
Hunters of the Dark Ages.

Growing up in a loving family. Hazel never expected her whole world to be crushed apart. Escaping assassination that left her all alone in the world, she is forced into the human realm. Memories gone and forgotten. Her fox powers sealed. However, even she didn't anticipate meeting an apocalyptic world. A dying Terraheim in the brink of destruction and a fierce war between powerful Hunters and horrid Nightmarish creatures that flood through the Gates. Talk more of being the Terraheim's new generation's Devil's mate. In the deadly battle of survival. She joins the Reigns family and more human forces. What's worse, behind the shadows. The dead gods are scheming a potentially fatal destruction....... What will Hazel choose? Excerpt (Warning:Mature Content) "Who are you?" His glowing crimson eyes met hers. Blood stained on his lips. A crazy look in his eyes, that made him irresistible and yet.... Dangerous. " Your worst nightmare, Mrs Reigns"

XenaReigns_1 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Grand Entrance.


Hazel's purple lashes fluttered trying to adapt to the brightness of the light she was falling to.

Being blind for a year....

Seeing this light as she fell towards it. She felt speechless...

And overwhelmed.

She also felt very much alive.

Feeling the strongest euphoric of freedom burn in every pore and cell of her body. She took it all in, greedily. Her parched throat that tasted bad from all of the stale bloody meat she ate.

But seeing the light it was almost as if she had tasted...

The Heavenly Ambrosia.

She licked her chapped lips in effort to moisture it. Which was fruitless. It only made her more tasty.

Maybe she shouldn't have thrown her last stack of monster corpses into the other pathways of the Gate. The meat's drying blood would quench her taste a bit.

Either way her eyes were both widened with the intense fear that if she blinked even for a second.

The light she sought hard for, would disappear.

Like an illusion.

"It wouldn't. Even if you blink a million times."

Sirae who refused to leave her ghost form and enter back into her mind, interrupted Hazel's thoughts.

"Am not taking that risk."

Hazel argued. Her tone full of resolute and unswerving.

Sirae sighed, gracefully shaking her head.

Hazel stared unblinkingly. Feeling the Light coming closer and closer.

She burst into uncontrollable giggles. Almost like a child again.

Sirae looked at her lovingly.

Hazel's laughter was boisterous and infectious. She began spreading out her hands. Falling into the light.

"SIRAE!!! Am finally going to land."

Her spread-out hands then sunk into her tangled messy locks. The distance between her and the portal decreased in a very welcoming speed.

"Am so happy. Ack!"

She crossed the portal. Her gaze caught a blue moon above the sky as she fell.

Marvelled at the strangeness of one moon instead of three.

"Get used to it. The humans only possess one." Sirae's voice whispered in her mind. Her body fell through the white thick fog that moved in the atmosphere.

Her long, wild lavender hair spreading out from behind her because of the wind.

Her laughter seem to echo from the back of her throat. Caught up in the thrill. She did series of back flips and in the process she spotted a large black gate that was distancing from her as she fell. It was closing and a bright light that emerged from the sides enclosed it.

Disappearing into thin air.

"That gate is huge.."

She muttered out loud.

"Hazel focus!! You are landing... Don't dare die on me."

Sirae warned, back inside her head.

"Relax... I don't intend to die now am free. And a fall like this can't kill me. Am more tougher than that."

Hazel tapped her chest above the bodice of her dress that was in the verge of falling apart. The sheer dress that had been ripped off in different places for easy movement and liberty from suffocation, flapped intensely in the wind.

Hazel enjoyed how the wind bathed her blood-washed skin.

She willed out her weapon to come out from her soul.

The formless metallic liquid exited from her chest thrumming with fervor, sharing the emotions of its master.

"Give me a spear."

The metallic liquid stretched solidifying into a smooth black spear with dense intricated designs. It possessed an ancient aura that resonated from it.


Sirae called out, cautiously.

"Are you afraid of heights?"

Hazel mocked, before looking down.

"I own the skies. Am not afraid of mere heights. Just too tired of the thought of picking your broken shattered body."

Hazel was speechless for a moment. After regaining her wits she then proceeded to ignore Sirae who was immersed internally of the victory over her in the battle of words.

She was getting closer and closer.

She had to do something now. Although she couldn't die that easily it would leave her broken bones and a spine. That in her weakened state would take days to heal.

The adrenaline rush of excitement made her feel she could do anything. She still felt the aftertaste of grogginess that was indepth in her body.

Knowing that if the rush stops..

She would be unable to move until she regained her strength. So she had to use the moment well.

To land without pain.

"Now for the grand landing I have been hallucinating for months. Let's do this."

Slightly cracking her neck joints. She twirled the spear with her fingertips. Her nine tails sprouted out from her back spreading out like domineering crowns of royalty.

Her aura was unbound.

It was wild, free and smothering.

Her cute fox ears sprouted along with her tails. Parting her lavender hair from both sides.

She spinned her entire body, swiftly. Picking momentum and velocity. Opposing the nature of the wind's movement. The wind began following her movement gathering speedily. The environment, gusty. The twirling wind connected to the ground. But the wind from afar kept on joining and joining.

And... Joining.

"Aren't you not overdoing this?"

Sirae asked.

"Erehmn... Let's just say I don't know."

The momentum of the wind became faster. Forming a large..


"Oh my goodness."

Rocks, pebbles, stones and more things Hazel couldn't identify joined.

It thrilled and scared her. Because she was the centre of all of it.

"I sense humans below you will kill them.. You suicidal maniac!!"

"You sound as if I intentionally did this!"

Sirae came out from her giving her a blank stare. Hazel groaned.

"But not with the intention of killing!!"

The wind that wrapped Hazel made the force of the hurricane more stronger and stronger.

Leaves were twirling along with the wind.

Dead trees too.

"Can you help me stop this?"

Sirae sighed. Re-entering her. Taking control of the body. Hazel left in the corner of their mind.

Sirae huffed under her breath. The pink sapphire gem-like eyes gone replaced with bloody crimson.

Sirae held the spear. Wrapping energy around her body then speedily pushing herself admist the windy chaos. Forcefully landing on the ground.

An enormous crater formed beneath her feet. The ground cracked, on the verge of opening.

The large hurricane dispersed too.

Hazel took over, feeling weak from tapping into her internal fox energy.

She rose her head with unintentional grace.

Her long lavender hair flipping behind her. The spear supported her weight as the spearhead dugged deeply into the ground. Her legs were a bit wobbly from landing on the ground.

After falling without rest for a year.

She looked every inch of a warrior princess. The dried blood an evidence of all the slaughtering she had done in a year. The untidy clothes that were on the verge of falling apart, displayed a figure that any human lady would kill for.

The nine tails behind her disappeared along with her fox ears.

Her eyes closed.

"Sirae, so what do you think of my superb landing? "

A smirk formed on her chapped cheery lips. Painted in dried blood of all the monsters she gnawed in the darkness. Mischief written all over.

"Well I think you should look before you. You are in trouble."

Sirae snickered.


In response, her thick purple lashes fluttered open. A frown appeared on her dried bloodwashed face.

Her pink sapphire eyes widened comically.

Before her was an army of humans pointing their weapons threateningly at her. Filled with ferocious killing intent. Inside an invisible massive dome.

Probably to protect themselves from the chaos.

She caused.

'Damn it, what should I do, Sirae.'

Hazel internally groaned. Panicking.

Feeling an intense wave of fatigue overwhelming her. Crushing her mind and body.

Her eyes were drooping, heavily. As she struggled to keep them open.

The army was making way for someone.

Her fuzzy vision picked out the silhouette of a man.

As he was walking towards her.

She sharpened her vision.

Seeing the man in a scary bloody....

Fox mask.

What the bloody hell of a joke was this?

Was he mocking Elvidia foxes?

Though she didn't remember anything about other shifting foxes.

But Foxes were cute.

Not horrifying.

Hazel then hiccuped.

Thank you for those who reviewed the novel.

HODA is growing more. I am happy and incredibly motivated to write more. Have a lovely day

From your newbie author.

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