
Cave Raid III

We resumed our journey, and the deeper we went, we the stronger the goblins that attacked us became. But their number was not overwhelming like before. The biggest group only consisted of ten goblins, but they were all high-leveled goblins. Some even hit their level cap. I wonder why they didn't rank up? There were also high goblins but they were scarce, I only saw three and they all ran deeper into the cave when they saw us.

The cave was deeper than I thought, just how did these goblins dig so far? Finally, we reached the end of the cave. At the end of the cave, we found a big wooden door. We looked at each other before nodding. I went forward to open the door while the beautiful fox hides behind me and ready to deploy an ice wall anytime, in case of ambush. I pushed open the door and suddenly a fiery red ball came at me with great speed. Before the beautiful fox deployed an ice wall, I already threw my fist and punched the red ball out of reflex. I thought it would explode but what happened next surprised me, I punched it back. You heard me right, I just punched the fireball back!

I! punched! it! It felt like hitting a ball! The fireball I punched hit the wall and exploded, it was a little weaker than mine.

WTF! A fireball could be touched?! Was that normal in this world? But if it was like that, then the mantis from before should be able to slice my fireball, but it couldn't. When it tried to, the fireball exploded when the mantis's scythe touched it. Did that mean only I could? But why?

I didn't dwell on it very long as a very arrogant voice echoed after the explosion of the fireball.

"Magnificent! To touch a fireball physically and even punched it!"

Suddenly the surrounding got bright. Behind the door was a big round hall with torches on the wall. In the big empty hall, a goblin in shaman clothing was sitting on a throne made of skulls and skeletons at the end of the hall. Gripped in his right arm was a simple metal wand with a red jewel at the top. By his side were five goblins in leather armor, two of them used axes, the other two used swords, and the last one used two daggers.

Name : unnamed

Species : Goblin Axeman (Common)

Type : Demi-Human

Sex : Male

Rank : 02

LV : 039/050

HP : 164/164

MP : 0/0

STM : 161/161

ATK : 83

DEF : 50

MGC : 0

MND : 30

DEX : 18

AGL : 10

Active Skills :

Heavy Swing LV03

Bash LV02

Howl LV03

Passive Skills :

Axe Mastery LV02

Tough Skin LV02

Strong Arm LV02

Resistance Skills :


Name : unnamed

Species : Goblin Swordsman (Common)

Type : Demi-Human

Sex : Male

Rank : 02

LV : 033/050

HP : 134/134

MP : 0/0

STM : 149/149

ATK : 68

DEF : 37

MGC : 0

MND : 23

DEX : 25

AGL : 33

Active Skills :

Slash LV03

Multi-Slash LV02

Thrust LV02

Parry LV02

Passive Skills :

Sword Mastery LV03

Fluid movement LV03

Footwork LV02

Resistance Skills :


Name : unnamed

Species : Goblin Thief (Common)

Type : Demi-Human

Sex : Male

Rank : 02

LV : 042/050

HP : 124/124

MP : 0/0

STM : 166/166

ATK : 57

DEF : 32

MGC : 0

MND : 21

DEX : 46

AGL : 59

Active Skills :

Backstab LV04

Quick Thrust LV03

Multi Thrust LV04

Dagger Throw LV03

Hiding LV03

Passive Skills :

Dagger Mastery LV04

Nimble Body LV03

Quick Hand LV03

Dexterous hand LV02

Acrobat LV02

Resistance Skills :


Name : unnamed

Species : Goblin Mage (Uncommon)

Type : Demi-Human

Sex : Male

Rank : 02

LV : 066/075

HP : 153/153

MP : 192/198

STM : 22/22

ATK : 26

DEF : 33

MGC : 91

MND : 74

DEX : 21

AGL : 09

Active Skills :

Fireball LV04

Fire Lance LV03

Fire Hand LV02

Fire Vortex LV03

Fire Wall LV03

Passive Skills :

Fire Magic Mastery LV04

Rod Mastery LV02

Chanting LV03

Mana Control LV02

Looking at the appraisal result, I didn't have to worry about anything. While the mage has a quite high magic attack, it was futile against me who had [Heat nullity].

But the beautiful fox was in danger. She wasn't like me, who was a tank, so fighting the five fully-armed goblins would be dangerous for her, especially that goblin thief. His hiding skill was dangerous, I just hoped it wouldn't let him just disappear from sight.

As for the mage, even if she had a good magic defense, the mage power was too high. His magic offense stats were high, not to mention the boost from his skills. A hit from his magic would probably deal severe damage to the beautiful fox.

Should I take them all on? With my stats and skills, I could probably do it. But then the beautiful fox won't grow stronger, and she wouldn't let me take on all of them by myself.

I observed the environment, it was wide with many rooms to ran. I would give her the mage to fight, the beautiful fox agility was high, if she was in constant movement, the mage would have a hard time hitting her.

I looked at the five goblins, if I took care of them quickly, I could then help the beautiful fox. As I was finished thinking, the goblin mage spoke.

"Huhu, are you so scared you became stiff? I don't blame you, it is normal to be in awe before my presence."

The goblin mage raised his head arrogantly and looked down on me, the five goblins also sneered. These guys were probably always in the dominant positions, the looked down on everything and anyone, thinking they're the best. I couldn't wait to saw what their expression would be when I destroyed them.

The goblin mage looked at me like an interesting item, he was a little disappointed at first before returning to normal. When his gaze landed on the beautiful fox, it turned excited.

"Ahaha, I really am lucky! I thought I lost you, but to think you come to my doorstep all on your own!"

The beautiful fox growled at the goblin mage as cold air gathered around her body. The goblin mage didn't care about the beautiful fox's threatening action, he looked at me with arrogance.

"You, red beast, you have done a good deed by bringing that fox to me, submit to me and I will spare your life. Be grateful for my magnanimity!"

The goblin smiled smugly and his expression was saying I should be honored, I ignored his words and replied.

"Are you the leader of this place?"

The goblin mage frowned in displeasure, I guessed he was displeased that I didn't answer his previous question. He looked at me with malice.

"You're the first one to ever dismiss my question and even daringly question me..."

"So what? Just answer me or is the leader someone else and you're just a stand-in?"

I shrugged my shoulder as if something like the likes of the goblin mage could intimidate me. The goblin mage's face grew red from rage, agitated, he stood up and pointed his staff at me.

"Preposterous! How dare you! How dare you call me a stand-in! How dare you undermine my rule! I am the lord of this place! I am the king!"

The goblin mage exaggeratedly swung his staff and pointed all over the place, as if declaring his dominion.

"Then, you're the one responsible for what happened to the human females above?"

"Human females?"

The goblin mage started laughing, there were mocking and disdain in his laugh.

"Those human females? I've only given them the sacred role of being the mother of my kind, it was the highest honor those swine could get! They should be honored they're blood flowed inside my subordinates and could serve alongside them as his Majesty's servant!"

I suppressed the rage within me, being a toy for disgusting goblins was the highest honor? Fuck that! My hand clenched as I recalled their hollow eyes. I forced myself to calmed down and managed to heard the goblin mage said the word 'His Majesty'

Did that mean the goblins here was just underlings? This whole base was only one of many? A goblin who ruled other goblins, a goblin king, something troublesome was happening in these woods.

I threw all of the hard stuff to the back of my mind, I lacked information to thought about it, I could always think about it later after I milked information from these garbages.

"I've heard enough."

"Heh, a monster sympathizing with swine. How laughable!"

I aimed my hand at the goblin mage and shot out a fireball. It was bigger and faster than the goblin mage's fireball. Seeing my fireball, the goblin mage and the five goblins were shocked.


Before his word was completed, my fireball already in front of him. The goblin mage hastily jumped to the side and the five goblins scattered as they dodged to get away from the blast radius.

My fireball hit the throne and exploded, the explosion was greater than the goblin mage's fireball. The goblin mage was thrown away by the explosion but the damage on him was trifling. The five goblins also unscathed, I didn't aim at any of them so that was normal, but the fireball did separate the five goblins from the mage.

"I'll take the five goblins, you take on the mage."


After instructing the beautiful fox, she ran toward the goblin and used her frost whip to attack the mage. I turned to the five goblins and cracked my fingers, I wouldn't let you guys died so easily.

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