
Hunter x Hunter swordsman

Buck was a poor boy who dreamed of greatness but when his father was murdered he sought out revenge and ended up dying he was then transmigrated into the world of Hunter x hunter with a new world and fresh start will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming the world's best swordsman in a world filled with people with nen and magical beasts that have special abilities where he can die at anytime? Follow Buck on his journey in finding out he's in Hunter x Hunter and becoming the best swordsman while overcoming the obstacles in his way to achieve his dream.

Hunter931 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 Motivation

Meanwhile on whale island gon had just caught the master of the lake and was expressing his excitement about being able to attend the hunter exam.

Gon then began to pack his belongings and clean his fishing rod ready to set off on his adventure following in his father's footsteps to find out why Being a hunter was so important to his father

Gon Freecss, he was wearing a simple yet distinctive outfit that consists of a green jacket, a white undershirt, brown pants, and black boots. His green jacket has a unique design, featuring a high collar, large buttons, and diagonal pockets, as well as a fur trim around the hood. The jacket is also accented with red and yellow stripes, which add a pop of colour to the otherwise earth-toned outfit.

Gon's brown pants are loose-fitting and end just above his ankles, revealing his black boots, which are made of a durable material and have thick soles for added protection in rough terrain. He is often seen wearing a small brown backpack

He loudly called out to his aunt "The next time you see me I'll have become a hunter."

After saying his farewell to his aunt in a hug he then boarded the ship bound for the beginning of the hunter's exam along with others following the same passion

The captain then steps out onto the deck holding a bottle of whisky and a very red nose from already drinking half the bottle away, along with a ruffled blond beard and slightly chubby body

But a clear distinction between his behaviour and status was the captain's hat on his head showing the importance he held despite the way he acted and when he spoke with authority shouting "get back to work!" all the workers succeed away to do their seafaring jobs maintaining the boat and making sure the direction is on point

All of a sudden a storm was upon them and the captain quickly assumed his duties of steering the ship to overcome this dangerous storm that was causing a wild turning of the boat

While all the crew and passengers of the boat were struggling with their seasickness The sea sickness was brutal. The rolling of the boat and the constant swaying made it impossible for anyone to keep their footing. The crew members were green in the face, their stomachs churning as the boat pitched and tossed in the rough sea. The smell of salt water mixed with the stench of vomit, creating an overwhelming and nauseating odour that seemed to cling to everything.

Soon the captain managed to overcome the worst of it and was able to pass off the duties of steering the boat to another crew mate and then he began the real hunter exam by asking questions to hunter applicants aboard that managed to stay on their feet

He gathered the three remaining applicants aboard who had not been disturbed by the storm and asked for their names and there reason they wanted to become examiners

"Woah your not an examiner so what is with the questioning," an older-looking man said who had short black spiked hair and black glasses hanging off the end of his nose while wearing a blue suit with a green tie known as Leorio

He pointed right at the captain while having a raised tone in his voice

After seeing the reaction of the man gon spoke up with excitement showing off his large brown eyes "I will it is because my dad is a hunter and that is why I want to find out what he loved so much about being a hunter, that's why I left whale island"

The captain then realised that this seemingly innocent-looking boy but stronger than the adults aboard is Ging Freeccs' son

"I'm afraid I agree with Leorio, I have secrets I want to keep hidden deep in my heart." a blond boy with grey eyes said while wearing white pants and a shirt, with a blue overcoat with a red accent

"So both of you refused huh, Katso get a hold of the exam committee and let them know there are two more dropouts."

At the words of the captain, it caused the two who refused to answer, Leorio and Kurapika to visibly flinch at the thought of failing after coming all this way and the shock that they might be kicked out before it even began

"You see the hunter exam has already started"

They both exclaimed loudly "It has?" with a jaw drop in pure confusion

"There are as many hunter-wannabes in this world as there are stars in the sky and the examiner neither has the time nor the resources that are where people like me come in to pick up the slack, screen the applicants and pick up the slack, I've already notified the comity about the rest of the lot none of them made the cut that was just a little storm and look how they handled it they would've never made it to the final stages the only way you three are moving on is if I give you the go ahead."

Hearing that they might fail they come to the conclusion that they have to talk to continue and so they did

Kurapika then started to tell his story with a stoic serious face "I am the sole survivor of the kurta clan 4 years ago the whole clan was annihilated by a band of criminals that's why I want to become a hunter to catch the phantom troupe

"Sounds like you want to become a blacklist hunter and that's a class A bounty many have tried a fail to catch them"

Leorio then started to get a large smile on his face and began explaining his reason with pure excitement and joy in his voice "It's for the money, money can buy anything you've ever wanted, a big mansion a cool car and top-shelf booze"

And if only you could buy class Leorio

"That's the final strike I guess it's time to finally finish off the filthy kurta bloodline once and for all"

At the threat of Leorio, it caused Kurapika to get highly agitated with anger and his eyes turned a scarlet red

Leario then walked out of the room followed by an angry Kurapika