
It’s Me or Him

Relationships that aren't neutral can never end for me in a neutral manner. In extreme situations extreme things must be done. I've done it before with people and I'll do it again. I hate confrontation but you're already gone so why does it matter if I hurt you and make you hate me. You've left me anyways. There wasn't hope for us anyway, you made sure of that. I'm going to make you hate me. Once hope is gone I can be free. It always turns out this way. This has happened time and time again. I just always hoped and thought it would be different with you. But now it's come to this.

You stole from me the thing that made me alive. My fucking heart.

Now no matter what I do no matter who I go to, I can't feel any love anymore. You've melted me like a chocolate candy bar and left me to bake on the sidewalk of hell. I don't forgive easy, and I especially never forget people who forget me. I'll give you a surprise that'll make it so you never stop thinking of me. I'll keep you up at night the same way you've kept me up every night to this day. Making me wear out my energy and happiness leaving me bedridden and depressed. I'll make you fear me the same way I feared ever losing you. I did everything I could to try to fill your needs, but it was never enough and you just couldn't be honest about that. Now look at me, I'm a mess. Now look at me. Look at the monster you helped to create. I'll finally make you take responsibility. This time you'll finally confess. This time I won't regret.