perhaps a shipwright by chance good sir?"

Krieg is getting annoyed with me but answers me nonetheless, "Tch. Yeah, I'm a shipwright brat now what's it to you?"


I grin wickedly as I told the young man an offer that he couldn't refuse, "Perfect! How about this you join my crew and in return, we go off gathering treasure to rule the world!"

Krieg just looks at me as if I was an idiot as he laughed at me.

Cocky bastard…

Using my [Conqueror Haki] on him to the littlest degree his laughter stopped as I stopped playing the nice pirate and become the real one.


If I'm going to be a pirate I might as well start to act like one.

Seeing Krieg tremble before me I stopped my [Conqueror Haki] as I crouch down to his level as I have one of my daggers playing with it as I told him what I want, "Sorry let me repeat what I said before boy. The name is Buggy D. Clown and you my friend are going to be my Shipwright and in return, I get to teach you what this weak part of the blue means to be powerful."

Yeah, I used the D. name in Buggy's name.

It sounds better to me than just Buggy.

As Krieg swallows a mouthful of spit, he then nods his head at me slowly as he says to me with clear fear in his voice, "Y…yes c…captain sir… tell me can I really-y be that powerful captain buggy, sir…?"

Grinning at this I used my [Minority World] on Krieg to change his majority of 'fear' into 'admiration' towards me.

At least this way I can be sure that this guy doesn't backstab me and I'm in a need of convenient shipwrights at the moment.

After all, the king of the world is going to need some find crew members but also beautiful women to appease me.

Heh heh heh…

I'm a pirate after all not a saint.

With that done with I grinned as I demonstrated my powers to Krieg who looked in awe at me instead of fear as I turn my attitude to a charming captain, "Why yes my new crewmate as someone who was from the Roger Pirates we have to be strong and crazy powerful to survive the New World and Paradise but if you stick with me then I shall need a general when I conqueror the whole world!"

As Krieg seems to stun at my words he stands up and salutes to me as he greets me with a smile like a loyal follower, "Yes sir Captain Buggy sir! I Don Krieg will follow you to wherever you go as your shipwright!"


Oh man, I can't believe he bought that hook line and sinker it's too funny!

I was literally pulling stuff out of my ass on that one but with [Minority World] on him, it made it easier for him to follow under me.

But at least I have another member so with that I told Krieg to meet up with Moria at the ship and I gave him my letter to tell Moria he was a member.

Man, I wish the OG Buggy did this with his crazy charisma and background info otherwise he would have gathered a very large crew.

As Don Krieg left for my ship, I decided to solo the island of getting the treasure and since these guardian beasts are protecting it, I want to see if I can get some practice in.

After all, it took the three monsters of the Luffy crew to only knock them out and not kill them while true they were weak, they were the strongest in the East Blue.

With that, I quickly try out another idea of using my devil fruit of the [Bara Bara no Mi].

Since I'm already chopped apart in atoms in my current form, I began to accelerate my molecules in a very fast pattern till I see that my whole body was phasing out or something along those lines.



Just like that, I was moving incredibly fast without much strain and cost of stamina used as I flashed over to my destination of the mountain of God in this town.

Since I'm at high speeds I used my accelerated molecules of myself to get myself faster like the flash so that I can go fast as fuck boi!

I dub this move I used as the way I move at a fast pace the [Bara Flash] to move at the speed of a flash!

Although I could come up with a better idea, I was already at the mountain as I enter the cave.

Using my [Bara Fire] as a source of light I can already tell that there are a few skeletons around here how odd?

These people from the town always looked fine but seeing these bones here it seems to have decayed I say about a few recent years ago with the smell somehow still lingering around.


I don't like this one bit.

Buggy the kid smells a foul trap and it's not just the beast either.

Observing around the area I managed to find the 'treasure' room…

Yeah right more like a graveyard more like it.

There was no treasure insight but a chest as I went towards it…


Well, that alerted the damn beast, but I already got the damn box as I opened it inside what I found was a devil fruit with a paper attached to it and a compass.

What the hell?

The treasure was a devil fruit and a compass?


Looking at the paper I began to read the contents out loud as I heard the shaking noises of the beast coming closer to my directions, "Here lies my treasure the pirate known as Cold Gate, this here is the devil fruit known as the [Rokku Rokku no Mi] or known as the Lock Fruit along with it a compass that can grant where the location to the targets desire."

A compass to a target's desire?

Isn't that like Jack Sparrow compass does or something?


Damn, it looks like I won't have time with quick haste I put the items in my [Bara Dimension] as I used [Bara Flash] to quickly get away from the cave as it collapsed in on itself.

Looking outside I see a giant squid with a horn, a big crab or lobster, and I think a sea urchin?

They all looked at me as they were going to kill me!

Damn it!

The great Buggy the kid won't be killed by the calamari seafood trio mother fucker!



Avoiding all the giant beast attacks towards me I had to use my [Bara Flash] to avoid the attacks.

Now is a good time as any to practice knowing that my physical strength in shit is best to use my abilities.


Using my fist that is now coated in a tremor bubble by vibrating my atoms at a high enough frequency I punched the damn sea urchin using the air as a medium to pass the shockwaves as it cracks the air to it but also a little something as well….

Since I haven't named it, yet I decided to name this move vibrating my atoms at a high enough frequency to create a tremor bubble called the [Bara Quake] most fitting no?

I think it is.

But that wasn't all that I did to that poor animal.

Heh heh heh heh…

Poor Whitebeard doesn't even know that he can technically break the world if he shakes it hard enough.

As the attack on the sea urchin hit it soon screamed in pain as it suddenly turned into dust.

how I did this is with simple science my dear me.

The reason why that beast was disintegrated from the attack, was because the ability of the Tremor-Tremor fruit is to create or manipulate vibrations, so I took that to the max and abuse the living shit of it.

Since I can use that ability to vibrate the bonds that hold molecules together at a high enough level of vibration that can cause the bonds to shake which holds the molecules together, when they shake off the molecules of all matter will dissolve into nothingness if they shake apart the living or non-living molecular cohesion bond.

Of course, all of this was just theoretical, but it was most certainly possible to do.

And in One Piece is known for its bullshit power so I got off lucky and managed to work which was a nice bonus for me to know.

And the best part is that I don't need an awakening to do it outside as I can use the air to do it and cost me less stamina necessary as that old fart New Gate could do since I can directly control my atoms easily with little to no cost.

Am I the coolest or what?

I shall dub this move the [Bara Quake Destruction] nice and simple no.

Looking at the other beast as I gave them the biggest and wicked grin as I sensed their emotions with my [Observation Haki] they were scared shitless as I asked the obvious but at the same time cruel question, "So then my gentle sea creature friends… whose next. Hahahaha!!!!"

With that I went after them.

Quick question do you want Buggy to act like a real pirate?

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