
I'd travel back in time without knowing to met my elf wife by incident

The Transmigration Portal With their hearts intertwined and their souls aligned, Ethan and Lerith embarked on a new chapter of their journey. They sought a way to transcend the boundaries of time and explore the realms of past lives together. Their quest led them to an ancient legend—a tale of a mystical portal known as the Transmigration Portal. Legends spoke of a hidden temple nestled deep within the heart of a lush, verdant forest. It was said that the temple housed the Transmigration Portal, a gateway that allowed souls to traverse through time and inhabit different bodies in various worlds. Filled with hope and anticipation, Ethan and Lerith set out to find this sacred place. Their search led them through treacherous terrains and uncharted territories. They braved dense jungles, climbed towering mountains, and crossed treacherous rivers. Their determination fueled their journey, and their love for each other served as their guiding light. Finally, after weeks of tireless exploration, they stumbled upon the hidden temple, its ornate façade revealing centuries of untold stories. As they stepped inside, a sense of reverence washed over them. The air was thick with ancient energy, and the faint whispers of forgotten souls echoed through the corridors. At the heart of the temple, they discovered the Transmigration Portal—a shimmering, ethereal gateway that pulsed with an otherworldly light. Its power was both awe-inspiring and humbling. Ethan and Lerith knew that crossing through it would take them on a wondrous journey through different worlds and lifetimes. With unwavering trust in each other and the adventure that lay ahead, Ethan and Lerith stepped into the portal, their hands tightly clasped. Instantly, they were transported to a new realm—a world reminiscent of medieval times, filled with castles, knights, and mystical creatures. They embraced their new identities, immersing themselves in the wonders and challenges of this medieval realm and lastly the egyptian realm that's what called other world.

writerfirstborn · Histoire
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3 Chs

Chapter: 1 vol.1 ~Enchanted to met you

Chapter 1; First Encounter

In the small town of Oakridge, nestled amidst lush green valleys and towering forests, lived a curious young boy named Ethan. With his unruly mop of chestnut hair and sparkling hazel eyes, he possessed an insatiable appetite for adventure and a mind filled with wonder. Little did he know that his life was about to take an extraordinary turn, catapulting him into a world beyond his wildest dreams.

One fateful summer day, as the sun bathed the town in warmth, Ethan stumbled upon an ancient book hidden away in the attic of his grandfather's house. Its pages were yellowed with age, and the leather cover bore intricate symbols that seemed to whisper of secrets untold. Intrigued, Ethan gingerly opened the book to discover a passage detailing the existence of time travel.

His heart raced with excitement as he read about the possibility of traversing through time, exploring different eras, and encountering remarkable beings. Fuelled by an insatiable curiosity, Ethan resolved to unravel the mysteries of time travel and experience its wonders firsthand.

Guided by the instructions inscribed in the book, Ethan embarked on a perilous journey deep into the heart of the nearby forest. Amidst its ancient trees and dancing sunlight, he stumbled upon a hidden portal concealed within a moss-covered stone archway. Without hesitation, he stepped through, his pulse racing with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

As Ethan emerged from the other side, he found himself in a breathtaking world that seemed plucked from the pages of a fantasy tale. Vibrant flowers bloomed in hues he had never seen before, and the air was filled with a gentle melody that stirred his soul. It was a realm inhabited by mythical creatures, and right before his eyes stood a graceful elf maiden, with flowing silver hair and eyes that shimmered like emeralds.

~Hi my name is... (Lireth)

, a kind-hearted elf who had been watching over the portal. Startled by Ethan's sudden arrival, she cautiously approached him, her delicate fingers tracing the intricate patterns on her forest-green gown. As their eyes met, a spark ignited between them, and both felt an instant connection that transcended time and space.

Ethan;.~aghhhh stumble...(humble).~(so cute)...!.

Drawn to Lireth's ethereal beauty and enchanting presence,( Ethan)- found himself falling deeper and deeper in love. They spent countless hours exploring the mystical realm together, sharing stories and laughter beneath the moonlit canopies. Lireth revealed the ancient wisdom of her people, teaching Ethan about harmony with nature and the delicate balance of the world.

As the days turned into weeks, Ethan's bond with Lireth grew stronger, and he yearned to remain in her world forever. Yet, deep down, he knew that his place was in his own time. With a heavy heart, Ethan made the difficult decision to bid farewell to Lireth and return to Oakridge, promising to cherish their memories forever until they meet up again.

With each passing day fufill a lot of fun joy,~, Ethan longed to reunite with his beloved elf girl.

He tirelessly searched for answers, delving into ancient texts and consulting wise scholars, all in the hope of finding a way back to the realm of enchantment. Little did he know that his quest would lead him on a thrilling adventure, uncovering secrets that would shape his destiny and test the strength of their love.

And so, the tale of Ethan and Lireth began, a saga that intertwined the realms of magic and time, love and sacrifice. As the pages of their story turned, their hearts remained bound, bridging the divide between two worlds.