
Chapter 15 City Folk_1

Translator: 549690339

"This is a huge haul."

Walking on the streets of Changfeng City, Lu Yan was smiling, in a very pleasant mood.

While on the road, he had already counted the silver tickets.

A total of three hundred and eighty, plus the one hundred and ten from the skinny middle-aged man, adding up to four hundred and ninety.

Adding the Red Knife Leaf's about five hundred, there was almost a thousand just from heading up the mountain once.

Indeed, murder and arson indeed paid well.

Passing by Wuke's House, he once more smelled that intoxicating aroma.

"First go to the Linglan Chamber of Commerce to sell the Red Knife Leaf, then come back to Wuke's House to try the martial food."

Lu Yan thought in his mind, he had long been salivating over martial food.

Soon, he reached the Linglan Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, before coming here, Lu Yan had slightly disguised his appearance and body shape.

When he heard that Lu Yan wanted to sell Red Knife Leaf, he managed to see the shopkeeper smoothly.

After weighing, the total weight of the Red Knife Leaf was one jin and six liang.

The wild Red Knife Leaf is rare this year, so the price is slightly higher than in previous years, fresh Red Knife Leaf, three hundred and fifty liang per jin, a total of 560 liang.

Even higher than Lu Yan had estimated, so he readily sold it.

Now, adding what he had saved up previously, Lu Yan had nearly twelve hundred in large denominations on him.

After selling out, Lu Yan first turned around in the market of Changfeng City.

He still had his mind on that globe.

At the market, there were all kinds of things for sale. He wanted to see if he could find that kind of globe or similar items.

He communicated with the Dao Book and turned around the market. Unfortunately, the Dao Book had no reaction so Lu Yan had to leave disappointedly.

Leaving the market, Lu Yan went straight to Wuke's House.

"Sorry, sir, we've sold out of martial food for today."

On the fourth floor of Wuke's House, a young and beautiful woman explained to Lu Yan with a smile.

"Sold out?"

Lu Yan was surprised.

"Yes, the meat of alien beasts is scarce, so the martial food provided by Wuke's House every day is limited. If sir needs, you can book in advance. But if you book, you need to pay some deposit in advance, or come earlier tomorrow."

The woman said.

Lu Yan glanced inside and seeing the dining tables were all empty, not a single person, knew that the woman wasn't deceiving him.

It seems that martial food isn't something you can eat just by having money, Lu Yan muttered to himself.

"Sir, would you like to book?"

The woman asked with a smile.

Speaking of which, Wuke's House and the staff at the Linglan Commerce Chamber, showed very good professionalism and didn't look down upon him due to his poor dress.

"Thank you, I'll come another day."

Lu Yan said.

Anyway, I will move into the town after buying the house, I will have plenty of opportunities.

Lu Yan retreated to the third floor and ordered some common food.

"Boy, I want to ask you something, if a foreign Limit Breaking Warrior wants to seek a job in Changfeng City, how should he choose?"

Lu Yan asked, handing a coin to the waiter.

The coin was square, worth one hundred mon. On earth, it would be equivalent to one hundred pieces.

The boy immediately broke into a grin, effortlessly pocketed the coin, and said, "You've come to the right person to ask this question. I know everything that happens in Changfeng City..."

He immediately started talking non-stop.

By the time Lu Yan left Wuke's House, he had made up his mind.

Although Zhang Jun had recommended he join the Red-clad Guards before, Lu Yan didn't want to make a hasty decision. He wanted to gather all the information, analyze the pros and cons before making a decision.

Limit Breaking Warriors who want to seek a job in Changfeng City generally have a few choices.

The first is to join a wealthy household as a guard, which Lu Yan eliminated immediately.

The second is to join a Chamber of Commerce or an Escort Agency as a guard or escort.

The benefits are good, generally fifty liang a month for a first-time Limit Breaking Warrior, and extra rewards based on the value of the goods or escorted item protected.

The downside is that it's risky, time isn't free, and one has to go out often.

And there is no supply of martial food.

The third is to join the Red-clad Guards of the Liu Family or the Wind Patrol of the Wu Family.

But the Wu family was directly ruled out by Lu Yan. He had just killed several Leaf Seekers under the banner of the Wu Family, joining the Wind Patrol would be seeking death.

The benefits of joining the Red-clad Guards were similar to what Zhang Jun had said, but in a little more detail.

For a first-time Limit Breaking Warrior, the monthly wage is thirty liang, there is one meal of martial food every five days, about one jin, and when you first join, you can choose a third-rate martial art.

If one's cultivation level is higher, the treatment will correspondingly improve.

There is a dedicated practice room, responsible for patrolling the surroundings to ensure safety. It allows for relatively more freedom.

When there are no cases, a daily patrol suffices, followed by self-cultivation.

After inquiring about these things, Lu Yan decided to join the Red-clad Guard.

As for the military, it's not even worth considering. The military is made up of elites cultivated by the feudal lords since childhood, who are extremely loyal and practice the martial arts provided by the feudal lords.

At Wuke's House, he spent five silver coins and bought two pots of Ten Miles Fragrance before heading to the Red-clad Mansion, where the Red-clad Guard resided.

The shop assistant explained in detail, including the addresses of all the major chambers of commerce and escort agencies, naturally including the Red-clad Guard.

Of course, since Wuke's House belongs to the Liu Family, the shop assistant's words inevitably praised the Red-clad Guard, but Lu Yan had his own judgment.

The Red-clad Mansion impressed with its magnificent multi-eaved architecture.

Lu Yan explained his intentions to the gatekeeper and was quickly introduced to Zhang Jun.

"Ha ha, what brings you here, little brother Lu? Have you saved enough silver to buy a house?"

Zhang Jun laughed.

"Brother Jun, you're truly insightful. You guessed right. Therefore, I am here to trouble you."

Lu Yan said as he handed over the two pots of Ten Miles Fragrance.

Zhang Jun's smile broadened. "Come, I'll take you house hunting. Rest assured, I'll get you the best price."

Next, Lu Yan spent two hours looking at four properties.

He settled on one in the end, for the total price was four hundred silver.

According to the person selling the property, the house would usually sell for six hundred silver, but since he was a friend of the Red-clad Guard, they let it go for four hundred.

Originally, Lu Yan was planning to buy a house around three hundred silver. But since he had extra money, he naturally wanted to buy a better one.

This house indeed suited his taste.

It had five rooms, a complete array of living room, kitchen, and even a small courtyard, which was rare in the city.

Furthermore, there was a wing-room one side that could be converted into a practice room.

After he paid with his silver ticket and completed the signing, the house officially became Lu Yan's, ready for move-in at any time.

Of course, he still needed to transfer his household registration to officially become a citizen of Changfeng City.

"Brother Jun, I'll need your help when I join the Red-clad Guard later."

Lu Yan said.

"Ha ha, no trouble at all."

Upon hearing that Lu Yan wished to join the Red-clad Guard, Zhang Jun became instantly spirited, laughing loudly.

Lu Yan then bid his farewells to Zhang Jun and made his way back.

By the time he returned to Kaoshan Village, it was already evening, and the sun was about to set, casting golden rays everywhere.

"This will be the last night in this village."

Feeling the nearing move, Lu Yan became quite emotional. It was in Kaoshan Village that he spent his most difficult days and laid the foundation for his martial arts.

At dinner, the family of three sat around the table.

"Dad, Mom, pack up tonight. We're moving into the city tomorrow."

Lu Yan said.


Lu Qingshan and Wang Cui stared at him blankly, not comprehending his words immediately.

"Dad, Mom, I bought a house in Changfeng City today. We'll move there first thing tomorrow morning."

Lu Yan repeated, and the elders finally understood.

"Yan'er, as far as I know, even the worst houses in Changfeng City cost at least three hundred silver. Where did you get so much money?"

Lu Qingshan immediately hit the key point, while Wang Cui still felt dizzy.

"Dad, don't worry, it's all legitimate. Today, I went hunting in Changfeng Mountain and was lucky enough to come across a cluster of Red Knife Leaves. That's how I gathered the money for the house."

"Wealth isn't flaunted, so Dad, Mom, please don't tell anyone about this."

Lu Yan said.

"We know, we understand", Wang Cui nodded repeatedly. Then, it dawned on her, "Yan'er, you went to Changfeng Mountain? I heard that people often get killed there because of the Red Knife Leaves, if something happened to you, what would we do?"

Even though Lu Yan was sitting right there, Wang Cui was still terrified.

"Mom, don't worry, I won't take risks in the future. Let's eat, we have to pack up after dinner. We're moving first thing in the morning."

Said Lu Yan.

Only then did Wang Cui finally smile. It wasn't because she was happy about moving into the city, but because she was happy for Lu Yan.

With a house in the city, Yan'er's status would elevate, and it'll be easier for him to find a wife.

Early next morning, just as the sky was lighting up, the family of three, without alerting anyone, left Kaoshan Village and moved into Changfeng City.

Then, Lu Yan took his household registration for the transfer.

In this era, the efficiency was quite good. By the next day, the transfer was completed, and he officially became a city resident.

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