
Hyde's Vampire Academy

I never thought in my lifetime that monsters were real. That every scary story told had truth to it. I never thought I'd ever stare down death and somehow find out I wasn't living at all.

Darknesslove2023 · Fantaisie
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12 Chs

Chapter Twelve

Matthew POV

I had been looking for a lead, anything...Although I still didn't trust Athena, I could see the guilt and pain written on her face and it made my stone cold heart ache for her. I couldn't imagine having visions of seeing others being murdered. I don't think I'd even be here to help run a school if I was giving the gift of foresight. I had a mission and I needed to put Athena out of my mind and focus on looking for clues, information on anything that has to do with foresight. So, my first place I began looking was our schools library. I was walking through halls of book cases. grabbing what I could on foresight, anything that had the name foresight in it. I had about around 30 books as I walked over to the check out to see a younger Vampire standing behind the counter. "Oh, hello" She smiled warmly to me. I remember she hangs out a lot with Athena "Hi." I nodded before placing the books on top of the counter. "Oh...wow, That's a lot of books" She giggled out. "You must like to read" She added, grabbing a book and scanning it across the computer. "Not really" I shrugged my shoulders and she knit her brows together in confusion. "You hang around Athena a lot.. don't you?" I asked her, trying to make conversation as she keeps scanning the books. "Yeah, Athena is great. A bit weird, but would am I to judge on what's weird" She let out a giggle once again before sadness took over her expression. "How is she?" She asked. "Athena?" I arched a brow. "Yeah" She placed her hands on top of the counter "I heard she fainted. It she okay?" She asked again. "Yeah, she just...." I paused for a moment. "She's resting" I finished. "Good, that lady needs some rest" She informed me. "What do you mean?" I knit my brows together. "Well for a little while she was disappearing every night around midnight" She tells me. "Then she wouldn't return until morning, I tried to confront her about it. I'd just figure she was meeting a boy" She shrugged her shoulders. "Once, she came back completely covered in dirt, took a shower before anyone noticed. But I did" She stated. I nodded "How long as this been going on?" I asked her. "Well...ever since she got to the school" She tells me. "Could you tell her once she's feeling better to come find me? I worry about her and want to make sure she's alright" She asked me. "Sure..." I nodded as she scanned the last book and checked me out. "What's your name again?" I finally asked her. "Bliss, my name is Bliss" she tells me with that same warm smile. "Alright...Bliss. See you another time" I smirked at her, grabbing all my books and walking out of the library. It's weird I had never really paid attention to how much she reminds me of a yellow daisy.

Athena POV

I was looking up at the ceiling, being awake for a few hours. I think I was scared to actually fall asleep. I didn't want to see the man in the shadow's nor another death. I wanted it all to stop. My heart feels like is races in my chest, sorrow and sadness overwhelming my senses before I finally got up and walked towards Hyde's door. I knew it was wrong but I slowly grabbed the door handle is twisted is slowly and carefully so it wouldn't make a sound. Then, I softly pushed the door opened and a little light shined through the crack of the door and onto Hyde who had his back turned to me, purple and black colored blanket draped over his body. "Hyde..." I whispered as I entered into his bedroom and walked over to the empty side of the bed. "Hyde..." I whispered again this time just a little bit louder. He was unmoved by it "Hyde...." I said a little bit louder. He suddenly picked up his head and turned it towards me. yet his eyes weren't opened. "Hmm?" He tiredly asked. "I'm scared...Can I sleep next to you?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't deny me right now. "I don't think that's the best idea" He shook his head. "Please?" I begged him. "I'll stay on my side, I promise I wont go near you" I offered. There was a harsh silence before he let out a sigh of defeat. "Stay on your side Athena" He warned me before turning his head back over and going silent once again. I crawled into his bed, lifting the black and purple silk covers over my body and nestling into his bed that felt so warm and soft. "So this is the perks of being head master?" I slightly joked. I heard Hyde let out a snort of laughter before clearing his throat. "Goodnight Athena" He stated. I rolled on my side, my back facing his. "Goodnight Hyde" I let out a yawn before my eyes felt like bricks and I drifted back off to sleep.

Hyde POV

It wasn't something I'd normally agree to. Vampire's sharing a bed is only for two things. One night stands and marriage. If it were back in the old days, she would be hanged and I'd be shot if someone found us unwed and sleeping in the same bed. But, as I woke I opened my eyes and found myself with arms wrapped around Athena's small waist. I felt something in my chest spark, something I hadn't felt in a long time. I gazed at her, looking at all her imperfections that made her perfect and began to notice all the differences from Ember. Athena's hair was just a little lighter and had a tint of red in her strands. Her skin was a little bit darker and more freckles than I had noticed before. Her lips seemed just more perfect than Ember's did. Athena ears are smaller and the scar just on her neck, the scar that had changed her life forever. I think about to how she had gotten here, A vampire changing a human unwillingly and it caused anger to flare deep in the pit of my stomach. How could someone be to cruel and knowing the truce between human and vampire kind. These bi-laws were set into place to keep peace. Just then Athena adjusting in the bed pulled me from my thoughts. I should really move before she wakes up, caught like this and she might think I was trying to take advantaged of her. I slightly slipped away from her body which only caused her to wake up. Slightly turning, Athena stretched long before letting out a yawn. "Good morning." I could hear the teasing in her tone before she looked over at me. "Sleep well?" I asked her. "So good, I think that's the first time I've been able to sleep without dreaming since I was turned" She informed me. Maybe, just maybe she's more comfortable with me than I thought. She let out a giggled that tugged at my heart. "I should get up, I do have classes to get to" She pointed out. "R-right you should go about your day as if it were normal" I nodded, agreeing with her suggestion. "Right, A normal day for a vampire?" She joked, causing me to let out a chuckle. She got up from the bed and threw her hair up quickly before turning to me. "Thank you again" She smiled as I sat up in my bed. "You're welcome" I smiled to her. "I should get going..." She pointed to the door before she could turn I thought of something. "Oh, Athena..." I called out to her. "Yeah?" She looked at me. "You must be back here after your classes are finished" I practically ordered her. "I mean...if that's what you wish" I corrected myself. "I'll see you after class" Athena giggled before leaving the bedroom. When I heard the office door shut, I knew she had gone. Yet, I knew she would be safe in our school...I couldn't help but worry about her.