
HP: Heir of Salazar

The wizarding world is about to change. It is about to face a force that it had never felt since the time of the founding fathers. After all, this force is of the past. A past that will change the present. Current Update: 3 times a Week __________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Livres et littérature
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30 Chs


The door flung open, echoing the noise of the metal clashing against the concrete wall.

"I can attest to his claims," said the old man with his gray hair falling to his back, drawing the attention of everyone present from the quaking door to him and the man beside him.

"Professor Dumbledore?" The inquiring man muttered in shock.

"You can relax, Coleson." Dumbledore said in a soft voice, however he wasn't able to hide the look of pure shock on his face.

As for the professor standing next to Dumbledore, he seemed confused, unable to process the situation.

"I-I didn't know that you were asked by the council to make a visit, sir." The man, Coleson, got off his chair and gave the old headmaster a bow.

"You don't have to act respectful, Coleson." Dumbledore assured all while sneaking peeks at the boy behind the man, "You may have been my student but now you are a respected auror."

Coleson appeared a bit embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head.

"However, the reason for my visit today is the boy behind you, Coleson."

And this was exactly where the boy in question sighed.

"I almost thought I was forgotten," He said, in a tone that was a mix of mockery and amusement.

Coleson, once again, was enraged by the boy's words but there was not much he could do about it.

The boy was very young and the Child Protection Act issued by the Council of Magic made it near impossible for Coleson to use the methods he preferred for interrogation. And now, with the entrance of Dumbledore, he couldn't raise his voice either.

"You must be…" The auror looked back, noticing Dumbledore doing his best to keep an appearance that didn't seem startled by the boy's name. "Sebastian Slytherin."

This confused Coleson greatly. He found it difficult to believe that a man as wise as Dumbledore believed the boy's words.

But that was when he recalled something very important.

"Sir…" Coleson stared at Dumbledore, "How did you learn his name?"

He never told Dumbledore about the boy's name. Neither did the boy mutter his name in the presence of the headmaster.

There was a high possibility that he heard of the name from the other aurors or one of the members of the council of magic.

After all, the one to discover the boy was a councilman himself. He sensed the boy's magic and immediately rushed to the location of the source.

And it was far too easy for the councilman to locate the boy as the territory where the magic emanated fell under that person's jurisdiction.

Dumbledore tiredly offered Coleson a smile that resembled those fathers give their sons when the son needn't be entangled in a matter.

And this was exactly what it was.

"Snape," Dumbledore said, making the greasy haired man standing next to him walk forward. "Give the letter to Mr. Coleson."

Snape nodded and passed a piece of paper, "This might explain the situation a little better."

And the moment Coleson took the paper in his hand, his face paled. Just from the heading on the paper he knew that this was not a matter that he could involve himself into.

While the former councilman only involved himself because the situation occurred in his estate, the letter in Coleson's hand signified that it was now a case that the ministry had to be actively involved in.

After all, there wasn't any normal letter with the heading 'M. O. M – Ministry of Magic' written atop it.

"Coleson," Dumbledore said again, "I hope you can give us and Mr. Sebastian Slytherin some time alone?"

And to this request, all Coleson could do was nod.

There had been very few times where Coleson felt powerless after achieving the higher ranks of an Auror. There were very few people that could order him and in a way, he had forgotten that in the end he was still just a servant that worked under the government.

And with his head held low and his fists gripped shut, he walked out –leaving the three certain individuals on their own.

"Let me guess," The boy smiled, quite amused yet not necessarily amazed by the progression. "The decree of the king?"

This made both the wizards look at one another.

"Who is it?" He asked, "One of Charlemagne's descendants or one of the far distant relatives of the house of Pendragon? Royal families rarely last a few hundred years, all things considered."

But when he saw the men astonished by his words, he finally understood that there was something wrong.

"What is it?" He asked, his green eyes squinting in a frown.

"The line of Charlemagne fell quite a few centuries ago," Dumbledore spoke, walking closer to Sebastian. "The family fell to ruin right after the invasion of the vikings. He did have heirs, but they… failed to keep the house alive."

This surprisingly made Sebastian a little sad, "I grew up to the stories of his bravery. But alas, who is the current ruler of the lands?"

And this was when Snape finally decided to speak.

"No one," The dark haired man said, "Times have changed and it is not the kings that hold power but the civilians. The civilians elect the people who they want to make the country's head. The authority to rule does not necessarily exist by the presence of royal blood. But by the wish of the people."

This baffled Sebastian, "How does that work?" The boy asked, unable to understand the change. "How do you have civilians choose the king?"

He looked at Dumbledore and asked, "Do Royal families not exist anymore?"

"They do," Dumbledore assured, "There are a lot of countries with royal families, including ours. However… they do not have the absolute power that they once held."

"As for the previous letter," The old man explained, "It is a letter by the Ministry of Magic. Which is a council formed by the witches and wizards to regulate magic and keep the wizarding world safe."

Sebastian leaned back, "That makes quite a lot of sense."

"So the testament was true," Dumbledore exhaled, a sense of relief and uncertainty following him. "You are the grandson of Salazar Slytherin."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Was there any doubt to begin with?"

And to answer his question, Snape asked Dumbledore. "How can we be certain that it is him, Headmaster?"

"So there is quite a bit of doubt," Sebastian said, irritated.

There was a lot that he had to process. From being woken up in a new world almost a thousand years into the future, people refusing to believe his identity and not to mention the lack of respect he was being shown.

As the grandson of Salazar Slytherin, Sebastian was always treated with respect and thus now that they talked to him in such a casual manner, it confused him.

'Do they not respect the royal bloods nowadays?' He recalled that the influence of the royals had diminished as compared to the past, but to be treated as a common child despite being a Slytherin descendant astonished him.

"Forget it," He mumbled, "Is there any Slytherin besides me in this era?"

He asked in a voice that felt broken.

Dumbledore looked down and shook his head.

"I see." Sebastian sighed out, already expecting this outcome. He knew that this was exactly how it was supposed to go for their family line.

His grandfather already predicted it. But it didn't mean that it hurt any less.

"You seem… aware of it." Snape caught on and it only increased his suspicion more.

"As I said, royalty doesn't last." Sebastian showed a pained smile. "And I believe his prophecy came true."

"After the death of Salazar Slytherin's children, his family line ended." Dumbledore explained, "Many other families sharing a little blood with him emerged and fell, but there are a few families that still remain."

"What about Hogwarts?" Sebastian asked, finally drawing a smile from Dumbledore.

"Hogwarts remains just as glorious as the past," Dumbledore said, believing in the lie that he himself spoke.

Hogwarts did exist, but it was nowhere near the glory days of its past.

"And I believe you are its headmaster now?" Sebastian said, "No one other than people of Hogwarts should know about my presence, besides the man earlier called you headmaster."

"That would be correct," Dumbledore's face brightened.

"But… we still haven't confirmed his identity." Snape frowned, finally making Sebastian shake his head.

"Salazar Slytherin's testament indeed say you would have something that would prove your identi–"

And even before Dumbledore could finish, the proof was presented in front of his face.

"Revelio Artus Equipmento!"

A pendant glowing with the essence of ancient magic, enough to stun Dumbledore shone in front of their eyes.

"This should do." Sebastian said with a proud smile on his face.

And it was enough proof for Dumbledore, after all –he did know the magic surrounding the pendant.

As for Snape?

The magic used by Sebastian was enough to leave him stunned.

Who else but a wizard of the past was capable of using the most ancient and most potent form of the modern Revelio charm?

No one.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc

P.S. Important thing about his magic. He knows spells, he knows basic concepts and he knows basic subjects (all of ancient time, basically ancient magic.) But he is still 11, which means he was not taught in as depth as one would like.

Which means he can use quite a few strong spells and charms. Like let's say he can use a very strong fire spell but he cannot magically manipulate raw fire, as that it a totally different magic concept which falls under Elemental manipulation. So, keep that in mind if you are thinking he knows everything – because he doesn't.

As for his arrogance, he was a type of royal blood and the grandson of a racist wizard… So yeah, there is that. ]]