The story follows a young man, Takashi, who discovers he has the ability to hypnotize people. Takashi begins experimenting with his newfound ability to seduce women and gain power, money, and status. He manipulates anyone he desires. As his power grows, he becomes increasingly ambitious and dangerous, using his ability to get his way with anyone he pleases. There will be Netori, no one is going to cuck MC, MC is the one who will cuck others. No beta MC. They say the MC can only be as smart as the author, so, probably not the smartest MC but he won't be that dumb, I hope. This is a hypnosis novel so if you want MC to make morally correct decisions, you have come to the wrong place. There will be a lot of humiliation going around, don't worry mc will be the one humiliating others, also mc sometimes might be very rough with his partners. There is dark in the tags for a reason, if you do not like the things I have said in the synopsis don't read it. Also if you want to support me