
How to Survive Isekai

Yes, Going to Isekai is fun, BUT WHERE IS THE SYSTEM, TALENT, I'M NO DIFFERENT THAN NORMAL PEOPLE. So, let's try become OP by little bit of my understanding and MORE hard work. Before that, let's find food first.... I'm may not going premium~ You can support me: https://ko-fi.com/wimpandnoobegg

Noobegg · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs


Running like there is no tomorrow, i teared up when thinking why my luck so bad that I met something like a tall building chasing me. It's just a few days after I arrived in this world, damnit!

The ground shaking as The Yeti was chasing me step by step. Soon, forest could be seen since a lot of broken woods hindered my path. Taking a big breath, I jumped, slid down each of the broken woods.

Because of this mess, my breath became rougher every moment. This is bad, As soon I thought so, A titan stood tall same as the yeti facing it as if stopping Yeti from getting close to it's territory. I sighed in relief before stop at Earth element forest. I put Rena on the ground while lied on ground grasping for air.

"F*ck, this is hard!"

I cursed before noticed Rena was looking at me bit worry. She then asked if I need anything, which I only mention...

"Gimme water. I'm dehydrated from running too much..."

"Yes." [Rena]

She responded before summon water orb before let it drip to my mouth little by little quenching my thirst. Moment later, I sat up before looking at Rena, uttered,


"It's fine, I still owe you for saving me from Yrost." [Rena]

"That thing that chasing us?"

She nodded responded to my question. I took a moment to watch reddened sky before push myself up looking at Rena.

"I'll be getting food."

"Will you be fine?" [Rena]

"If I can't hunt we pretty much starve later on, you know?"

I retorted to her inquiry. Making sure she is fine before moving out from the place to hunt, it will be my first time to hunt properly. Last time, Rena helped me, so this time it's my own hunt. Thinking back three days ago, I got a headache. Why my life in isekai looked so miserable....

While daydreaming, I soon already far away from Rena's resting spot to hunt some animal. While I saw a buffalo which two tree times bigger than me eating grass. As soon I wanted to closing to it, it noticed and rushed to tackle me down.

As Someone who already survive in this forest with body alone without much weapon, my confident in my ability is solid. Waiting for the last moment, I moved to side before pulled out the sharp metal and slid to it's side which left a terrible gash making it more provoked. It turned around this time with more force behind it's rush trying to end me who is not wearing any armor.

Well, it's mistake to think I'm weak. Wait, its thought is true but I'm more dangerous than that! Moving so that a tree behind me waiting for a good moment to strike it. The bolting buffalo was near me which I jumped as high as I can which cause me to raised more than I thought but it's a good thing since it's horn looked sharp like a knife.

As I fall, I tried to make sure that I landed on it's back so I could strike it's head. unfortunately, it was sharper or maybe more bright than other species before summoning sharp quake toward me which I parried it with sharp metal before rolling to side and stop facing the buffalo's face.

"Damn, this is really harder than I thought. I should try to get weapon in village first thing to do."

Mumbled alone, I grinning staring at buffalo before it snort at me. Arrogant, huh? I charged at the buffalo swinging my metal fragment. But it underestimated how sharp is this metal, do you think holding this not causing my hand bleeding? Fat chance. As soon the horn met this metal, it was cut cleanly.

The buffalo was surprised but those mistake, I'll take it! my hand deftly stabbing it's left eyes before push it inside. I could feel my metal seemed to pierce something softer than eyes inside. This made me grin, I win!

The buffalo lost it's vigor as it fall to the ground without any more struggle. I stabbed into it's brain! Damn, I'm so OP!!! Laughing like a madman I am I tried to drain all it's blood and throw away it's organ since I can't take all of it away.

After dragging like a brat dragging a big teddy bear around, I returned to Rena after it already night.

After Rena saw me, she greeted my with a soft smile.

"Welcome back, Ryazu." [Rena]

I chuckled before countered it with an apology.

"Sorry late."

"It's fine, the poison will take a lot of time. So... Don't worry about it, but I'm very hungry." [Rena]

Seeing her protested with a cute pout, how could I say no to that cute face! I went around to collect every sticks I can before asked her to summon fire on it, which she did it instantly. Yep, magic surely is great... I wonder when I could learn it. I went to cook for our late dinner.

After finishing our dinner, I sat facing her while fire in front of us warming us up. The silence continued until, Rena looked at me with a hint of serious.

"What is your story? I wanted to hear." [Rena]

"Why suddenly ask? By the way, how old are you?"

"Don't asked girl's age!"

Her retorted was fast that making me dumbfounded for a while. I thought women here wouldn't care about their age. Looks like every creature is same to my world in some aspect.

"Ehem, sorry for my mistake. Why you interested? it's just nothing much, A world where there are a lot of high building that touch the cloud."

Not minding much what I said , I just said plainly but what I saw was opposite of bored, she is interested! She nodded eagerly,

"Then?" [Rena]

"The story end."

"Don't lying to me!!" [Rena]

She yelled why stood up in anger glaring dagger at me. Which I raised both my hands in defeated manner. I sighed before before coughing a bit to clear my throat.

"Ehem, the world in my place is...."

Started with that, I told Rena about my world on how my world different than this world. My world didn't have a mana anymore if there was in the past. Moreover, even ordinary people got power to kill other if there is a weapon like a sword and so on. I didn't forget to tell her about my anime. Which instantly perked her interest more than how I describe our world history.

"What is this Uh-ny-may?" [Rena]

"The anime is a japan animation that offered a good quality....."

I started to trailed off from there and started telling some good story and tell her in short version base on synopsis of it. After a long while, I already realised that it's already in middle of night. Stretching my back, I turned to her.

"Welp, need to get a rest. Good night, Rena."


[Third person POV (since why not?)]

In the middle of dark forest, A male with a slender built was kneeling in front of a maiden in exposed clothing with a serious expression. With a clear and crisp voice,

"My Queen! The Yrost was approaching our border and stopped by Fearth. I guessed that there is something disturbing it's slumber!"

A maiden with a long ears, blonde hair and green iris, slender yet bountiful chest hugging herself emphasizing her asset, glanced at the man in front of her before spoke,

"That's good Spymaster Verf, I appreciate your warning. You are dismissed."


After replied, The mature elf, Verf went out from the throne room. Leaving the lone queen sitting on her throne. She was frowning before mumbled alone,

"Who can awaken Yrost tribe. This is weird, Yrost aren't supposed to be interested in any thing except if there is someone who is being covered with Fate."

After thinking alone for a while, the lady went to the altar with a unique metal with carving of a beautiful maiden in it.

"Goddess Lydia, this one hoped and wished that the one loved by fate was being shown here."

The queen kneeling before holding her hand together praying to the statue that filled with moss. After a while praying a calm light shined on the queen as she could see a face of sleeping Ryazu. First thing she could see is this man is filled with a lot of vigor more than any creature, even better than orc it's body.

But it made her wonder, why this seemingly ordinary man have so much, there isn't any hint of where he could get the power from. This made the queen intrigued by this. She then continue pray and she got more information about this particular person.

"A man named Ryazu who was being disgraced for injustice of gods..." [Queen]

This made the queen more interested. Some one who face god's punishment in mortal world would die easily but this guy is somehow could control his own fate. But with her scrutiny, she couldn't see that this man is using it consciously.

"Ryazu, a man who been disgraced yet still standing alive and stronger than normal. What kind of situation we will meet, I wonder. Is it, love? Hate? Or nothing?" [Queen]

She muttered before turning behind to see a group of handsome men naked waiting for her. She licked her lips in anticipation.

sorry for the late update, kinda busy~

Thanks for reading as always!

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