
Strange World

Wait! Don't come over - "Anne stepped back." Don't touch me! Send me to the Duke of Cornell's territory, and I can give you a lot of gold!

The man's head tilted and there seemed to be confusion in his eyes.

Annie quickly added, "I'll give you a thousand gold coins! You can't spend it all in your lifetime! As long as you send me out to see my father, I'll give you the gold coins immediately, and I won't regret it!"

The bewilderment in the man's eyes disappeared quickly. He stretched out a rough, large hand and pressed Anne heavily to the ground, causing him to be pinned to the ground by the pain in his shoulder.

The man's hand suddenly struck her lapel and violently ripped off her outer and inner shirts. Anne struggled frantically, but she couldn't match the man's strength. Desperate and resentful, she bit the man's hand hard. The man, in pain, slapped Anne in the face. There was a crisp sound, and Anne's face was marked with a bright red and painful handprint. Blood seeped from her mouth and nose.

She was stunned by the slap and felt a cold sensation on her chest. To her surprise, the clothes on her chest had been completely torn apart by this beast, exposing her snow-white neck and chest to the air.

She was so ashamed and indignant that she couldn't help but kick and punch, even though she had just been slapped. She desperately resisted. The man saw her in the spring, and he suddenly became excited. He used only one hand to grab Anne's hands and press them on her head, and in a few seconds he tore her dress.

At this point, Anne was almost desperate. She bit her tongue and desperately tried to recall if biting her tongue to commit suicide meant biting down like this? If she bit down, would she die immediately?

Just as she was about to launch her attack, suddenly, a sharp cry came from her ear, accompanied by the sudden stop of the man on her body, who then scrambled up from her.

Anne let go of her tongue and clenched her lower lip tightly, only to discover that there was a second man, dressed in the same animal skin as the first, with a pair of pointed animal ears on his head.

When the second man saw Annie, he was shocked at first, and then started talking to the first man. Both of them sounded agitated, as if they were arguing.

Annie was surprised to find that she couldn't understand a single word of what these two were saying.

Strange ears, primitive dress, and this strange language... All of these things tell Annie that she has arrived in a completely unfamiliar world, which is very different from the place where she used to live!

While the two were arguing, Anne quickly gathered up her collar and skirt and wrapped herself up again. She could feel that while they were arguing, their eyes were glancing over her, as if they were arguing for her. She couldn't guess why, but it was definitely not good.

After a while, the dispute came to an end. A man walked towards Annie, bent down, and lifted her onto his shoulders, as if carrying a sack.

Annie struggled and screamed, biting the man's shoulder hard. The man slapped her on the buttocks with his other hand, hitting her hard. Humiliated by being hit on such a shameful part by a strange man, Annie stopped struggling in shame. She realized that her struggle was meaningless and would only bring more humiliation to herself.

Two men were leading her through the dense forest, walking in a certain direction. After a long time, Anne suddenly realized that she seemed to have arrived at a tribal area. She saw many tents made of animal skins, and a large group of men, women, children, and elderly people, all of whom were dressed in animal skins and had two horns on their heads, like the two men.

The two men took her to the tribal settlement.

They threw Anne on the ground, and one of them turned around and left, while the other one was responsible for watching her.

The appearance of Annie attracted everyone's attention. A group of men and women dressed in animal skins surrounded her, looking at her like a monster, pointing at her and speaking in a language she didn't understand.

They regarded Anne as a strange monster, and Anne didn't feel strange about them either. The women here, like the men, only covered their private parts with a short piece of animal skin, while their upper bodies were exposed, with their two breasts hanging out in the open, no matter how young or old they were.

It's daytime now, and the tribe seems to be dominated by women. Being watched by a group of women with their breasts bouncing, I feel really ashamed. These women aren't ashamed, but I feel ashamed for them. How can they be so shameless and expose their bodies to any man who happens to be around?

At this time, several men with a little more courage began to try to touch her. Like the first orc man she met, they were very interested in her breasts under the clothes, and tried several times to pull open her hem to see what was underneath.

Annie was terrified, but fortunately, the man guarding him said something to the lechers in gibberish, and they became quiet and stopped acting up.

At this moment, the first man came over with an elderly man. The elderly man was dressed like them, but it was obvious that he was very old. His beard was covered with wrinkles, his skin was loose and flabby, and his body shape was not as tall and muscular as that of the young people. He was dark and thin, with a string of shiny things hanging around his neck and a colored feather in his hair.

The other people in the tribe seemed to respect the old man very much, and they all made way for him when he came. Anne guessed that this might be the leader of the tribe.

The leader looked at Annie and his eyes showed joy. He nodded and turned away.

What do you mean by nodding? Do you agree that she can live here?

But Annie knew instinctively that it was not that simple. In the forest, the man had clearly wanted to rape her, but was stopped by another man and brought back to the tribe, where he was first presented to the chief. What did this mean?

Annie is not stupid. The tutors sometimes chat with her about things outside, and she still knows some local customs.

For example, primitive tribes had rules that the first night of a captured woman should be dedicated to the leader.

Her face turned pale and she suddenly realized that she, a weak woman, had become a fish in a human dish. No matter what, she could not escape being violated.