
Hunter x Hunter (HxH): Seeking Immortality

Elias Deville was an odd individual, with some unfortunate circumstances befalling him. After a certain incident, he was never the same. After he turned 18, he immediately joined the military and seemed to have turned his life around, and was all around living a fulfilling life... until that fateful day... Note: This is not a system novel. Perhaps, I might explore other worlds... and if you want a spoiler, read the very last bit. *Cover is not mine *No characters from Hunter x Hunter are mine SPOILER BELOW! Be warned. . . . . . I am planning on having the MC fuse with Meruem and re-reincarnate into the past. At that time, he will have some changes and do things differently.

Solar_Horizon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Death X Reincarnation

My name is Elias Deville. I am a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment in the U.S. Army and had lived a difficult life, now reaching my mid-thirties. I'll be 35 in a few months. I was still following orders, mainly special and joint operations. I enlisted in the Army at age 18, immediately after I graduated High School.

My father, Elijah, and mother, Christine, were the perfect parents, always caring for and encouraging me, or perhaps that's how I want to remember them. Regardless, I loved them very much. I had lived like this until that fateful day when they died and left me alone.

After enlisting in the Army, I quickly showed my talents and was put in special training. After completing it, I flew through the ranks and ended up in the 75th Ranger Regiment at the age of 28. I have been in the 75th Regiment for 6 years now, and I'm close to a promotion.

My frame was in between lean and bulky, with clearly defined muscles. I was around 6'1, and over the years, my originally blonde hair gradually darkened. My body was riddled with scars, with one extending from right below my left eye all the way to my lips. It coincidentally touched neither my eye nor my lip.

Suddenly, while thinking about my life, I heard a loud crash near the headquarters in America, breaking me out of my thoughts. I was in an office with paper messily stacked together in many piles around the room and windows so I could see outside and get some sunlight. I ran over and saw many soldiers with Great Germany's uniform marching towards us.

"Fuck these Germans!" I spat while I grabbed a pistol under my desk. I went to the armory near the office and got an M839, which was similar to an M16 but far more advanced, and some bullet-proof armor. These Germans were truly annoying. We were currently in the year 2032, fighting a war with the Germans, since resources were growing scarce.

It was regrettable, but when resources began diminishing, conflicts began breaking out, eventually evolving into the war that is happening now; there are three main sides: Great Germany, the Western Alliance, and the Eastern Empire. Great Germany is incredibly advanced in technology but has very few resources, and the Western Alliance has better technology than the Eastern Empire, but fewer resources and people. The number of people in Great Germany is also the least.

{Author's note: This is an alternate timeline of Earth. In this timeline, Germany was suppressed and wasn't allowed to join NATO. When resources began to run out, they started conquering land for more resources. Western Alliance = Canada, North America, Japan, South America, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and England. Eastern Empire = most of Asia and the Middle East. Great Germany = most of Europe}

I rushed towards a window facing outside, jumping, and kicking once I neared it, putting all my force on a small surface area of it, causing the window to shatter, and rushed to where I saw my fellow soldiers gathering, narrowly dodging a couple of bullets. I set my gun down on the sandbags, aimed at the enemy soldiers, and started shooting.

There were numerous soldiers, outnumbering what we have at the headquarters two to one, which was quite unexpected. After all, there are fewer German soldiers, and every one is precious. There were not many soldiers stationed here, because it was protected by several bases that should have blocked any invasion.

I was continually shooting and reloading, and I ended up killing at least 20 enemies. Unfortunately, I got shot in the hand, making me drop the gun. 'Fuck me... that hurts like a bitch,' I thought. Although I have a high pain tolerance due to my special training, bullets still hurt quite badly. I can tolerate the pain, but I still feel it in full.

I went behind the sandbags and took out my phone to request immediate reinforcements. Although they should have already been called, it was worth a try. No one answered, though I expected such a thing to happen.

Gunshots and explosions reverberated throughout the battlefield. I slammed the phone on the ground in an act of anger, causing its screen to crack. 'Dammit, this day is getting worse and worse,' I thought while heading down the stairs that were near the sandbags. It seems the Germans have already breached inside somehow. I want to kill these bastards that made all of my hard work for naught. When the Army hears about this, the promotion that I was hoping to get will never happen, unless I can somehow achieve great merit and push the Germans back, but that's impossible… there are far too many. I'll just have to help hold them back until reinforcements arrive.' I traveled quite a ways before finding 6 Germans that were killing some soldiers in the hallway. Our headquarters extended both above and below ground, with the underground portion being much larger. 'They're probably here to find or destroy something, or else they wouldn't send so many soldiers,' I thought.

*BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* *BANG*. I fired the pistol 6 times in quick succession, hitting them all in the head, except for one, who was startled and began turning around, causing the shot to only hit the shoulder. *BANG*. I shot the last German in the head. 'Looks like I'm getting rusty… I would have normally been able to kill all 6 without them having time to react, but I've been slacking off in my training because of my injury that just fully healed a couple days ago. Dammit, the 75th Ranger Regiment is supposed to be a quick response, special operations team, but I was injured and forced to sit in an office.'

There were many German bodies around. They had died due to the Western Alliance soldiers that were in the underground portion of the base. I went forward to check if any of the Western Alliance soldiers were alive, but it seems that they were all dead. I saw a door ahead and to the left of me, and proceeded to open it, stunned by what I saw… 'What even IS that?!' I thought.

"Is anyone alive? All the Germans in this section are dead!" I said, still looking at the mysterious item. It looked like some kind of stone tablet with runes. Overwhelmed by my curiosity, I walked over and touched the chip. To my astonishment, the tablet quickly glowed a bright blue and quickly returned to its original state just as suddenly as it had changed.

Unbeknownst to Elias, the tablet that he had touched was found inside of a newly discovered mysterious ruins, and the Germans that found out about this raided the headquarters to attempt to steal the mysterious object. And that's also why...

*BANG*! I was shot in the back. I turned around to see who did it, but I was absolutely shocked when I saw who it was!

"Wh—" *BANG* *BANG*

I fell into a blackness, thinking about my life and death, and wondered, 'Is this where I'll be forever, or do I simply have to wait for reincarnation?' I had fantasized as a teenager that if and when I died I would reincarnate in some other world. I liked the concept of such an idea. I watched Hunter x Hunter anime and fell in love with it, which led me to read the manga, which I also enjoyed.

"[World chosen.]" a robotic voice said.

{Author's Note: Now, before you go, "Oh, not another system novel!" Nope. It isn't.}

Elias did not hear the voice. Instead, he continued letting his mind wander, thinking and fantasizing about his dreams of reincarnation. 'If it were possible to be reborn in the world, I would prefer to be reincarnated in a body that has ridiculous amounts of potential and no relatives, as they would just tie me down. It would also be nice to be around the same age as Gon and Killua. That way, I could better connect with them.'

"[Background selected... Creating body... Implanting soul... Done... Starting reincarnation process.]"

This time, Elias heard the robotic voice, interrupting his thoughts, before his vision went blank.

I opened my eyes to see enormous trees surrounding me and a cacophony of noises berating my ears.

'Where am I and what happened after I got shot? This isn't a hospital,' I thought.

I suddenly felt hungry and weak, to the point that I could barely move, but I was still processing my current circumstances. 'What was that robotic voice? Maybe it was because of the tablet, but that only happens in novels... perhaps it is indeed so. Something to think more about later.' While pondering, an intense pain suddenly assaulted my head, making me clutch my cranium. Memories came flowing in like a raging river.

I am Veld Aluwa Revan, a 4 year old child born to a wealthy couple. We were on a vacation, but a disaster happened. My parents presumably died due to the boat capsizing on something unknown, causing them to most likely drown. By a miracle, Veld survived thanks to his low weight and a large plank. However, he died of hypothermia soon after he reached land. Due to certain terms like "Hunter" and "Kukan'yu Kingdom," I knew that I had most likely come to the Hunter x Hunter world.

After my memories bore their way into my head, I had a migraine and could not move for over an hour, just sitting there, in the forest. Thankfully, no dangerous animal came my way. After that, I felt better, so I let everything sink in and finally realized that I had been reincarnated due to that robotic voice.

I was grateful, but I was by no means stupid. 'No meal is free. Either it has some ulterior motive, or some civilization used it for controlled reincarnation, or something else. Regardless, I know nothing for certain, so I'll need to put this aside for later,' I thought. I felt another pang of hunger, and remembered that I needed to eat and get this body into shape, so I got out off the ground surveyed my surroundings. Seeing no immediate danger, I walked in a random direction to find some food. I came across a pool of water, and saw my reflection. I had blonde hair with a tint of white, making it in between platinum and honey and green eyes. I had a very skinny build, which is obvious because I was only 4 years old.

Alright... time to get some food before I actually starve to death.

{Author's Note: Now, since this is from the main character's perspective, he obviously doesn't know about the intent behind the mysterious robotic voice, so let me tell you, he unknowingly got it right. It is a way to control the reincarnation process, made by an ancient civilization. Now, you might wonder if the only capabilities of the mysterious tablet are what was shown, and yes, it is so.}