
Chapter 54


I was talking to some of my friends when my phone beeped indicating that I got a message. I ignored it at first but when many beeping sounds came, I excused myself to check them. My first thought was Jin hyung making me excited to hear from him. I fetched out my cell phone from the pocket and unlocked it. I frowned at the realization that it's not Jin hyung but some unknown number. I still decided to check it. As I opened the message, my eyes widened and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing out. It was few pictures of Jin hyung with another girl getting engaged. In one they were standing together. In next he was putting the ring on that girl's finger and the third in which he was holding his hand high in front of the girl while she was about to slid the ring on his finger. I locked my phone and put that back no longer able to watch them any more. I didn't want to stay here and wanted to go home and get drunk while crying but I didn't want to go without informing so I started searching for others. I saw Hoseok along with Min and Gguk disappearing into a room. I decided to go into the same room and went into that direction. When I entered I saw Mr. and Mrs. Jeon already present there. I bowed to them before announcing that I am leaving. "Hyung? Are you OK? Why are you leaving so soon?" It was Jimin. "It's just that I am not feeling well so I want to go back." It was not a lie though. How could I feel well after seeing what I saw. Jimin pouted but I couldn't stay there. I wanted to stay alone. "Are you sure bro?" Hoseok asked concerned and I nodded. "OK if you are going then can you drop Mr. and Mrs. Jeon? If you are OK with it" "Yeah Of course. I have no problem with that." I replied. Then me along with Mr. and Mrs. Jeon went out and I dropped them to their apartment before heading to mine.


My eyes flutter opened and everything was blur. There was a slight pain in my head but nothing I couldn't bear. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. My hands felt like they don't have any energy left. I blinked my eyes and rubbed them again. Finally everything started getting clear and I noticed I am in my room sleeping on my bed. My eyes fell on my mom who was sitting beside my head. "M-Mom" I tried to speak but my voice barely came out. I felt my throat extremely dry and rough. "Jin ah? You are finally awake?" Came my mom voice and I felt her cold hands on me cheeks making me flinch with the low temperature. Why am I here? Suddenly the thoughts of engagement came flooding my mind making me gulped. Am I engaged now? But why can't I remember? Where is dad? What exactly happened? "Jin? Son are you OK?" "What *cough* what happened?" "You don't remember? You fainted suddenly in middle and slept for nineteen hours. Doctor said it's because of lack of food and sleep and the extreme stress you were dealing. Why didn't you take care of yourself? You know how scared I got? Never do that again." Nineteen hours!? "Engagement?" I asked again with my dry throat couldn't speak full sentence. "How could that happen after you being fainted? Beside your dad has a surprise for you. This time I won't let you hurt yourself like that. I will personally take care of all your meals and your rest." I smiled but coughed again making her alarmed and she instantly helped me to sit properly and adjusted the pillow for me to lean back. She handed me a glass of water and I gulped whole in a breath. "Careful! You will make yourself choke like that." I handed her the glass back. "Where is dad?" I asked after checking that I can speak properly. "He was talking to some staff from his company. Maybe he is free by now let me ask servants. OK?" I nodded and she went out to call my dad after pecking my forehead. After few minutes the door opened and my dad stepped in. I tried to bow but failing miserably as my body was aching from the lack of energy. He shook his head telling me that I didn't need to do that. I relaxed and leaned back again. "How are you feeling son?" He asked smiling. "Weak and hungry." I replied honestly. "You should take care of yourself. We all were worried." "I am sorry" He sighed and walked towards bed before sitting beside me. "You know I love you and I am proud of you for everything." I turned my face with wide eyes and a bright smile appeared on my face. I couldn't believe my ears. Did he really say that he is proud of me? "I am sorry, for forcing you into this." He finally looked at me and I got shocked on seeing tears in his eyes for the first time. "Dad?" I got concerned. "I and your mom have to go China for almost two months. Something business related came up. But after we come back, you have to make us meet that boy?" I looked at him confused. "Namjoon right?" He asked unsurely and I nodded in confirmation. "Bring him so that we can finally meet him and I can know about his family backgrounds." "Why?" I asked scared. "So that we can make sure that the boy whom my son is marrying with, is a nice guy along with his family. I cannot just give my son to anyone without enquiring." I didn't realize I was crying until he smiled and wiped my tears. "After seeing your condition, I got really worried about you. Then your mom talked to me and explained my how I was going to ruin my own son's life. Thanks to her I understood and finally agreed to take right step." I choked on tears and hugged him tightly while mumbling thank you again and again. He chuckled and hugged me back while stroking my hairs. "And also you can do whatever you want in your life. We will always be proud of you and support you." Saying I was happy was a understatement. I was feeling like floating among clouds of joy. The happiness was overflowing and coming out in the form of tears. I couldn't believe this? My dad is finally saying all those things which I was dying to hear until now.

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