
Chapter 24


"An amusement park!!" I asked excited. "Yeah. I came here with Tae before and I really liked it so I thought why not go together with you this time? So here we are. I hope you enjoy it." I felt hurt knowing I am not his first but Tae is. Like always. But I shrugged the thought soon and decided to relish the moment instead. He bought the passes and we both went in. It was really amazing and with Jimin's presence the moment got more beautiful. There were many people moving here and there. Some children were running for new rides and toys and their parents were shouting from behind to be careful. There were many couples. Some walking hand in hand, some were taking pictures and a couple was even making out there. Then my eyes fell on an old couple. They seemed in their fifties but they were enjoying the moment with each other without the care of others' opinion. The man has his arm around the lady's shoulder while they both were eating ice-creams. I smiled at the thought of me and Jimin at their place. Will we go on a date even when we will be old? No Jeongguk stop thinking about things which can never be true. I pushed the thought in a corner of my mind and smiled at the cute couple in front of me. Suddenly I wanted to hold Jimin's hand but I was afraid of his reaction still I dared to do it. When he was staring at big rides with horror in his eyes, I grabbed his hand and he turned to me with confused face. "S-so that we won't get lost" I said while scratching my nape and he chuckled. "We are not kids to get lost Ggukie" but he didn't removed my hold instead he intertwined our fingers and that action made my heart skipped a beat. We went on some rides which we enjoyed. Actually only I enjoyed as Jimin was busy screaming while clutching my hand in his tightly which made me think at one moment that my bones already broke. Even though my hand was completely numb from his tight grip, I didn't retreated my hand. In fact I hold his hand in a firm grip to assure him that I will always be there for him. After coming back Jimin was feeling dizzy so I dropped the idea of any more rides and we went to eat something instead. At the fast food stop he was sitting on a chair beside me with his head rested on the table in front as he was still feeling nauseous so I let him be and ordered burgers for both of us. "Jimin drink this it will help you to calm down." I said while stroking his back in a calm motion. He lifted his head and looked at the glass then sat up slowly and took the glass of water from my hand. He drank almost half of the water then put the glass back on the table. He leaned on my shoulder and closed his eyes like he is completely exhausted. I put my arm around his shoulder to make him more comfortable and support him from falling forward. A worrying feeling developed within me at his state. "Hyung if you want we can go back. You really are not looking well" I said while rubbing his shoulder. "No. I will be fine." He whispered. His voice sound hoarse must be due to the lots of screaming done by him before. "Jimin you need rest so we are going back" I said firmly. "No Gguk. I promised you to spend time with you and I don't want to ruin it. I will be fine in few minutes really just give me some time." He insisted and I couldn't do anything but agreed. Few minutes later our order came and I fed Jimin even when he protested because I wanted to. After having our food Jimin started to feel much better so we decided to go nearby game stops where he don't need to waste much energy. There was a shooting game where we have to burst balloons by shooting at them and the winner will have a plushy toy of their choice. Despite my uninterest Mr. Jeon Jimin wanted me to play that and win so I had to agree. Well it was not that bad and when I held the toy gun in my hand I actually got excited to win and also to built an impression in front of Jimin so I did. I won the game and Jimin asked the man to give him a... bunny toy? "Why bunny?" I asked him while I rubbed my hand gently over bunny's soft furry head. "Because it looks like you." I looked at him confused and slightly offended but he just laughed at my reaction. "Well you do have a face of a bunny, Ggukie. My cute bunny boy." He said while pinching my right cheek and I pushed his hand away trying to show that I am irritated but the butterflies in my stomach were telling otherwise. "Whatever lets go." I said while grabbing his hand and lead him to another stop to prevent him from teasing me any further.


I was sitting on the chair on the side of Hyunki's hospital bed while he was sleeping soundlessly. Watching him in this condition suffocates my heart. The thoughts of the operation getting failed still scared me. I must have done some good deeds in my past life that god bestowed me my last family member's life. I took his small hand in my large one and started making circles with my thumb on the back side of it. My eyes filled with tears but these tears were not of sadness but happiness. Happiness of finally being happy for something in life. "Yunki." Mrs. Han's voice broke my train of thoughts. I wiped the remaining tears from my eyes and turn towards her. "You should go back son. You need rest. Today you have done lots of work. You must be tired." She said while caressing my hairs which calmed me down. She is like a mother to me. She always treated me and loved me like her own son. "No Mrs. Han. Hyunki needs me here I don't want to leave him alone besides you guys need more rest than me. I will call Joon so that he can come here to pick you up." "Never belittle yourself son. You are a great person. Whatever happened was not your mistake but theirs." she said understanding my unspoken words which were burning me from inside daily. I could just gave a small smile at that as deep down I still know that all that happened was only.....because of me.


I update quite often these days. Do you like it? I know you do :)

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