
1133 Great Migration

Nico piloted one of the larger drones through the rubble of the city toward the cat shelter, expecting it to need to be excavated, given the general condition of the city. Not many buildings were undamaged, and even the more durable of them often had collapsed roofs and blown out windows.

It was on the first floor of a three-floor complex, and the top level had collapsed when the portal was destroyed over the city. There was a lot of rubble in the street, but the entrance wasn't blocked, and Nico could see through the feed that the power was still on inside.

The few enemies that they had come across on the way here had all fled at the sight of the killer drones, even if it meant running toward Golden Legion soldiers.

There were at least four of those watching the drones right now, wondering what they were up to, but none of the city's defenders were willing to make a move that might provoke the robotic crabs.